I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1100: [Changhe Jiudan was abused into a dog! 】


The study room upstairs in the old Wu's house.

"Old Wu, I will play with your computer for a while."

"Let's play."

"Are you really not going to work?"

"I have already asked for leave. I'm not going. Let's take a rest."

"Yes, don't be so tired, let the people underneath be busy."

"Let's play, I'll go out to buy some food, and I will make you some good at noon."

"Thank you, hard work."

Wu Zeqing went back to the house to change clothes.

As soon as Old Wu left, Zhang Ye turned on the computer. This is not Wu Zeqing’s usual computer. The laptop is in her bedroom. The desktop computer in the study is just a spare. The computer is basically clean except for some commonly used software. Net, nothing.

Go online and open a web page.

He downloaded the client of the online Go platform.

After installing it, Zhang Ye opened it, and the page was clean and professional. It is worthy of being the largest Go platform in the country. There are many zones, such as novice zone, amateur zone, professional zone, practice zone, free zone, and even more. There are many subdivisions in the area of ​​activity competition. As a tourist, Zhang Ye found that he could only enter the novice area, so he immediately entered some information and registered an account.

What is it called?

Well, let's call it YE, this is the pinyin of his "Ye".

After registering an account, Zhang Ye can enter most of the areas inside.

Many people are shouting in the message column in the public area.

"Are you from the amateur zone!"

"Amateur level five, beg a similar opponent!"

"Teacher, please take me."

"Master, come with good internet speed, don't let you go!"

"Haha, I won three sets in a row and got promoted!"

"There is a live broadcast of the professional game at noon, who will watch it?"

"Don't watch it, today's is boring. Those two professional players are both rookies and their level is limited. Tomorrow there will be a match between Daqi and Liu Di Qidan, that's only good!

"But Lao Liu is indeed not as good as it was before."

"Yes, I'm getting older."

There are a lot of people online on the platform, it is very lively, and the atmosphere is very good.


at the same time.

Old Wu's parents' house.

After breakfast, Wu Changhe asked his wife, "What did the kid say?"

Li Qinqin said: "What else can you say? If you don't let him come, people can come over?"

Wu Changhe hummed: "If he calls in the future, don't answer it, his character is too bad!"

"I didn't see it." Li Qinqin shook his head.

Wu Changhe despised: "That's because you have little social experience. I tell you, let our daughter have less contact with him, and quickly find her again, and introduce her more. Dare to yin me? Do you dare to take advantage of me. Relax my guard against attacking me? Really treat me as a vegetarian in Changhe Jiudan? He doesn't know if I am serious, is he scared? He won me a sneak attack, but I really don’t know what my last name is? I really have the courage to find my family I play chess? Impetuous! Too impetuous! If it weren't for saving face for our daughter, I would call him over today. I will kill him ten games. I won't let him win a game, believe it or not?"

Li Qinqin rolled his eyes, "Just tell me."

Wu Changhe got up, wandered back to the hut, turned on the computer, "Don't bother me, I will go online for a while and see if I can find my opponent today, alas."

Turn on.

Go online.

Land on the Go platform.

After all, Wu Changhe's age is displayed there. He is not very proficient in the operation of things like computers, and typing is also a "two-finger Zen".

Li Qinqin usually poured him a pot of tea.

Wu Changhe drank tea, hummed the accent of Peking opera, and shook his head and started walking on the platform.

Suddenly, a friend on the platform may see that he is online and immediately send a message.


Sun Minqi: "Teacher Changhe, are you here?"

Wu Changhe typed in Zen with two fingers: "Oh, little Sun."

Sun Minqi: "Are you free? Can you point me to a game?"

Wu Changhe smiled and said, "Okay, I'm looking for an opponent too."

Sun Minqi said excitedly: "Then you open the table, I will look for you."

Wu Changhe quickly established a location. The room was password-coded. Others can only watch when they come in, but they cannot play against him. A password is required. This is also a "private game" in the jargon of Internet Go. Wu Changhe sent the password to Sun Minqi, who soon came in.

The battle begins.

This time, it also attracted countless netizens on the platform to watch the game.

"Wow, 288 tables in the second district! Come on!"

"Changhe 9th Duan vs Sun Minqi 3rd!"

"Professional chess players are at war!"

"Guiding Bureau?"

"It should be a battle!"

"Really? That must be seen!"

"Changhe Jiudan? Great God of Go!"

"Yes, once the first person in the Go world, and now the world's No. 1 and No. 5 Go masters, they are all his apprentices!"

Obviously, Wu Changhe often plays chess on the Go platform. Countless netizens have paid attention to him. As soon as the game starts, the netizens will also have hints. The result is all here!

The number of viewers soared!


five hundred!

one thousand!

There are also a few professional players' accounts, which even appeared in the spectator room of the battle room, all of which are now more famous professional players!

The game begins.

Wu Changhe held the white flag in the back.

Sun Minqi took the black move first.

This round was played very quickly, because around the 30th move, Sun Minqi made a mistake that a professional chess player shouldn’t have made, and Wu Changhe caught a while, but Sun Minqi gave up in the mid-game. Up.

