I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 108: [Where did this Zhangye come out? 】

at home.

The sky is getting late.

Zhang Wei still doesn't know that he is famous in the advertising circles at home and abroad. He is sitting in front of the computer and he is not watching the computer at this moment. Instead, he opens his own game ring option interface and looks at it with horror. The total reputation value on your own menu is soaring




Sometimes hundreds of hundreds of places rise, sometimes thousands of thousands of rises

When I didn’t broadcast the advertisement before, Zhang Hao had an impression when I saw it in the afternoon. The total reputation was 290,000. One thing was the lottery during the interview, and there were more than 200,000 these days. Ghost Blowing Lights contributed to the sales of books, but today, it’s just a small public service advertisement. It’s only a short time in the past, and Zhang’s total reputation has reached 470,000.



Still growing

It is estimated that the momentum of tomorrow will pass, at least it can rise to 800,000.

Zhang Wei can't help but have a deeper understanding of the game ring, that is, as long as it is the work that he contributed, regardless of whether the audience knows his name, if he meets the conditions of respect and respect, he will add games to him. Reputation value. How did you get it? Behind the public service advertisements, there is no list of production staff. As long as the advertisements are basically not written, it is only a small number of people who can find Zhang Wei’s works on the TV official website. The reputation value is still soaring, which has already explained the problem. With this rule, Zhang Wei is more concerned about this kind of small troubles. No, it is not a small accident to say that it is a public service advertisement. It has caused so much attention and brought so many prestige values. This is still small. ?

At this time, an evening show on the literary channel was over, and then the public service advertisement was played again.

Zhang Yuanqi put down the wine glass and looked at it. He looked at it very seriously. At the end, he said: "You are versatile. After that, I will receive advertisements and endorsements. You will plan for me."

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "Do you want to endorse advertising? Isn't there a special production company?"

Zhang Yuanqi is not cold or hot: "The effect they made is not as good as your work, a bit rigid."

Advertising and endorsements, this is not just a place for the stars to make money. If the advertisements are really done, it is also a win-win situation. It is very important to greatly increase the popularity of the star, so if the advertisement is too bad, the endorsement products are too Poor, even if you give more money, many big-name stars will not pick up.

Zhang Wei promised: "Yes, let's talk."

"What else are you going to?" Zhang Yuanqi changed his legs.

"I will do anything, I am doing original work, no I can't do it." Zhang Wei blew it. "Right, I remember I read your news. Your acting career is now no match for China. It should be Is it a sister? But the music business seems to be not very smooth? How do you say that you are not prepared to engage in music concerts in the news? Afterwards, the focus is on film and television.

Zhang Yuanqi faintly said: "There is no good song."

"Let your team spend money to buy it." Zhang Yidao.

"Where a good song is so easy to find, sometimes you feel good, but after singing, everyone does not buy it, I feel bad." Zhang Yuanqi said very calm.

Zhang Yanyan, "Oh, then I will write a song for you when I have time, and you will be able to return to the position of the song when you promised a song."

Zhang Yuanqi estimated that nothing was going on, look at the watch, maybe it is too late, she will boot the phone.

Just after opening, first of all, a bunch of SMS prompts, then the phone came, and Bacheng was an assistant or agent of Zhang Yuanqi.

"Zhang Jie, my big sister, you can count the phone" is a woman's voice.

"Oh, I just had no electricity on the phone, and I am charging it." Zhang Yuanqi has changed his expression and has a completely different expression when he is with Zhang Huan.

The woman shouted: "You got it, who did you lie to? It disappeared the last time and disappeared this time? Zhang Jie, are you in love? Is it with your boyfriend? I can tell you first, In principle, the company stipulates that its artists are not allowed to fall in love. Even if you want to talk about the company's opinions beforehand, you have to report it. Of course, companies like yours don't dare to control you, but you have to tell me at least. What?"

Zhang Yuanqi smiled and said: "You think more."

"I also hope that I think more, if you have a man, how many people have to be heartbroken, and certainly have a small impact on your acting career." The woman worried.

Zhang Yuanqihehe said: "You, the more you think about it, the more you go. I will go back. You will wait for me with my family. Let's touch tomorrow's business performance program."

The woman said: "I have been guarding your house, staying for one night."

"Well, then you wait for me, hard work. When I go back, I will give you some food, the curry beef rice that you love." Zhang Yuanqi is very kind.

The woman shouted: "Every time you are like this, after giving up, you will give a sweet date, and you will be angry if you are angry. Well, I am waiting for you."

The phone hangs.

Zhang Wei asked: "Walk?"

"Go away." Zhang Yuanqi put on a small suit jacket and began wearing glasses to wear a mask.

Not to mention, Zhang Hao is really annoying when the queen is at home. The main attitude of her is too bad. I don’t care, how can you be so amiable to the assistants? However, it’s really a matter of Zhang Yuanqi’s departure. Zhang Wei is still reluctant. “It’s so late, or else I will send you?”

Zhang Yuanqi said: "I am driving."

Zhang Yiyi, "That, let's go, slow down."

Zhang Yuanqi did not answer, and took his own things and strode away.

Zhang Wei said to her back: "I have time to come."

Zhang Yuanqi did not look back. He said with a back and said: "If I don't eat instant noodles next time, I will consider it and withdraw it."

Zhang Xiaole, "Yes, next time it is a takeaway."

Closed the door back to the house, Zhang Hao could not help but smile a little, he is really a bit unclear about this relationship with Tianhou, you say it is a friend? Not counting, she came twice, the two can't say a few words, Zhang Yuanqi answered the most is um and oh, there is silence. Can you say that two people are strangers? Not to mention, strangers can come to his home at night? People can still be a lesbian, or a big star who no one knows. Therefore, the two people are really a very delicate relationship.

