I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1102: [Zhang Wei VS Hu Liang seven paragraphs! 】


p> 10:30.

The door downstairs, Wu Zeqing came back.

Zhang Wei said to the downstairs: "Old Wu, have you bought it?"

"Well, there are many people in the vegetable market today, and they have been in the middle of the day." Putting down the dishes in his hand, Wu Zeqing went upstairs and went to the study. "Why?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Nothing to do, play chess."

Wu Zeqing’s nose moved, “Is it smoking?”

Zhang Wei is not very embarrassed: "Hey, I like to smoke when I concentrate. I just opened the window and put it in the smell." He quickly wiped the surface and scattered a little ash on the table.

"Nothing." Wu Zeqing said: "Look back, I will buy you an ashtray."

Zhang Wei busy said: "No need to use, do not smoke, I am ready to quit."

Wu Zeqing found a small dish for him. "First take this ash."

"Hey, thank you." Zhang said: "It’s still my old Wu."

Wu Zeqing smiled. "You also take less and are not good for your body."

Zhang Weidao: "Oh, remember, I will listen to your words."

Wu Zeqing smiled. "You go on playing, I am cooking, and I will call you for a while."


the other side.

Old Wu’s parents’ home.

A business car suddenly stopped in front of the courtyard. When the door opened, a young man in his twenties who was black and dark took a wooden stick that he did not know where to find it. He rushed to the first car and ran into it. The courtyard, followed by two or three men and women, also followed in.

"Teacher! Teacher! I am here! What happened? What happened at home?"

"Hu Liang, what do you do with a stick!" The only girl inside said hurriedly.

The man in his thirties, the oldest of several people, said loudly: "When to ask what, Xiaohu, don't be impulsive, ask clearly!"

Several people entered the yard.

Li Qinqin heard the sound and stunned. "Xiaohu, what is your out?"

Hu Liang hurriedly said: "What is wrong with the teacher?"

Li Qinqin couldn't help but laugh. "You throw the stick first, seeing my eyes dizzy, a top chess player in the world that is now popular, you see you like this."

"Hey." Hu Liang immediately lost the stick.

Tian Weiwei, the youngest person, scratched his head. "Master, Liang is also anxious. The teacher called us a phone call. We thought it was a big deal."

Li Qinqin grinned. "What big things can he do?"

Chen Yudao: "What is the master?"

Li Qinqin smiled and said: "Your teacher lost the game."


"Is this all right?"

"Does the teacher not lose the game?"

At this time, Wu Changhe strode out from the North Room and looked at a group of apprentices with a beard. "Whoever loses chess? Who? Usually loses to you, I am guiding you, I am not serious, Do you understand? You are still far from each other, and you don’t know modest at all!"

Chen Hao laughed and said: "Yes, the teacher is the best."

Xu Weidao, who is a little older, said: "You are calling us for this matter? There will be competitions next week. Chen Hao beats Park Ree, the eighth section of Korea. I am playing the letter of the second and seventh paragraphs of Japan. what."

Wu Changhe gave him a look. "If you talk a lot, you have more things, a little international game. Is it for you to come today, it is to find an opponent for you! Come with me!" Helping the disciple into the room, he pointed to the computer screen, "Is there not? Is this person, give me abuse! Give me to die in the dead!"

A few people look at it.


"Who is this?"


“Is there a few anonymous players here?”

"I have never heard of this person before?"

"Master, who is this person?"

Li Qinqin just wants to talk, "He, he is..."

Wu Changhe interrupted: "You don't care who he is. Anyway, I can tell you that this is a layman. It is not a professional chess player. If you have no professional training, you should be a sparring partner. Give me abuse! Cried so far! After he got rid of him, he would tremble when he mentioned Go!"


How much hatred this is!

Several apprentices sweated and looked at each other.

Li Qinqin grinned. "Do you have a small Zhang Zhao who provoke you?"

Wu Changhe said: "He recruited me, he also provoked me!"

"People are not the people in the world of chess. You are really good. How old is to compete with him." Li Qinqin really served his wife. "You can't do it for a long time. If you lose, you lose. How can you still lose?" ”

Wu Changhe was anxious. "Who can't afford to lose? Who?"

Li Qinqin pointed to him, "Look."

Hu Liang stood up first, "Teacher! I will give you revenge!"

Wu Changhe nodded with satisfaction. "Okay, Xiao Hu, you are on!"

"When I log in to my account." Hu Liang said.

Wu Changhe said faintly: "You don't have to log in to you, it's too much trouble. Isn't this a ready-made number? I have already landed, and I can use my number."

Hu Liang: "Ah?"

Wu Changhe blinked. "What?"

Hu Liang wipes the sweat, "Oh, nothing."

