I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1083: [The first concert in the industry! 】

the next day.

The rating website continues to be in the middle.

Online is still a gloating scene.


"You have a big event!"

"All the stars' ratings have made you lose!"

"Mr. Zhang Wei, you are in trouble."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Laughing urine, I like it!"

"Every time Zhang Zhang works, the entertainment circle has an earthquake!"

"I like the temper of where to go where to get blamed!"

As a party, Zhang Wei also smiled bitterly!

@What are you doing?

What is your relationship with my mom!

Many netizens are "black" him, in fact, is to open his jokes.

What makes Zhang Hao happy is that this time, the music industry's peers did not even marry him!

Wang Chasing Weibo: "This "Mongolian King", my favorite singer is the petal rain, but the best singer is the clown, who must admit this!

A female musician: "Zhang Yu is really the darling of heaven. The music quality is too high. You can hardly believe that this is not a professional singer."

A writer: "No one dares to sing original songs on the singing program. Only Zhang Hao dares to play like this! He is really great. On the road of writing songs, no one in the country should be his opponent!"

In the past, every time Zhang Yi went to an industry, everyone had to be called, so that the people of Zhang Wei’s fan group are ready to fight today. They are ready to fight with the music circle. Who wants to wait for this? Opportunity, no one is arrogant! Instead, they are all praise!


At about two o'clock in the afternoon, the official artist rating website was partially restored to normal after nearly forty hours.

The latest ranking of artists is out!

Numerous netizens and entertainment industry insiders are rushing to watch!

Fan Wenli's name appeared in the forefront of the second-line star rating, the second line second, the popularity soared, do not know how much!

Li Xiaolu’s ranking has also changed, and he has directly reached the position of the second-line midstream!

Spinach? Liao Yiqi came to the top of the third line ranking!

Time Zhao Qiquan also has a lot of popularity!

As the sole host of the show, Dong Shanshan is about to become a second-line star!

Chen Guang, Yao Jiancai, Zhang Xia and others also touched the light of "The Masked Song King", and the popularity has also risen a bit, but there are not many contestants.

Only Zhang Yuanqi’s popularity ranking has not moved, because she has already reached the summit. Her super-level level of the day, this increase in popularity is soaring for others, it is drizzling for her, can not be said to ignore It's not that serious, but it's not too much.

All happy!

For the star who participated in "The Masked King", this is a feast. This is a carnival. Everyone has to get the feeling of Zhang Wei, because from the perspective of program production, from the copyright of the program. In addition, this program can be said to be Zhang Wei's program. Through the programs and production of the light, even if there is a conflict with the clown, even after the game was smashed by the fans of the Zhang Wei fan group for a long time. He also made a fuss - this is the reason. He can say that the clown is not, but can't say that Zhang Hao is not good!

On Weibo.

"Fan Wenli rushed up!"

"Really, second line second?"

"Pure only by singing can rush to this position, is Fan Wenli alone?"

"Haha, Lao Chen has to cheer up, and he has been gone by the daughter-in-law!"

"Li Xiaoying is also a good cow!"

"The spring garden is going to break out!"

"Yeah, the spring garden three people are all second-line stars, combined, who is the opponent in the whole country? Well-deserved NO.1 women's combination! In Asia can enter the top ten!"

"Hey, what about Zhang Wei?"

"Rely, yes!"

"How come Zhang Wei?"

"There is no him on the list!"

"I also checked, no!"

Netizens all went to the official website to complain!

At the end, the official issued another notice.

"Description of the popularity rating of artist Zhang Wei": The system is repairing the data, re-stating the popularity value of the artist Zhang Wei, and the technicians are trying to fix it within this week.

Just he didn't!

The system has not been repaired yet!

"Not good yet?"

"I am waiting to see Zhang Wei's popularity!"

"I am waiting too."

“Repaired within this week?”

"Isn't Saturday a "masked king" concert? Is there a piece of statistics?"

"What's the matter, let's spread it to Zhang Wei, and let the chaos go!"

"Zhang Hao is also a history of creating an entertainment circle? Hey!"

"Looking for a weekend concert!"

"I want to know that Zhang Hao will sing."

"I think too! I can't wait!"

"Looking for Fan Wenli!"

"I really want to go to the scene to listen!"

"How do you buy a ticket? Or a lottery?"

“Is there a ticket for the yellow cattle?”

The topic gradually reached the weekend concert!

Numerous viewers are very much looking forward to it, because this will be an unprecedented concert. It will be an unprecedented concert. It has never been done in a variety of variety shows. It’s not that other song shows don’t want to do it, but they don’t have it. That kind of popularity, they can't get rid of it at all. "Mongolian King" is the first to start, renting a whole gymnasium, a large concert that can accommodate 10,000 spectators!

The first in the industry!

The first in the country!

Beijing TV Station invites all walks of life to celebrate!

Of course, there is still a small problem inside, and many people are worried.


Beijing TV Station.

Hu Fei asked: "Is the newspaper going up?"

Hou Ge nodded. "Report, radio and television did not say anything."

"Is there a sentence?" Hu Fei stunned.

Hou Ge smiled, "Nothing."

Dafei was sitting next to him, "That is to say, Teacher Zhang is attending the concert, is there nothing? Can you understand this?"

Hou Ge shook his head. "I know where."

Hu Fei was very strange. He stayed sullenly: "Did you find that? In this year's time, the attitude of radio and television to Xiao Zhang has changed a lot. I have hardly touched him. You think about it, that smog thing. Radio and television did not seem to speak, and the smoggy film was hung on the Internet for two or three days! Last time, several associations jointly issued a statement document requesting rectification, Xiao Zhang’s "Internationale" was smashed out, radio and television I didn’t talk, but I criticized the association’s playing the piano. It’s really strange.”

Xiao Lu also said: "You said so, really."

Hou Ge excitedly said: "That is to say, Teacher Zhang lifted the seal - kill?"

Hu Fei: "This is not necessarily, who knows, since no one is speaking, the concert will be the same! Everyone is busy, we must do the first concert in the industry! Do beautiful! For the masked song Wang" makes a perfect ending! No one should drop the chain!"



Zhang Wei received a lot of thanks.

First is Fan Wenli.

"Zhang Dao, thank you."

"Thank me for doing this?"

"Your show, thank you who you thank?"

"You're welcome."

"See you at the weekend."

Then there is Liao Yiqi.

"Thank you, Teacher Zhang."

"You're welcome to spinach classmates."

"Hey, this time it’s your light. It’s a lot of popularity. Just an advertising company asked me to speak for me. The opening is three million. I’m all stunned. I didn’t have this value before.”

"Three million is not high, you are on fire, and more points."


"listen to me."

"Well, I listen to my predecessors."

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei smiled.

His popularity statistics did not come out, he will not stop thinking about it, or do something right, he did not choose the song for the concert that day, this must be prepared, although it is not a game, although it has been won The championship, but Zhang Wei will not be sloppy, as long as it is a matter of work, he will always be serious.

Which one to sing?

What is the last song of the finale?

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