I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1077: [Shocking! 】

The stage is blown up!

<> The scene is fried!

The entire live broadcast scene was the last cry of the clown madly shouting, those repressed, those confused, those anger, those insistence, all broke out in this mad mad roar, the eruption was thoroughly rooted, and the explosion broke out. The art and soul of the song from beginning to end are all incorporated into this last cry!

The whole piece of music.

The whole lyrics.

Singing the whole paragraph.

Can only be described as shock!

Fan Wenli was shocked!

Zhang Xia and Xiao Dong and others were also scared!

What song is this?

Who is this! ?

Li Xiaoyan burst into tears, and she suddenly raised her hand and raised her thumbs!

Han Qi in the work area also cried, her now full of goose bumps are blowing, she has been excited - do not know how to express, can only use the most primitive shouts to vent their emotions, "Clown! Clown! clown!"

In the audience.

The mother got up and shouted: "The clown!"

Zhang Wei’s three sisters almost jumped up, "The clown!"

Hazi Qi shouted: "The clown!"

Zhang left his arm and said loudly: "The clown!"

A male audience yelled: "The clown!"

A female audience cried: "The clown!"




A person!

One hundred people!

One thousand people!

The more you shout, the more you sound!

The louder the voice!

Suddenly, I didn’t know who was shouting a word in the audience, and then everyone’s shouts changed!

The man shouted: "Champion!"





Mom is shouting!

Dad is also shouting!

The audience was screaming like crazy. When the song came out, the time was good, the petals were raining, and the curiosity of the king was over. All the songs they sang were left behind by everyone, and it’s all important!

The Zhang Zizi on the stage has been dumb. At the end of the music, he is still immersed in the emotion of the song. He is called by the shouts. When he sees the crowd of people standing up in the black pressure, Listening to everyone shouting his name and shouting the champion, this moment, Zhang Wei also stunned, and suddenly he knew why he could stick to it.

Hu Fei is very embarrassed, "He is really great!"

Xiao Lu rubbed his tears and said: "I, how do I think of Teacher Zhang Hao!"

Hou Ge: "Yes, this lyrics reminds me of Teacher Zhang. Like the clown, how many white eyes have you been on the road, how many neglects have you been? Others don’t know, they will slap him when they move their mouths, but as long as they are with Teacher Zhang. Who is working together? Who is not clear! How much did Zhang pay for the show? Who knows? Who saw them? Teacher Zhang, clown, it’s really not easy!”

Big Fly: "The lyrics are written very well!"

This song is called "Flourishing."

The original version is Eason Chan's Cantonese version. Zhang Wei chose Lin Zhixuan's Mandarin version. Both editions are very nice. He likes it very much, but the two songs express the opposite of the artistic conception. He chose the Mandarin version because of this Mandarin version. It is exactly what he has written now, and it is exactly what he has been saying for a few years!

In all fairness, this is not a song that is amazing when you first listen. At least when Zhang Wei first heard the song, no matter how it is in Mandarin or Cantonese, there is no feeling in the lyrics. I don't know what to say, the melody is not so beautiful, but when I heard the 10th time of the fifth time, he suddenly became a horror, and then fell in love with this song.

This is the first slow-hot song, but today, Zhang Wei makes it get hotter because of the atmosphere, because of the occasion, because of the story!

Zhang Wei walked off the stage.

Looking at the time when he hadn't come yet, AMY looked at Chen Guang. "Mr. Chen, if you come to the competition and be with the clown, who of you can win?"

no offence.

AMY is really curious.

If you sing at the scene, if you say the best two people, the first one is definitely Zhang Yuanqi, the second one is not Fan Wenli, not Zhang Xia, not Li Xiaoyu, not Xiaodong, but Chen Guang - this is not AMY ranks itself, but the public and the industry have long recognized it.

Chen Guang smiled bitterly. "I don't want to have this if."

AMY didn't understand, "Ah? What do you mean?"

Fan Wenli smiled and said: "Old Chen means that he does not want to compete with the clowns." Then he looked at Chen Guang and said, "Is afraid to lose?"

Chen Guang rolled his eyes, but did not answer.

Will you lose?

Chen Guang does not know.

He only knows a little, wants to win the clown... hard!

Especially the clown today's "Exaggeration", even if it is Zhang Yuanqi playing, it is estimated that it is not necessarily able to do the clown, because today's clown is too crazy, this song is too crazy, he sang too crazy Everyone here seems to have been baptized from head to toe by this song! This is the charm of the song, the charm of the music, but the most important thing is the charm of the singer. Chen Guang asked himself if he gave the song to him. He couldn’t sing the clown so well, and the complex feelings contained in the last cry. Not everyone can sing it out!

He can't.

Fan Wenli can't.

Li Xiaoyan can't.

Time is not good.

I am afraid that even Zhang Jie will not do it!

This shouts, only the clown sings out!



Also shocked at this time!

The people who watched the "Masked King" finals in front of the TV set were stupid nine out of ten!

They didn't have much interest in listening to the last song of the clown. Everyone knows that the overall situation has been fixed. Everyone knows that the clown has no chance to compete for the title, but the moment when the mask of the red rose falls, but when "the exaggeration" sounds on the TV. The moment, everyone has one count, they are shocked!

Was shocked by the exaggeration!

It was shocked by the clown's persistence and anger!

"Look at the live broadcast!"

"I have a good!"

"The clown is out!"

"This song is too **** for your mother - is it forced?"

"God, I am crazy!"

"What is this song, my grass!"

"Calling "Exaggeration"!"

"How could there be such a cow-forced song under the sun? Or is it original? It was first published today? Who wrote it to him in the grass!"

"It's already the last one? Ah! Vote!"

"Right, vote!"

"I have already given time, what should I do?"

"I have no votes, I am a mother to the wonderful king! By the way, my hand is too embarrassed! I knew that I would vote late! I knew that I must give the clown a million percent! Now I can’t accept it. Come back! No, absolutely no, I am going to take my daddy's mobile phone to vote!"

"Everyone is fast!"

"It's too late!"

"Comrades, give the clown a vote!"

"If the singer ends the game with a bottom position, it would be too sad! It will be a shame for the entire music industry!"

"I'm coming!"


"Rely, do you still use your voice? Cast!"

"I call my sister and my brother, let them vote too!"

"Just rush this song, no matter who the clown is after the face, my mother is his brain powder for a lifetime! For a lifetime!

"Count me in!"

"Also count me!"

"The beginning of the "Internationale", I am already a **** fan of the clown, but this one "Floating" is out, no words, no brain powder!"

"No impetuous, no exaggeration, no play! The clown is the real singer!"

"He is the one who is really singing with the soul on the stage!"

Slightly fried!

The industry has exploded!

A "boastful", a terrible move!

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