I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1125: [Zhang Yu’s hand of God! 】

The two armies are killing!

A battle that has entered a feverish battle!

The disk has reached the middle plate, and it is almost halfway!

Hu Liang’s seven paragraphs shouted: “Professor Zhang cheers!”

A career five paragraphs shouted: "I am doing it!"

"Come on! Fight him!" Xu Wei eight paragraphs.

Even Wu Changhe couldn’t help but say: "Go! Go!"

Although I know that Zhang Wei can't hear it, there is still a cheering voice on the side of the war room. They all know that at this moment, the battle has entered the most crucial moment!

Zhang Wei is a "tip"!


Zhang Hao took the step "top"!

Out of the "double"!

Zhang Wei "hangs"!

Chen Yuqi explained: "It's too intense! Now the two sides have been difficult to solve! Professor Zhang is the backhand. Although he has a little disadvantage on the disk, Professor Zhang is not losing at all. Artificial intelligence, the fire once again burned to the position of the small corner, this time who can take the lead? Who can circle this site? Hey, first shot, it stormed! If you let it win the small corner, Professor Zhang this plate Chess has no hope, Professor Zhang will let it succeed? Look, Professor Zhang counterattack! Good one! Professor Zhang took a step and went to the most embarrassing position! Professor Zhang want to seize the opportunity?"

The audience in front of the TV also looked a bit boiling!

Dad has stood up, "Son, cheer!"

The mother shouted: "Small! Go! Go! Go! Go!"

The three sisters also shouted the name of Zhang Wei!

Countless people are boiling!

Countless people are shouting the name of Zhang Wei at the moment!

"There is hope to win!"

"We have a chance!"

"Teacher Zhang!"

"Dry! Don't worry!"

"Get the dog!"

"Victory is human!"

"Take your face and take out your skills!"

“Like you used to deal with your peers!”

On the plate.

Give a response.

Zhang Wei looks as usual and falls in the air.

Play again!

Bai Zi has already suffered a loss, but Zhang Wei is still indifferent, elegantly pinching up the white, and a slamming sound falls on the chessboard, the sound is very good.

Yu Yingyi was worried: "White is passive?"

Chen Yuqi explained: "Just Zhang has eaten a little loss, but it doesn't matter, there is still a chance behind, and this step is likely to be Professor Zhang's intention!"

"Intentional?" Yu Yingyi was surprised.

Chen Hao nodded in seven paragraphs: "Yes, Professor Zhang may be giving the next set, so he deliberately sold a flaw, which is often seen in our high-level professional players competition, very advanced layout, only The top players of the masters dared to play like this. The audience friends, I don’t know if everyone noticed that they didn’t notice Professor Zhang’s expression. He was very relaxed and calm.”

Yu Yingyi looked at it, sure enough!

The audience in front of the TV saw a big boost!

Sure enough, Zhang Wei is very calm at the moment, not at all like a loss, but on the contrary, it gives people a feeling of mastery!

Yu Yingyi said with excitement: "It turns out!"

Chen Yuqi said: "Now the disk has entered a decisive battle. I have a feeling. Now Professor Zhang is playing a big game in the next game. Seeing that White is once again pushed to the corner by black chess, it has been surrounded by all sides, but the same, Now it is also the time when Black is more fragile. It is the moment when Black is relaxed and wary. This may be the situation that Professor Zhang is waiting for. His layout may be waiting for this moment!"

Watch the war room.

Li Yijiu clenched his fists, "Xiao Zhang wants to fight back!"

Hu Liang said: "It has been waiting for too long!"

Xu Wei is looking forward to it. "What kind of big move will Professor Zhang give?"

"To defeat the victory?" Some people dare not set the channel.

A female chess player: "Is there a chance? Is there a chance?"

A male chess finger pointed at the screen: "Looking at Professor Zhang's expression, he must have no big tricks. I know his deeds. Everyone should know him. He is the kind of guy who never broke out at the last moment. How many faces have been swollen by him!"


"Can you win?"

"Oh my heart!"

Xiang Rong Jiu Duan and Wu Changhe Shan Donghe and others also stared at the screen with their eyes wide open, and they have already scored the victory. They have reached the final battle. At this moment, no one dares to blink, for fear of missing one. Picture!

Let's go!

Get out of the way!

What is the intention of your layout and weakness?

Let's take a look, let the machine see it, let everyone in Asia look at it!

The audience in front of the TV is also wide-eyed!

Someone stood up!

Someone is excited!

Someone is looking forward to it!

At this time, I saw Zhang Hao in the lens and put his hand into the chess box!

The person in charge of the old beauty looked at Zhang Wei, who was sitting in the opposite side and was terrible. He was a little panicked in his heart. What other backhand do you have? What are you planning? Where are you going to play this move? For a time, his nervous sweat has come down, desperately looking at the chessboard, looking for the last vitality of Zhang Wei!


Where is it?

Where is the negligence! ?

Chen Qiqiu also stood up excitedly, completely ignoring the reminder of the guide in the headphones, loudly: "Come on! Professor Zhang grabbed a white chess! He wants to shoot! Today's Professor Zhang hit the level and played The height, played a heroic attitude! If you win, he will be the hero of the world of chess! It will be the hero of mankind! Look, Professor Zhang has lifted the white chess, he wants to fall, I believe that this moment has the opportunity he has Waiting for a long time, now is the time to tell the winners and losers, is to tell artificial intelligence who is the hegemon of the earth, this one of the winners, where will Professor Zhang fall? This is a matter of human dignity, Will it be on the dead hole of artificial intelligence?"

The Japanese people watching the live broadcast are excited!

The Korean side is watching the live chess players excited!

At this moment, countless pairs of eyes all over Asia are staring at Zhang's hand, as if it was the hand of God, as if it were the hand of God!

Chen Hao's seven-segment loud voice: "The following is the moment to witness the miracle! Let us witness the arrival of this moment together! Move! Professor Zhang moved! Where will the white son fall? This will bring a fatal blow to the white child. Where? Ah, he didn’t fall, he took his hand back!”

For a moment, the world seems to be quiet!

The scene is silent!

Zhang Wei looked at the international referee and reached out and said hello. Sorry, "Oh, I admit defeat."

The old beauty leader fainted!

Yu Yingyi fainted!

Chen Hao fainted!

Wu Changhe fainted!

Li Qinqin fainted!

Japanese and Korean audience fainted!

The people of all Asia are almost mad at this moment!

I am going to have a nap!

Are you numb to say good big moves?

Are you numb to say the hand of God?

There is nothing in the roots of his mother! ?

: I feel unwell, the update time is not good, everyone understands.

To be continued

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