I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1097: [I let you two children! 】

This is too drama!

It's too unbelievable!

Do you want to be so clever?

Your mom is not so smart in the TV series!

For a moment, Wu Changhe fired a slap in the face and patted the table and pointed at Zhang Wei: "The original kid is the guy who cheated my daughter? You still have a face sitting? Ah?"

Zhang Wei sat there stupidly, "Ah? Didn't you let me take this place as my own home?"

Wu Changhe angered: "Where is your own home? Where are you coming from? You stand up for me, you stand up for me now!"

Zhang Wei wiped the sweat and picked it up.

Wu Changhe pointed at him and said, "Well, you kid, you can do it. Are you calculating? I know that I am going to Xuanwumen chess club today? After my daughter gave you a ventilated letter, you will wait for me in advance and then hang around. Going home with me, doing this game today? Ah? Is it you?"

Zhang Weidao: "Big brother... No, uncle, I don't even know where your home is. I don't even tell you who you are. I know how you want to play chess today? And the kid who happened to be looking for Lu’s child hasn’t come yet? I won’t be fortune-telling, and I’m not stalking and going home with you, you’re not stalking and pulling me over, I don’t know. Because of what!"

Wu Changhe airway: "You still have a sophistry?"

"It is indeed that you are pulling someone from the family." Li Qinqin said a fair word, "If you listen to a blind date, you will leave, and you still block the door and let it go."

Wu Changhe: "..."

It’s obvious that it’s a coincidence!

Li Qinqin said to himself: "Is it a fate?"

Wu Changhe loudly said: "What fate!"

Wu Zeqing smiled, "Dad, eat first." Then he pulled Zhang Yan and let him sit down to eat.

Wu Changhe said: "I can still eat it? I!"

Wu Zeqing was calm and still gave Zhang Wei a chopstick dish. "Taste this, my mother's chicken wings are also very good. My cooking skills are learned from my mother."

"Hey." Zhang Wei tasted it. "Well, delicious!"

Wu Changhe said: "I don't agree anyway, I don't agree!"

"You are a little sound." Li Qinqin grinned: "The people who come to Xiao Zhang are the guests, and say that there are thousands of 10,000, and you also pull back the people."

Wu Changhe replied: "I was blinded by him!"

Wu Zeqing looked up. "Dad, can't you sit down and eat first? If you have finished eating, you can't solve the problem if you are hungry. What do you say?"

Wu Changhe sat down in a sigh of relief, but he couldn’t eat anything in a single meal. He used to see Zhang Wei quite pleasingly. After all, there are not many young people who are willing to use Go, but at this moment, Wu Changhe looks at Zhang Wei. Why don't you be pleasing to the eye, I can't wait to get him out of the door with a rolling pin!

Wu Zeqing’s mother is not disgusted with Zhang Wei. On the contrary, it seems to be quite interesting.

Li Qinqin looked at him. "Xiao Zhang, we usually don't watch TV very much, and we don't recognize you, but we have heard about your business more than once. Your name is like a slap in the face. I am really curious." I always wanted to see you, I didn’t expect it to be such an occasion."

Zhang Yigong respectfully said: "I just have a false name. They are all blown to me by others. Auntie, I actually wanted to visit the door. I have never had a chance. I knew that I came to your home. I bought something and brought it. Ah, this is nothing to prepare, I am also very embarrassed."

Li Qinqin asked, "How many people are you in your family?"

Zhang Weidao: "Just with me and my parents."

Li Qinqin: "No brothers and sisters?"

Zhang Wei: "I am the only child."

Li Qinqin: "How do you know my daughter?"

Zhang Wei: "The first time I met on the plane, Lao Wu invited me to teach at Peking University. At that time, she was the vice president of Peking University. It was quite early."

Li Qinqin blinked. "How long have you been talking?"

Zhang Yu coughed: "A year."

"We don't know." Li Qinqin glanced at her daughter.

Wu Zeqing smiled. "As far as my dad, I dare let the family know?"

Li Qinqin laughed, "also."

Wu Changhe blows his beard and blinks, calling his name: "Li Qinqin, which one are you?"

Li Qinqin said: "I think Xiao Zhang is quite good. I don't know much about the entertainment industry. I don't know much about these stars. I can still hear the name of Xiao Zhang, and I don't know how many times I have heard it. The young people are very young, and the achievements are very high. And I heard that Xiaomo and Xiaofa’s company, Xiao Zhang’s contribution, is done by Xiao Zhang. Didn’t he still talk about it last time? Thanks to Xiao Zhang, saying that if there is no him, the company has gone through seven or eight times! People’s Xiao Zhang is very dedicated to our family."

Zhang Hao was moved!

I didn't think Wu Zeqing's mother actually helped him talk!

Wu Changhe airway: "I tell you, I will show the situation first, this thing can't be done, absolutely not, what is the use of high achievement? The achievement is high is also the entertainment circle! Who do you know in the industry?" There aren't a few good people! The circle is messed up! Age is not a thing, earning more and earning less is nothing, how can you not find someone in the entertainment circle to marry! You want to push your daughter into the fire pit?"

