I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1068: [Out of control of the finals! 】

Front row.

Zhang Xia said: "Small Liao sang well today."

Chen Guang also said: "Yes, that's good."

AMY smiled and said: "From the beginning of the resurrection, the spinach has changed like a person, and it seems that it has been opened up. It is definitely the hot spot for today."

Wang chased the book: "I am also optimistic about her."

On the previous stage, the popularity of spinach was not particularly high, at least a few people farther than the petals of the rain clown, but the time of the resurrection, spinach really accumulated a lot of popularity, so many viewers met her. I liked her. Although the spinners invited to the singer today are not very expensive, that is, a three-line artist, and the popularity of spinach, but this song is really good.

Then the next singer appeared!

The second person to appear is actually a sunset red!

It is said that the sunset red should be in the back. After all, she has won the song king. Although it is definitely not better than the clown's appearance order, she can still choose the penultimate or third-to-last position, but it may be due to songs. With the consideration of the atmosphere, the sunset red chose the second appearance.

On the stage, familiar music rings!

Zhang Hao was too familiar, it was "SuperStar"!

The audience screamed:

"Is this song?"

"What is the sunset red?"

"This song is very good!"

"What about singers?"

"Yeah, what about the guests?"

There was only a red sunset on the stage.

The masked red sunset lifts the microphone:

"Laughter, just sing."

"It hurts when you frown."

"I don't care about me."

"Just feel your feelings."

Suddenly, the smoke on the stage is full!

With a bang, the lights suddenly disappeared!

When the lights were on again, there was a woman wearing a mask on the stage. As soon as she opened her mouth, she slammed the audience and immediately thundered applause!

"Where are you going?"

"Take my soul away too."

"It is a devil for you."

"What is the use of keeping."

The singer is on the scene!

This voice is too familiar!

Zhang Xiao smiled.

Zhang Xia laughed.

Many viewers have heard it too!

However, what surprised everyone was still behind. At this moment, the lights went out again, leaving only a few lights and special art.

In the vagueness, Zhang Xia and Chen Guang found that they suddenly stood up alone.

The audience also found out that AMY didn't know where to find a mask to wear, and then strode up the stage, laughing and sunset red and another singer standing together!

The singing of the monks sang suddenly!

"You are electricity, you are light, you are the only myth."

"I only love you, You-are-my-super-star."

"You dominate, I admire, there is no better way, I can only love you, You-are-my-super-star."

The audience is all HIGH!

No one expected that AMY actually jumped up!

Sunset Red also chose to unveil at this time, and a special quiet face was revealed under the mask - Li Xiaoying, a combination of spring gardens!

One side next to the face - is AMY!

The last singer to sing the face - is Xiaodong!

The spring garden combination is ready!

This lineup is really too strong!

In front of the TV.

The audience was amazed.

"It’s a small girl!"

"Sunset red is Li Xiaoying!"

"I rely, really?"

"Before the netizens analyzed it, I still don't believe it!"

"I always thought that the spring gardens were all singers. They always sang some chorus songs, sang some youthful love songs, didn't listen to anything, didn't expect Li Xiaoyan to sing so well? She sang also Yes! It turns out that this is not a vase combination. People really have strength!"


"Yes, vote!"

Spring Garden is the most famous women's group in the country. There is no one. This combination is too popular. Every member is almost a second-line artist. It is worth a lot. If three people are separated, it may not be anything, but when The three second-line stars fit together, and the influence is absolutely comparable to the first-line star!

Zhang Wei’s three sisters also screamed in the audience.

When they sang, the audience shouted their names!

Sunset Red (Li Xiaoyu) took the microphone and said: "Thank you, thank you, and thank my two sisters for coming to help me out. I was very nervous in today's finals, but they are standing by me. I am a lot better. Hello, everyone, I am Li Xiaoyu!"

Applause and screams ring again!




Li Xiaowei: "I really didn't expect that there would be so many people who liked me. I really didn't expect it." She smiled. "This time I participated in "The Masked King", I have no bottom in my heart. Especially, I am afraid of losing. It was too shameful, so no one told me at the beginning, and did not dare to say."

AMY complained: "I didn't even say it."

Xiaodong smiled and said: "The hiding is too deep."

Li Xiaoyan eyes, "I am sorry sisters."

Xiaodonghehe smiled, "Nothing, forgive you." Then look at the audience and look at the camera. "Everyone remember to vote for my family."

AMY suddenly stretched out the microphone. "Is it good to sing?"

