I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1062: [The singer has a choice! 】

next Saturday.


The TV has already opened the Beijing Satellite TV.

Mom is sitting on the sofa and eating melon seeds. "Not starting yet?"

"Oh, is it a resurrection today?" asked Dad.

Zhang Wei said: "Yes, next week is the final."

Mom said: "Who is resurrected today? Hurry and tell us!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Where I know, I didn't go to the scene yesterday. I won't know it after a while. I think spinach hopes to be big."

Mom: "The first phase of the wonderful king is good!"

The bell rings and the phone rings.

Zhang Wei picks up, "Winter sister?"

Xiao Dong immediately said: "Mr. Zhang, what?"

"Hey, watch TV at home." Zhang Yidao.

Xiaodong: "So what, right after the college entrance examination, this year you didn't make a question?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao said: "I didn't go this year, this is called me, but the negative news of my previous time is not quite how much, plus the difficulty of the college entrance examination questions last year, the candidates and candidates parents last month I started to protest all the time, and I was afraid that I would be the subject of this year’s national papers, so I didn’t invite me this year. I don’t really want to go, I’m not thankful.”

Xiao Dong: "I told you about my relatives last year, is it?"

Zhang Weidao: "I think about it, I have already greeted you as soon as possible. As long as your relatives scored the benchmark of Peking University, I will guarantee your admission, and you will pick it up!"

This was when Zhang Weigang entered the teasing group last year, Xiaodong asked him to do something. He never forgot, and he always said hello to Xiaodong. He was always very up to heart when others asked about Zhang Wei.

Xiaodong smiled and said: "Thank you, Teacher Zhang."

Zhang Wei: "You're welcome, raise your hand." Suddenly, he remembered the finals and thought that he hadn't partnered yet. He asked a lot of words, "For the winter sister, are you going to have something next Saturday?"

Xiaodong Yiyi, "Next Saturday? Isn't it the live broadcast of the peak of the "Mongolian King" finals?"

Zhang Yu coughed: "Yes."

Xiaodong: "Don't you go to the scene? I have something to do that day, I have to go there."

Zhang Wei understands, "This way."

Xiaodong asked: "What happened that day?"

Zhang Wei: "Nothing, just ask."

Sure enough, Xiaodong is going.

Zhang Wei actually guessed it, just confirm it.

Who else? So many people he knows can sing!

The resurrection game began.

Spinach, wonderful king, time, masked marshal, and so on, all the singers who have been eliminated or have not taken the song king have participated. The only thing that is not in Li Yu is the sunflower under the stars. Because of the previous events, Beijing TV Station has already He was excluded and never cooperated, so he was absent from Li Yu.

This competition is very intense.

Some people have been exposed before, the audience has met, some people have not revealed before, the suspense inside is also very large, there are several players have not been guessed by others!


"The sea breeze!"

"Carry the wind and break the waves!"

"My heart, when is peace!"

"Great land!"

"Cape Ends!"

"Dear, where are you!"

Spinach (Liao Yiqi) a song stunned the audience!

Compared with the previous one, the progress of spinach is obviously leap. Zhang Wei also heard that it seems that Zhang Xia’s grandmother personally guided her to help her run the trick and let her play her most advantageous things. The song selection may also have an opinion of Zhang Xia.

Sure enough, it’s really good!

This song is really good!



"Are you coming?"


"Where are you?"

Yesterday, Huanghua did not play well today. The song selected a folk song, which is also an older one. After his adaptation, it did not change the feeling of being bright.

He should have missed the finals.


One after another.

All the players are desperate!

All 18 of the martial arts are coming? It’s for a ticket to the next week’s finals!

In the end, the results came out.

On the TV, Dong Shanshan announced:

"The first singer to advance to the finals is - time!"


Time is the highest vote.

"The second one to get the tickets for the finals is - the great king!"

Wonderful King is very excited and raises his hands!

"The winner of the last finals ticket is - spinach!"

Spinach heard the words, already tears on the scene!

she cried!

It’s awesome!

She said she will come back, now she is really back!

