I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1116: [Human VS artificial intelligence (below)! 】


In the morning, Zhang Hao went out for morning exercises.

As a result, the streets and alleys are all talking.

"The world of chess is going to be overwhelmed!"

"They are too ugly on their faces!"

"The beginning and the end is ugly in the world of chess. The challenge of PETER is the wisdom of the whole human race!"

"Yeah, who can't look on our faces!"

"Will you go to the nine paragraphs of Xiangrong?"

"I don't know, there is no news at the Chinese chess house now."

"Yong Rong will not necessarily win, this artificial intelligence is too powerful!"

"The key is that it is too easy to win, one in the world, the third in the world, and it is a fiasco. If you lose, you will have a little hope!"

The situation is getting better and better!

Public opinion is getting more and more pessimistic!

It’s all because of this man’s loss is too bad. It’s true that Xiang Rong’s nine paragraphs have not yet been shot, but even if he is higher than the letter of the 29th and Park Youxi, it will never be much higher. In the regular international professional competition, Xiangrong against the two people, it is impossible to guarantee ten sets of wins and ten sets, and they will always lose to one or two sets. The uncertainty of Go is too great, and no one can win all the time. So if you analyze from this angle, it is probably not the opponent of PETER! Of course, this is just an analysis.

On the way home, Zhang Hao bought two newspapers.

Looking through it, the front page headlines are all about "human-machine wars." Looking at the chess players of all countries, they lost their hearts. Zhang Wei also sighed, did not say anything, jogged back home for breakfast.

Sure enough, PETER and Alpha Dog are the same thing!

Even this artificial intelligence may be more powerful than the Alpha dog!

The world of Go is dangerous!



The voice of the main battle is also great!

"Mahjong! Dry-丫-!"

"The old beauty is too arrogant!"

"How is human intelligence comparable to a machine?"

"Bovine - forcing you to compare with human beings more complexly than art? Is it better than creation? Do you dare? Take Go is like the crystallization of human wisdom, from the beginning is to give us a set!"

"Old beauty is too damn!"

"Win him! Dry - ah!"

"To the nine paragraphs of Rong, fight with him!"

In the past two days, the old American side has been vocalizing, very arrogant, and arrogantly arguing in the world of chess. Almost every few hours, a statement is issued, and a challenge book is issued every few hours. Their The eyes are also placed on the Republic at the moment, because everyone knows that when you talk about Go, if the Republic says that you are the second, then no one really dares to say that he is the first. At the end, the old American even calls his name. Xiang Rong Jiu Duan!

This has caused a lot of people's anger!


"Too arrogant!"

"You collect and analyze all the information of the players and copy all the games and the game into the machine. This is not fair in itself! This is the wisdom of all human beings, the wisdom of all the players in history. Are you coming up to deal with us, still so arrogant?"


"I don't believe that no one has ever passed it!"

"Yes, I don't believe it!"


Chinese chess house.

Go chess court.

The reporters were surrounded by the courtyard. Many reporters came two days ago. Some even even put tents in them, eating and drinking Lhasa are here, and even seeing many foreign reporters around!

It has become the focus of all of Asia!

Everyone is watching them, waiting for them!

Outside the door, there are still a lot of Go fans and ordinary people holding a sign to yell!

“Dry over PETER!”

“Dry over PETER!”

“Dry over PETER!”


Even the inside of the chess house can be heard clearly.

Inside, all the professional players are almost there. Some people have not returned home for two days. They are wearing black circles and bloodshot eyes. They all analyze the game in the chess house and analyze every move of PETER. This is a catastrophe in the world of chess. Where else can anyone care for rest?

Li Yijiu said with a black face: "It's too hard!"

Another nine-segment shakes his head. "PETER's data is too complete. He takes every move and takes everything into consideration. He wants to win it. Hope is very small!"

Xiang Rong said faintly: "Notify the media."

"Old!" Li Yi nine paragraphs loud.

Shan Donghe also hurriedly said: "You can think clearly!"

Xiang Rong said: "I have already thought about it."

Chen Hao came up. "To brother, if you are out, if you lose, the whole world of Go is really no way out!"

"Yes!" Xu Wei did not agree: "You are the last line of defense. It is the last card in our chess world. If we lose, what should we do?"

"Yes, just ignore him!"

"Let the old beauty go, let's not see it!"

"Can't fight!"

"To the Lord!"

"To the Lord!"

Wu Changhe looked at him. "How sure is it?"

Xiang Rong thought about it and told the truth: "Up to 20%."


This is almost inevitable!

Even the Lord himself said so, what is it fighting!

Wu Changhe Road: "Thinking?"

Xiang Rong sighed, "I will try it anyway, it’s time to go. If I quit, it’s more humiliating than losing. I can’t retire!”

Wu Changhe gritted his teeth and said: "Well, call a reporter!"

Dean Shan Donghe angered: "Angkor, now I am the dean!"