The audience shouted, "Good!"

AMY said: "Would you like to vote for her?"

Audience: "It!"

AMY and Xiaodong gave a small ticket to Li Xiaoyu.

Everyone noticed that at this moment, the number of votes for the sunset red has soared, directly on the two million, twice as high as the spinach, replacing the spinach, temporarily ranked first!

The third appearance is the wonderful king!

He has already revealed it. Everyone knows who he is, but when he saw him and a guest come out, everyone was shocked!

The clothes are too gorgeous!

This is a gold-colored robe!

There is also a crown of jewels on the head. It is worth a lot of money. It is definitely not available from Beijing TV Station. It should be rented by a choice or brokerage company!

This song is called "The Sorrow of the King"!

The audience was also scared.

"Is this too rich?"

"Wow, it's beautiful!"

"If you rush to this clothes, you have to vote!"

"I am willing to pay the cost!"

"The field is really big!"


"The visual impact is too great!"

They started to sing, the whole song is like a drama performance, there are many people, and a dance is coming out in a while, and an accompaniment comes out in a while!

When the song sang for a minute and a half, the guest of the wonderful king was revealed!

Li Wei!

Xiang-Hong Kong famous singer!

Second-line star!

When she saw her moment, the number of votes of the great king had already rushed up. The great king was not very famous in the music scene, at least not the top singer, but Li Wei was different. Her position in the pop music scene. Very high, high value, and high popularity!

The song is finished.

Zhang Wei also saw the number of votes of the great king. He stunned. Some of them were frowning. The wonderful king had already had 1.8 million votes. It was catching up with the sunset red, and it was much higher than the spinach. Actually, Zhang. I think the three groups of players who played in the past are the best spinach singers. The sunset song is not suitable for the competition. It does not reflect the singing. The "Sorrow of the King" by Qiu Dawang is also general in the song, obviously There are a few small mistakes, and the state of the wonderful king is not very good today, but how can the final voting result be like this?

He felt a little wrong!

This has left the original intention of this program!

When the Qiu Dawang and Li Wei canvassed the ticket, Zhang Wei’s feeling was even more obvious!

Wonderful King: "I hope everyone will vote for me, thank you."

Li Xiao said with a smile: "The next album of the wonderful king is about to meet with you soon. The album name is called "The Great King". Although he does not let me say more, I still have to say something here."

The wonderful king looked at her and pulled her.

However, Li Wei insisted: "The total income of the album "The Great King", he has decided to donate to charity to help the children in need, I was very touched, such a caring People, such a singer, it is worthy of you to vote for him!"

The great king hurriedly shook his hand. "It is to do something that I can do."

The audience applause continues!

"All donated?"


"The wonderful king is really kind!"

"Yeah, give him a compliment!"

"There are not many stars who can do this!"

"really not bad!"

"Support the wonderful king!"

"If you rush, you must support him!"


Some people have questioned.

"Is there any negative news in the early years of the wonderful king? I said that he was a drinker, a reporter, a waiter? He also started to make a donation? How do you start donating again? And what do you mean by saying this on this occasion? Is it a canvassing? I How do you feel a little artificial?"

"That is a rumor, do you believe?"

"The wonderful King is very good, can donate the entire album's income, you can try it!"

"Road to powder!"

Zhang Wei actually heard about the news of some wonderful kings. He didn't know whether it was true or not, but at least it was not the same as what he saw on the stage today. On stage and under the stage, he seems to be two people, talking. The way and the attitude of the world are different, so that Zhang Wei can't tell the truth. In his opinion, doing charity is a good thing, but in this kind of competition, canvassing in this way, the taste is a bit changed!

At the same time, the number of votes of the wonderful king has climbed all the way!

When he threw out a message to donate, the number of votes exceeded the sunset red!

More than two hundred and thirty thousand votes!

Wonderful King is ranked first!

And the number of votes is still growing!

Hu Fei is very happy.

The people in the column group all smiled.

Because they kept receiving news of the program ratings and received news that the number of viewers soared, they didn't care about these things.

Only Zhang Hao suddenly silenced.

He suddenly felt that for the finals' settings and rules, he should probably intervene and should be involved.

It seems to be out of control now!

The vote seems to have nothing to do with the song!

Who invited the singer to be worth a high price?

Who is more gorgeous in dress?

Who is better at canvassing the testimony?

So who is the number of votes?

The original intention of "The Masked King" is not like this!

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