Forget it, don't want to.

Zhang Wei went back to see the computer.

On Weibo, a small number of people have begun to swear.

“Is this public service advertisement really a work of Teacher Zhang? Once again, I have looked at Zhang Wei’s artistic literacy.”

“Beijing City Writers Association once a day”

"Help Zhang teacher enter the association, the capital city association"

"We have been shouting for so many days, the association is still not going back? Is it too small for a chicken? You are not as good as people, you should learn how to write poetry with Zhang Wei, how can you also exclude Teacher Zhang? If it is so small, if this is the case Teacher Zhang does not come in."

The voice calling for Zhang Yujin’s association is getting higher and higher.

However, there are still some voices that focus on the level of public service advertising.

There is a long Weibo written specifically for Zhang Wei. The publisher is called Bairen Shuren: "Mr. Zhang, I am your loyal fan. I am paying attention to your poetry. I saw everyone discussing it today and I know the night. That public service advertisement is also your work. The phrase "people are gone, it is a classic, it is very good, we are also worried about one thing on the side of the unit, and now I sincerely want to ask you." His Weibo certification It is a staff member of the Taoranting Park in Beijing. "I am a park. There are also a lot of tourists on the 11th holiday. It is a nightmare to trample on the lawn. Many lawns have been trampled on the ground. Two percent of the lawns in the park have been destroyed, and the number is still increasing. Can you help us think about a slogan to manage this unethical thing?"

"stand by"

"Yeah, the quality of many tourists is really low."

"We also want to ask for advice. Is there any creative slogan?"

There are many people replying below, and many of them are people in the park or related industries.

Regarding the requirements of his fans, Zhang Wei replied with a thought. "Okay, I think about it."

"Haha, Teacher Zhang actually replied."

"It’s best to wait for Zhang’s slogan."

"Yes, let people have a look and don't want to trample the lawn."

As far as this is concerned, there are a lot of lurking advertisers who are paying attention to it. Everyone just knows the name of Zhang Wei. Many people have found his meagerness. As a result, he just wants to give him advice. Public service slogan, suddenly came to the spirit

"Old week, look at the meager"

"Mr. Sun, the Zhang Jian, who created the charity advertisement for saving electricity, has to write an advertisement, on Weibo.

Several advertisers told friends that there were calls and online ones, and more and more advertisers came to watch.

Zhang Wei is very mysterious to the people in their advertising circles. He has no experience in the industry and has no achievements and fame in the industry. As a result, the first work has opened a bright light for the advertising industry. Curious about whether this person really has the ability to accidentally run into it? Or is it really genuine? As a result, some advertisers in Beijing, other provinces, and even foreign countries have all stared at Zhang Wei's meager, waiting for his new ideas.

Love the lawn?

Now that the grass is full of love for the lawn, everyone can be responsible for this. What new ideas can there be? It's nothing more than a slogan. The effect is the same. People with qualities, you don't say that he won't step on the lawn, people with low quality, even if you say that the sky is falling, they will ignore it.

This is too difficult

Everyone wants to see how Zhang Wei, the person who created the miracle of public service advertising, will write slogans.

Zhang Wei published it very quickly. He wrote very simple. It was just a slogan. I thought of the park staff who asked him to write a little. Zhang Wei’s first thought was that he was very popular in the world about the lawn. The word of protection, what? Nothing is worse than it.

Zhang Wei typed: "The lawn slogan: Today you step on my head, tomorrow I will grow on your grave."

Once it was issued, it was suddenly blown up.


"I squirted"

"Tai Nima is awkward."

"Ha ha ha, laughing crazy"

"If the slogan is hit, I dare to step on the lawn."

"The most embarrassing slogan in this century has been certified"

"Zhang Yu is always so humorous, I love him too much."

"Don't say it, this is really feasible, I think I can give it a try."

The park staff who had published before said: "Haha, thank you, Teacher Zhang. This slogan is very good. I didn't think of it. I will try it out with the above application. Oh, but it is difficult to approve it.

This slogan was first hit on a piece of land in a small city in the world of Zhangye. It was not promoted on a large scale. However, when the slogan came out, it caused a heated discussion on the Internet. Everyone was shocked and found out. The person with this slogan is too talented.

If you take it out in this world, the effect is almost the same.

However, some people are joking, some people are not, such as those in the industry or famous or non-famous advertisers, they see another scene is true, this slogan is from some point of view is contrary to public morals, Because it is mixed with unhealthy things, let alone social promotion, it is impossible to do a large-scale promotion of a certain park area. It is a slogan that cannot be used.

What if I can't use it?

What if I can't promote it?

The advertising highlights in this advertising slogan, so that all advertisers are bright, can not help but let many advertisers shouted your sister in the heart, the original slogan of love lawn can still write this?

They benefit a lot

Zhang Wei really gave them a lesson.

Who is this person? Where did this Zhangye come out?

For a time, there was a well-known advertiser in the industry who sent a private letter to Zhang Wei's meager, "Mr. Zhang, are you interested in the development of the advertising industry? Interested parties can contact my company, and we will talk about it."

Zhang Hao also received the news, and he could not laugh at the first sight.

Then there was another person who gave Zhang Wei a private letter. "I am an advertisement of love, teacher Zhang Wei, our company sincerely invites you to join, leave me a contact."

Zhang Wei was very polite to refuse.

Going to advertise? Got it, play the ticket nature to accumulate accumulation of fame and prestige, but to say, professional to advertise? Zhang Yike does not have this leisure.

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