Wu Changhe said: "You give me aside! Everyone is coming to the door, you still hide? Where can you hide? Even if his mother loses, we must stand and lose in the Chinese chess house!" Wu Changhe The temper has always been like this, he is also a main battle!

On time, some people responded!


"Yonghe teacher is right!"

"We can't be jealous!"

"I don't believe that the machine really has three arms and six arms!"

"To the Lord will win!"


After half an hour.

Chinese chess house voices!

——Chengrong Jiu Duan accepts the challenge!

Location: Chinese chess house.

Time: Tomorrow morning.

Weibo exploded on the moment!

"Ying Rong shot!"

"God, really shot!"

"It’s going to be a big deal!"

"This game, no matter who wins, will shock Asia!"

"Come on the Lord!"

"You are the last card in the world of chess!"

"Good to the Lord! I am afraid that you are jealous!"

"Fighting it!"

"War! Fight! Fight!"

Unexpectedly, at this moment, many Go fans on the other side of Japan and South Korea have also supported them on one side!

Japanese side.

"Chinese people come on!"

"Abuterate PETER!"

"Come on!"

South Korea.

"Don't lose!"

"Right, give us revenge!"

"Let the machine look at the human faith!"

Many internationally renowned professional players have also voiced support on the network to Xiangrong Jiu Duan, this moment, the unprecedented unity of the world of chess!

Almost all Asian people are standing on the side of glory!


The next day.

The news is everywhere!

Newspapers are selling crazy!

At the gate of the Chinese chess house, it was filled with people in the morning.

"Glory will win!"

"Humans will win!"

Countless people shouted slogans and solidarity!

CCTV Sports Channel and Beijing TV and many other TV stations have received live broadcast rights, have settled in, set up machines, waiting for the game to begin.

No, maybe it shouldn't be a game!

This is a war!

A war of human and artificial intelligence!

Before the game, only the CCTV people got the qualification to do the interview before the game. The person interviewing Xiangrong was Yu Yingyi.

The live broadcast has already begun.

The camera is aligned with the glory.

Yu Yingyi holds the microphone. "Yong Rong teacher, as everyone knows, you are the first person in the world of Go, and in the face of the challenge of artificial intelligence, everyone wants to know, how many chances do you have?"

Xiang Rong looked at her and said: "The odds are not big."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was stunned.

Yu Yingyi also stunned. "If you lose, the last line of defense in the world of chess will also fall. Why are you still coming to fight?"

Xiang Rong said: "First, I have no reason not to fight. Second, I also want to play against the machine. Third, you just said wrong, I will never be the last line of defense in the world of chess, even if I lose, I believe that someone will stand up and fight the computer!"

Still others?

Are there people behind you?

Yu Yingyi was shocked: "Can anyone in the world of chess be able to stand with you?"

Xiang Rong smiled, I don’t know if this was said to Yu Yingyi, or to the camera, or to the artificial intelligence, “Never look down on humans!”

The interview is over.

Xiang Rong stepped into the battle room and sat down.

Many people did not understand what he left behind!



Zhang Wei’s family are watching the live broadcast.

Dad was shocked: "What do you mean by Xiang Rong Jiu Duan?"

Mom said: "Is he not the first person in the world of chess? Is there someone behind him who can play chess with artificial intelligence?"

"Who?" Zhang Wei also wondered.

Dad said: "Who knows."

Zhang Wei looked at Xiangrong Jiu Duan on TV. Suddenly there was a feeling that he could not win. He estimated that he knew that he could not win, but he still sat here.

Zhang Hao suddenly had a little respect!

This kind of person who knows that he is not willing to fight for a war is indeed worthy of respect!

Just don't know who he is talking about?

If he loses, can someone really compete with artificial intelligence?

The game started.

Zhang Wei walked silently, didn't want to see it, and couldn't bear to watch it.

Dad asked, "Why are you going?"

"Go out and slumber." Zhang Wei went out. He was not a person in the world of chess, but he did not want to witness the darkest day in the world of chess. He didn't want to see the expression of frustration. He knows that in this world, no one can win the machine named PETER.

Take a walk.

Take a turn.

I had a meal outside.

The TV was on, and many people who were eating were watching the live broadcast. No one even recognized Zhang Wei.


"I still lost!"

"how come!"

"I lost to my grandfather? Who can win?"

"Ah, Xiang Rong asked to start the second set!"

"Why? Why didn't he take a break?"

"Yeah, why not adjust one day?"


Zhang Hao looked up at the TV.

The first game ended in three hours. He didn't see the process. He only saw the final result. He lost to the glory and only lost two eyes!

The second game started right away!

Everyone regrets.

"Almost won!"

"Yeah, look at both eyes!"

"Unfortunately, it's a pity!"

"Sure enough, the world's first person in Go, the strength is too strong!"

"What is the use of the tube, or lose it!"

"Looking at the second game, the second game is definitely hopeful!"

However, after five hours of hard work, the second set, Xiangrong still lost, just lost one eye, is the PETER in the final section of the eye!

Lost to Rong!

Man is defeated!

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