I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1065: [The finals are coming! 】

The finals are approaching.

The large-scale propaganda of "Mongolian King" has also entered the final stage, with TV commercials, video website advertisements, newspapers, and soft articles.

The hot discussion on the Internet is also in full swing.

"Look at the latest promo?"

"Looked at it!"

"Haha, the red singer of the sunset is very familiar!"

"The clown's partner is also set!"

"How come the clown's singer has taken it with you?"

"Yeah, even the back is not exposed, nothing is going on, what happened?"

"The original words are ‘please come to a mysterious guest’, what a mysterious guest? There is no such thing as a heavyweight or a famous modifier.”

"Is it not famous?"

"Maybe it is."

"I rely on it, can't I really let the vast netizens guess it?"

"The clown really has no fame? He knows the stars around the 3rd and 4th lines. So I don't know how to write it. Just wrote a mysterious guest? Is it simple to perfuse?"

"No? I am still looking forward to it."

"That's bad for the clown."

"It's too bad. If the guest's reputation is bad, how can he win the championship?"

"If this is the case, I am more optimistic about the petals and the rain."

"I am optimistic about the sunset red!"

"I am a time brain powder!"

"The situation is really bad for the clown. The previous "Internationale" was also, although it brought him a huge popularity and supporters, but there are many people who don't like the song, and the controversy is quite big."



I called each one by phone.

Zhang Hao has not been idle for two days. Many people have found him, and things are almost the same. Almost all of them are aiming for one purpose.

Old colleague Haqiqi:

"Zhang Dao, give us a few tickets."

“How much?”

"In any case, the CCTV record channel people want to go, send me to be a representative, I guess there are more than a dozen."

"OK, no problem."

"Thank you, Zhang."

Then there are relatives.


"Hey, three."

"Some of my colleagues want to go to the "Masked King" final, can you get a few tickets?"


"Three is enough."

"Okay, I will do it for you."

Finally, even Dong Shanshan found him.

"Zhang, book five tickets."

"Khan, you are the host, you ask me?"

"Oh, the tickets for the finals are too popular, how many people are waiting, I can still come one or two, but five are hanging, you have a big face, help you."

"Okay, I know."

"Go back and ask for dinner."

"You always ask me to eat, I haven't seen it once."

"Please be sure this time."

"Well, I really want to listen."

After finishing these small things, Zhang Wei continued to practice singing.

A few songs in the finals, he has been practicing for two days, for this reason, he also deliberately found a place that no one bothered, early and late, almost no day and night practice, sang, I don’t know How many times, but I felt dissatisfied. In the end, my voice was screaming and dizzy. He was shocked and stopped to rest. He ate a bowl of instant noodles and thought about it. He also found the problem.

Not that he sang badly!

But Zhang Yuanqi sang very well!

After eating hundreds of singing skills books before, Zhang Wei still felt that he was invincible in the world. He felt that he would not be worse than anyone than singing, but after listening to Zhang Yuanqi’s audition, he felt that he was The frog at the bottom of the well, in fact, even those who are petal rain and Chen Guang, Zhang Wei is estimated to be better than some, some aspects may be a little more comprehensive than them, but some aspects are worse than them. Zhang Yuanqi’s song gave him a lot of shock, so that Zhang Wei felt that he couldn’t stand it. It should have been his stage, and the old chapter was just a singer. However, the audition, Zhang The shackles have become a supporting role, others may not be able to hear it, but he can feel it himself, so definitely not!

How to do?

Can't you let the old chapter deliberately sing a little worse? How much face is lost!

The only way is to Zhang Hao improve himself. The final is like this. There is only one champion, or live broadcast. Zhang Hao must be fighting!

He immediately opened the interface of the game ring, and now he has a lot of prestige, he can squander at will, for the time being, there is no need to worry that the reputation value will not be enough.

Open the lucky halo (upgrade version)!



Start the first category draw right away!

Raise: Five hundred!

Compass is on!

The pointer starts to turn!

a circle...

Two laps...

Three laps...

Stopped in the skill area.

The treasure chest (small) came out.

[Editor Skills Book] 501.


Have you got this?

Zhang Yiyi is still very satisfied. The arrangement of his songs was mostly based on the arrangement of his original version of the world. There will be some minor changes, but not too much, based on the edits he has heard. The song is decided, but also listen to the opinion of the band teacher. After all, Zhang Wei is very unprofessional in this respect. Some of the arrangements can only be handed over to the band and the music director. If he can arrange the music himself, then It is definitely not the same. He can be bolder and more free, and add all the things he needs. His own adaptations will undoubtedly be the best for him. The overall expressiveness of a song must be improved!

good stuff!

have eaten!

Zhang Yiyi started learning locally.

Then, the second draw was started again.

Still raise five hundred.

Lucky Aura (upgrade version) was opened again by him!

a circle...

Two laps...

The pointer stopped!

Still a skill area!

[Singing Skills Book] 501: Improve singing skills.

This experience book has been drawn before, exactly the same, Zhang Wei's singing skills also rely on this skill book to have a qualitative leap, and Zhang Hao is now the most needed.

Zhang Wei did not say that he would start learning immediately.

The last time I took 500 copies, this time I took 501 copies, until the "eat" to the last one, the system of the game ring will sound the tone!

Eat full grade!

Can't learn again!

It is almost the same as the fruit of the previous strength, and it is a thousand full level. In the end, the experience book cannot be used and can only be wasted.

Turning off the lucky aura, Zhang Wei immediately tested it and sang a chorus that had been sung by him before, and sure enough, the effect was very different. Zhang Hao himself was bright, although his singing was not very good. Obviously, because the more up-and-coming, the effect of the skill book is less obvious, but it is also five hundred books down. In the first category of small prizes, it also eats full level, always with a small amount. Improvement, and Zhang Wei's singing improvement is not only unilateral, not only the progress of the sound, skills, breath, etc., he is the overall improvement! All the points that have a relationship with singing have been pulled up!

I spent the night again.

Let's sing.

Do arrange music.

Overthrow the comeback.

Continue to practice singing.

Mom and Dad can't stand it anymore.

"Small, you take a break, what are you doing this day?" Mom said: "You play for life?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Help people write songs, don't worry about me, you can sleep."

Dad pointed to the sky outside. "I woke up with your mom. You look at the time, and the sky is bright."

Zhang Wei perfunctory, "OK, I will sleep."

Mom reminded me: "Come on!"

"Know it." Zhang Wei buried his head and continued to work.

This has always been this kind of personality. He always wants to do the best, at least the best within his ability. Otherwise, he will continue to do it and repeat it. He may be a perfectionist from the bones. Besides, this final is very important to him.

Until the day before the finals, Zhang Hao did all these things, and the old chapter touched the phone on the phone, and communicated with Bai Yuanfei several band teachers.

Bai Yuanfei was shocked. "Do you arrange this for yourself?"

Zhang Wei said: "Can you?"

Bai Yuanfei: "The most professional arranger teacher in the industry, is it just like this? But you didn't think about the effect of dancing beauty and other costumes? You and Red Rose's chorus, I think we should add some visual effects? I I can tell you that the other singers have added a lot of visual effects and smoke. It is very shocking and has a big visual impact. I don't understand this one, but there are professionals here to help you design. do you want……"

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "I will sing normally if I forget it."

Bai Yuanfeidao: "Then you can be very disadvantaged."

Zhang Weidao: "Nothing, I don't like the stuffy things."

Bai Yuanfeidao: "Okay, then I understand."

Zhang Wei: "It's hard, thank you."

In the finals, Zhang Hao is ready!

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