Wu Changhe’s two-finger Zen has begun to tap the keyboard: “Kids! You can start! This time I will go with you! Don’t run!

How are you going?

Not me?

what is this? On behalf of playing?

Hu Liang and several brothers and sisters coughed for a long time, and did not dare to scream.

YE replied: "Wait for a long time, come!"

Wu Changhe took Hu Liang’s shoulder and said, “Give me up! Take out the offensive you are best at, and beat him to death!”

Hu Liang squats, "Good teacher! A layman, give it to me!"

Hu Liang.

Seven paragraphs of Go.

This year, the world ranking is ranked 27th, the top professional chess player ranked 11th in the country, entered the professional circle at the age of 17, and defeated the former legendary chess player at the age of 20, became famous in the first battle, entered the profession The peak, the chess style is known as the sizzling, the offensive player.

Unlike Wu Changhe, Hu Liang is the top star player in the current professional game. In terms of experience, he is definitely far worse than Wu Changhe. In the eyes, there is no Wu Changhe Gao, otherwise he will not worship him as a teacher, but if If the game is really normal, Wu Changhe obviously can't win Hu Liang. The two players will play against ten sets. Hu Liang may win nine games. This is the difference between active players and retired players.

Therefore, no one thinks that Hu Liang can't win.

YE may have won an old nine-segment player, but it is impossible to win an active seven-segment player. Even if the amateur player is even more powerful, even the one who has the title of amateur demon, at most. Just playing a dozen players in the second and third stages of the game, four or more paragraphs are impossible!

Wu Changhe thinks so, Li Qinqin is, the top domestic players in those houses are also, they have already found a place to sit down, all to be a lively and fun.


The room is open!

Chess friends are excited again!

"I'm coming!"

"Start again!"

"Haha, see who can win this time!"

"The teacher Changhe was just abused too badly!"

"Yeah, I look so hurt!"

"Is it the vest of the amateur demon?"

"No, his level is not as high as YE!"

"YE is definitely a professional player? If he is amateur, it is not a devil, then his mother has to call amateur god!"

Countless people are watching again!

Some people are analyzing the chess game, and some are talking gossip.


Old Wu family.

In the study, Zhang Hao has already settled down. This time he took the lead, but this time he started, he chose a diagonal layout!

The other party has fallen.

Zhang Xiao smiled and laughed again. He also opened the music with ease. He played chess while playing songs. He didn’t use all of his thoughts on it. If he didn’t let him, he could be so casual and Wu Changhe. After the move, he did not know that the computer had actually been replaced, and he had played a dozen games. Zhang Wei did not see it because he was not a person in this world. He did not know what Wu Changhe was doing. Even this name was known only yesterday. Can you expect him to recognize people by the chess style?

At the time of fifteen hands, the other party hit one on the corner!

Zhang Wei snorted and said to himself: "This old comrade can, the level has improved, knowing that he will not be with me? Actively attacking? Come, this step, I see how you pick up!"


Falling down.

"Oh, yes, what about this step?"

"Haha, silly - forced?"

"Come, I will give you another trick!"

"Drink, dying? Take you! You are struggling! You are struggling again!"

"Hey, dare to resist? Go a small corner?"

"Look at me, you can't die! You have invested in the net! Haha!"


On the other side of the computer.

The room is already silent!

Li Qinqin is stupid!

Chen Hao is stupid!

Hu Liang is also stupid!

When the chess came down here, Hu Liang found that he had no way to settle down. The chess in the upper left corner was dead, the right corner was passive, and the layout of the middle road was also restricted.

Hu Liang abandoned the child and admitted defeat!

Chen Tong: "This, this person..."

Xu Wei said with amazement: "Who is this fuck?"

Tian Weiwei was shocked: "Is the bright brother lost?"

Hu Liang’s face could not be hanged, and Wu Changhe looked at him with a bitter look. “Teacher, sorry, I, I’m too big.”

Wu Changhe airway: "You can't win amateur?"

Hu Liang smiled and said nothing.

main idea?

This is actually his own statement to find his own face!

In fact, he didn't care about it at all. The person who can win his teacher is at least the level of a professional chess player. The teacher and the teacher are watching at the side. He can't care about it, but Hu Liang still loses, a world ranking before the world. Thirty-star star professional chess players, actually lost to an amateur? And it was abused by people who abused vegetables? I thought that Wu Changhe had just let them die of this YE, and Hu Liang had a **** conflict!

Who is this **** abuser? ?

However, Hu Liang did not have a bad temper. He had no temper in the previous game! He didn't say anything more, because he knew that even if he and the other party opened another set, he should not win the same!

In fact, Wu Changhe is even more shocked than Hu Liang!

He did not expect that this kid named Zhang actually won Hu Liang, the active seven-segment!

I am grass!

You **** chicken blood, you! ?

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