Wu Zeqing smiled. "Then you should be a university professor."

"I can't be." Wu Changhe said: "That's not his main business!"

Wu Zeqing said: "Then you are a little embarrassed me? I found one, you can't say it, well, you bring back a blind date with me now, I said yes, you can't say it, Dad, my business I I can be the master, I also have the sense of proportion, the people I see, who advises is useless."

Wu Changhe fire road: "How come you are so lacking in mind, what do you know about this reputation? There is a problem with other people's products. How can such a person marry?"

Having said that, Zhang Hao finally couldn’t listen.

Zhang Hao immediately raised his eyebrows and interrupted: "Uncle, you said that I have something else, I don't say a word, but you said that I have problems with the character, I can't hear this."

Li Qinqin looked at Zhang Wei with surprise.

Wu Changhe's temper is big, and Zhang's temper is also bad.

Some things can be retired.

Some things can be made.

But there are some things that must be said!

Wu Changhe blinked. "Can't you still listen?"

Zhang Xiao slowly said: "I don't respect my elders, but you said that I have problems with my character. I have to talk to you. I can't hear it."

The two men competed for the time!

You are a sentence, I don't want anyone!

Li Qinqin hurriedly hit the round field. "There is no problem with people's small Zhang character. That plane almost wrecked. How many people did Xiao Zhang save? Didn't you just say it? People are very good under Go, you said before, good under Go. People and characters are not bad."

Wu Changhe sneered. "Is he good? I just say a word, do you really believe it? At his level, I let him both win more than six eyes without using his brain. What is the bad game? What about him? That chess game is impetuous and unsteady, and the character can be blamed!"

Wu Zeqing put down the chopsticks and wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin. "Okay, Xiao Yan, gone."

Li Qinqin said: "Let's eat more."

Wu Zeqing smiled and said: "If you eat again, you should fight. I went back with Xiaoyan."

Zhang Wei did not go away. "That can't be done. The things of the character are clearly stated. Uncle, I heard it. You are deliberately targeting me."

Wu Changhe laughed. "You are playing bad games, don't you admit it?"

Zhang snorted, "The chess is good, the character is good?"

"Of course, Go is a self-cultivation, speculative and slippery person, a person who can't do anything, can never be good." Wu Changhe shouted.

Zhang Hao nodded. "Okay, let's talk with Go. I will ask you for a plate. I don't know if it is OK?"

Wu Changhe was happy when he heard it. "I still follow me? You are far behind! You are not my opponent for 50 years! You can't win with both of you!"

However, Zhang Hua’s next sentence made everyone in the house stunned!

Zhang Wei said: "This time, I will let you two sons!"

There was a chessboard and a special seat in the room. After Zhang Hao finished speaking, he went straight there and sat down. He took the white flag to his side and looked at Wu Changhe. "Please."

you let me?

Still two children?

Wu Changhe almost laughed and smoked!

Li Qinqin also smiled bitterly. "Xiao Zhang, your uncle was a nine-segment."

Zhang Xiao smiled, "Auntie, I know."

Wu Changhe was mad, and he sat in the direction of black chess. "Okay, I didn't take it seriously. Do you really think you can win me? Haha!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "It’s a coincidence, I didn’t take it seriously.”

The smell of gunpowder is full!

The two are more energetic!

Li Qinqin knows that he can't persuade, and he doesn't say anything. He has to look at it. For the sake of Go, she is of course no stranger. Although it is not good, it will still be watched.

Wu Zeqing is also the same, silently came to Zhang Hao, she certainly knows Go.

Wu Changhe is also welcome, not at all the style of the former nine-segment player, sneer and took the black chess directly, put on two sons, "Let me two sons? Good! I see how you go!"

Li Qinqin frowns, "Changhe, what are you doing?"

Wu Changhe said: "It is his madness to make me two sons, I will satisfy his wishes." To Zhang Wei said: "Come, I see what you are serious about!"

Touching the white flag, Zhang Wei’s expression has changed. It’s totally different from the afternoon when he was at the chess club. It seems that he changed someone.


Zhang Hao is down!

Wu Changhe glanced at him, and he smiled and fell.





Fly again.



On the one hand, Wu Changhe still laughed at him. "What is the broken chess, will it be under? Is it sharp? What is the use of sitting here, which professional player do you play so? Is it a layman!"

But gradually, Wu Changhe has not spoken.

Li Qinqin is stunned!

Wu Zeqing also suddenly laughed!

The "spike" that Zhang Hao has just done, has forced Wu Changhe to be a cold sweat!

I am grass!

What is the law?

This kind of law has rarely been used before!

Wu Changhe’s face has also changed.


Two hours.

A game of chess took two hours.

Zhang Hao’s slammed the last one.

Wu Changhe's face is green!

How can it be!

How can this be!

Li Qinqin also looked at Zhang Wei with an incredible look!


Wu Changhe actually lost!

And it was lost in the case of two sons!

Zhang Wei said: "You just said that the good people under Go will have good character, so now it seems that my character should be ok."

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