At this point, the three finals tickets have been vested, others are not entitled to the finals night next week, the singers who have been eliminated give them three blessings and entrustment, let them take them The impact of the finals, bless them to take a good name, a battle to become famous!

The resurrection is over.

But the show is not finished yet. At the end is the introduction of the peak night, such as the competition system, such as the national live broadcast, such as the first round of star sings, even throwing a few gimmicks, in order to lift everyone's appetite.

The narration said:

“Sunset Red invited a heavyweight guest to help the finals!”

The picture flashed and it reflected the back of a woman who was wearing a mask and was facing away from the camera. She could not see who it was.

"The petals of the rain have also come to a singer, his name, no one knows no one in the music world."

The picture was marked with a few words of mysterious guests!

Then, spinners and time singers and other singers were also confirmed, because the program was recorded yesterday, after determining the candidates for the finals, the director group also contacted them, and should set the list of singers on the same day. And they are all connected.

The helper star who invited the spinach did not know whether it was a man or a woman. There was a mosaic on the screen. Nothing could be seen clearly. There were only some introductions that could not judge identity.

Time is the same as the great king!

It’s all gimmicks!

It’s all smoke bombs!

But I have to admit that this is really appetizing. After everyone looks at it, they are guessing what kind of guests will be invited to help out! Too curious!



Mom said strangely: "How come there are no clowns to sing guests?"

"Yeah, I didn't say him." Dad also wondered.

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "The buddy still doesn't know who to look for!"

At this time, the phone is coming.

It was the clown’s cell phone that rang.

When Zhang Yi looked at it, he immediately returned to his room and picked up the phone with a donkey. "Hey."

Han Qi is busy: "Clown teacher, please have your singer?"

Zhang Wei was silent for a moment, "Not yet."

Han Qi hurriedly said: "There will be a finals in a week. To be broadcast live, the director group has urged me several times, let me contact you, this..."

Zhang Wei said: "Give me some time, I will definitely catch up."

Han Qidao: "Okay, then you are hurrying. I really must hurry. If you sing so good, how can you not even have a friend? Is your request too high?"

Zhang Xinxin said that I asked for a fart!

The buddy really has few friends!

For a time, the news on the Internet was also flying.

On Weibo.

"Who is the helper of the sunset red? Is it so mysterious?"

"The back seems to be a bit familiar!"

"If she is the one who everyone guesses, will she invite the little winter goddess?"

"Wow, really fake?"

"That's wonderful!"

"The petals rain seems to have also taken a big one!"

"Are you a first-line star?"

"I heard that there is a star in the guest who invited to sing this time."

"Who is who?"

"I don't know, the biggest wrist on this stage should be Li Yu. He is not a line now. Is there a line of stars to come?"

"I can not wait any more!"

"Hey, what about the clown?"

"Yes, didn't you see the guests of the clown?"

"What did you mention?"

"I heard that the clown's singer has not yet decided."

"No? He was the first to advance to the finals. How long has it been? How is the finals next week? It’s still not decided? No one chooses? He won’t be please, please? If the clown says that he is above the second line, it must be fake. It is estimated that he is a famous artist. Although he is a hit, but he doesn’t know much about it, so please don’t come."

"There is this possibility."

"Khan, is it so bad?"

"I don't know big coffee, I know a few small coffee singers. How can I not come?"

"Please come to the small coffee, he still wants to win the championship? This is the finals, people are coming to the second-line big-name, and then it is also the third line. I heard that there is a first-line star to come, I don’t know if it is true. Still fake, if the clown asks a little-known artist to help, no one knows when he appears, it doesn't look good. It may even be eliminated in the first round and lose the qualification to win the championship in advance!"


at night.

Zhang Wei was lying in bed and going to sleep. He thought about it and couldn't sleep. He brushed the meager and saw these comments. He suddenly got it from the bed and rolled his eyes!

I am not famous?

I don't know big coffee?

Oh, my temper!

For a moment, Zhang Wei thought of a person, and then began to think about how to open, how to open it, because this person can not please!

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