Those who watched the game were all exclaimed.


"Teacher Wu hasn't diminished that year!"

"Yes, the master is the master, it's really too stable!"

"In fact, if Teacher Changhe continues to participate in professional competitions, he will definitely be a high-level professional player, why would he have retired."


"It's enjoyable to watch!"

Wu Changhe began to explain to him, "Why did you take this step here?"

Sun Minqi typed: "I made a mistake."

Wu Changhe: "It would be better to go here."

"Teached." Sun Minqi said with a learning attitude.


Wu Changhe laughed, "Pour water, pour water!"

Li Qinqin came over with a thermos and said with a smile: "You won?"

"You must win!" Wu Changhe was very happy.

Li Qinqin asked: "Who did you get off?"

Wu Changhe said: "Sun Minqi, Xiao Sun."

Li Qinqin said: "Xiao Sun doesn't seem to have a high grade this year, and his state is average."

"Haha, it's not that he is in bad condition, but that I am in such a good condition." Wu Changhe boasted: "I am going to participate in the professional competition now. I am sure that I will still be in the top 20 in China, believe it or not?"

Li Qinqin said helplessly: "Thank you, do you believe it?" Then he followed, "I don't know who was let by two by a layman yesterday and lost."

However, Wu Changhe pretended not to hear this sentence at all, "I'll go on, this time I have to pick a high-level one, otherwise it's not enough!"

on the platform.

Many people seek war, both amateur and professional.

Wu Changhe laughed and picked people up, and the number of netizens next to him increased!

But at this time, Wu Changhe hadn't thought of whom he would have another game with. He suddenly discovered that after Sun Minqi exited the room, there was someone in the room at some point. He was not just sitting on the sidelines and playing against him. The other party, but Wu Changhe obviously lost the password. It is impossible for outsiders to enter without the password. Could it be the password given by Xiao Sun? This little grandson, don't pay attention to it!

Who is this?


Don't you use your real name?

Chess friends are very excited.

"Here is someone!"

"One more!"

"who is this?"

"I do not know."

"Registration time, today?"

"Khan, who is this? Teacher Changhe invited it?"

Many spectators were also taken aback.

YE spoke: "Teacher Changhe, please advise."

When Changhe saw it, he didn't kick people out. He thought that since it was the person that Xiao Sun found, he should not be too bad at level, so let's play with him.

Both of them ordered start.

It's the beginning!

YE plays the black chess first.

Wu Changhe smiled and took the mouse down.

Five steps.

Ten steps.

Twenty steps.

At the beginning, Wu Changhe didn't feel anything.

The chess friends who watched the game didn't think there was anything.

It was a very normal start, a very regular play, without any new ideas or characteristics, and even felt boring, because it was too routine and neither side took advantage. But the 23rd piece of the black chess dropped one, and the situation changed all at once!

This move is so beautiful!

The crowd was so beautiful that the audience exclaimed!


"Good chess!"

"Wow, awesome!"

"This black chess is amazing!"

An unbelievable move made the upper left corner of the black chess die alive!

Wu Changhe was also shocked and immediately remedy it!

But after two moves, he found that he couldn't remedy it at all. He gritted his teeth and calmly gave up the dead game in the upper left corner, killed one in the middle, and arranged ahead of time!

However, YE didn't make a move at all. He had already taken the initiative, blacked him directly at the bottom right of Wu Changhe's white flag, and made a move!

The ultimate move is extremely ruthless!

Very aggressive!

Wu Changhe was caught off guard and had to come back to the rescue again!

You step by step!

YE is pressing step by step!

Wu Changhe retreated steadily!

He didn’t get to the end at all. When YE fell into the central area again, and after dissolving Wu Changhe’s final layout, Wu Changhe stared at the screen with a black face, just staring at it without blinking, thinking After ten minutes, he abandoned his son and gave up!

Ye wins!

The audience was in an uproar!

"YE won?"

"I go!"

"Long River 9th Dan lost?"

"This this……"

"Too ruthless! Who is this YE?"

"Yes, which professional chess player's trumpet is he?"

"My grass, these battles are too beautiful, right?"

Many people can't believe it!

Because in their eyes, Changhe Jiudan is the highest mountain in the Go world. Even though the level has fallen a lot now, it is absolutely impossible to be beaten so badly by an unknown generation? Haven't even played the end game? Did he admit defeat when he hit the game? This... how is this possible!

Wu Changhe is also in a cold sweat!

He immediately found Sun Minqi, "Xiao Sun, who did you give the password?"

Sun Minqi was still replaying his previous match with Wu Changhe, completely at a loss, "Huh? Teacher Changhe, what password? I didn't give it to others?"

Wu Changhe quickly typed: "Then who is this YE?"

Sun Minqi said: "I, I don't know, what YE?"

Wu Changhe was convinced that Sun Minqi really didn't know that this YE who suddenly entered his battle room was not invited by Xiao Sun at all!

then who are you?

Who the **** are you? ?

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