I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1105: [One person swept the Chinese chess house! 】


Lao Wu took a cup of tea and came in.

Zhang Wei is still staring at the computer to screen.

"Drink some tea."

"Oh, thank you."

"Is it starting?"

"It's getting faster, haha."

"Well, I also look at what my boyfriend is."

Lao Wu moved and sat down on the chair.

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "In fact, I can't do it either. My dad's level is still good. I didn't pay much attention to him at first. But the higher the level of Dad, the more the strength seems to be restored to the previous level. Sometimes I have to be serious, or I will be killed."

"Of course, my dad got to the top of the year."

"But I am not bad, hey, it started, huh, you see me!"

"You, you will win my dad, he is now more regressive. If it is a professional four-stage five-stage professional player, you will be very difficult."

"I know."

Zhang Xiaoshen thought that he didn't really know what level he was. He knew that he had given Go skills to the full level, and then he ate more than one billion worth of Go skills book on this basis. Now look. Come, the players in this world are really very powerful. A professional player who has retired for 20 years and has dropped too much. The chess is so high. Zhang Wei estimates that Wu is right, he can only win one. Win Wu Changhe, but it is enough to win him. This cargo was originally run by Wu Changhe.


The opposite "Wu Changhe" has already fallen.

Zhang Yi looked at it and followed a diagonal chess. Opening the diagonal table is easy to drag the situation into chaos. This is generally a method that is often used when weak and strong, and pays attention to winning in a chaos. However, Zhang Wei is not afraid of this, his character, but prefer this style of play!

After the seven-eight-handed game.

Old Wu strangely said: "Hey, isn't this the usual chess path for my dad?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Yes, your dad often changes. If you lose to a plate before, he will change once."

Old Wu Haoran, "It must be a way to deal with you, so deliberately change, my dad can, when can this be modified??"

"Hey, this is a good move!"


"Haha, but look at me!"

"How do you respond?"

"Look, I am giving him a yin."

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Hey, you will know it later, ha, look, Dad has set it up, wait a minute, I will show you a good show soon!"

When Black went to the 85th hand.

Zhang Wei held white chess and smiled a little, and a sly drop!

The other party is dumb!

This one silence, I am silent for ten minutes!

Zhang Hao haha ​​laughed, "The trick! I guess Dad is already discouraged!"

Wu Zeqing's chess is general, his eyesight is still a lot worse, until this moment he knows what the meaning of Zhang Wei's beginning of the game!

Wu Zeqing exclaimed: "It's beautiful."

Zhang Hao was praised by his girlfriend.

Then, the computer pop-up window is out!

The other party abandoned the child to admit defeat!

Zhang Wei typed: "Is it still uncle?"

Wu Changhe: "Come, wait, don't run!"

Zhang Wei: "Okay, I don't run."

Soon, it started again!

This time, the other party actually changed another style of play!

Zhang Wei did not take it seriously, and he chatted with Wu Zeqing while he was explaining and playing chess.

Wu Zeqing smiled. "You are playing chess like this. You can lose it in a while. Aren't people playing chess very quiet?"

However, Zhang Wei is accustomed to this kind of side-by-side practice. He actually didn’t really play chess. He is not a quiet character. He plays more landlords. This is actually playing the landlord. The mentality of playing Go. From time to time, Zhang Wei also sent some things to "Wu Changhe" to harass opponents. He also felt that it was a very normal thing. You are slow and forced to do the same, and you must be reminded of you!

"Is it going to the toilet?"

"Uncle, man?"


"How can I not change it?" /p>

"Let's you?"

"I am waiting for the flowers!"

“Is there no paper?”

Wu Zeqing also smiled helplessly. He first saw someone playing Go, and then, how to listen to how wicked!

In fact, this one, Zhang Hao is very difficult, "Hey Dad is really good in the middle of the plate, this level is high, really high, you see this chess, this is to hang me together!"

Wu Zeqing said: "You are very passive."

Zhang Yi smiled. "That's not necessarily, want to yin me? Dad really wants more, well, I will confuse him, I will follow him."


"Haha, I have to let him think that I am on the set."

"and then?"

"Then the middle plate is my world!"

The other party is down!

Zhang Hao is down!

The other party will fall again!

Zhang Yan smiled and hit another hand!

Then there is no more!

The other party's watch starts counting down.

three minutes……

five minutes……

The other party abandoned the child and admitted.

Zhang Wei is on the old Wu Dao: "In fact, this game can also be played to the end of the game, but in fact it is no longer necessary here, and Dad has no hope of turning over."

Wu Zeqing smiled and said: "My dad has indeed regressed a lot in these years."

In Zhang Xin’s heart, in fact, Wu Changhe’s attitude has gradually changed. He said that this old guy is really ok. There are a few tricks that almost made him suffer, and the better, the better, as if each game was changed. People like, it is the first person in the world of chess, not a small one!

However, Zhang Wei still did not lose!

A plate!

Three plates!

Five plates!

Zhang Hao all the way to kill, all win!


On the other side of the computer.

Chinese chess house Weiqi.

The entire hall is already silent.

Wu Changhe is dumbfounded!

Dean Shan Donghe is dumbfounded!

All the professional chess players in the entire Chinese chess house are dumbfounded!

"Qiqi lost seven paragraphs?"

“Is the Chang Jiu Section lost?”

"Tian Xi Jiu Duan also lost?"

"Li Yi Jiu Duan can't beat him?"

"I rely! I rely! I rely!"

A total of five players and YE tricks!

A world ranking twelve!

One of the tenth in the world!

One of the world's ninth!

One of the seventh in the world!

The highest one in the world is ranked fourth!

Lost all!

All his mother lost!

"My grass!"

"My goodness!"

"Who is this fucking?"

"This, how is this possible!"

They can't believe their eyes!

Chen Hao and Xu Wei and others almost scared the urine!

Many of the small players in the five-segment and six-stage careers stared at the computer screen with their eyes open, and they didn’t react for a long time. They were already crazy, and the values ​​collapsed at this moment!

Wu Changhe came to the Chinese chess house for help. He wanted to let the top players turn to death. As a result, YE alone, all the Chinese chess houses were abused!

End of abuse!

Nothing beats!

The most important thing is that this is called YE's teasing. In the process of playing chess, they continue to harass them. They are constantly sending out some "Hurry up." "The flowers are thankful." "The daylilies are all cool." The text, also brushed the screen again and again, which made the nine-segment players almost collapsed, all vomiting blood!

Upper size?

No paper?

You **** me with no paper!

Are you **** you? ?

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