I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1127: [Found weaknesses! 】

at night.

"The old beauty is too arrogant!"

"Rely, is Teacher Zhang just like this?"

"Zhang Yu Niu - when you forced it, you don't know!"

"When Teacher Zhang killed the Quartet in the past, isn't it better than your cow?"

"Isn't it a Go game that won Teacher Zhang! What's the matter! You don't know what your name is? You have more skills than anything else! Teacher Zhang is not a professional Go player!"


“Dare to be more than math?”

“Dare to be more than calligraphy?”

“Dare to fly than to fly?”

"Scratch your face like you! Grass!"

The outside world is hot, and the news is all sound.

Some people have been angered by foreigners, and they have cheered for Zhang Wei.

Some people are still pessimistic. After all, no matter what reason, Zhang Hao did lose the first set.


at home.

Zhang Wei even ate three bowls of rice at night.

Dad said: " Eat more, add extra strength!"

Mom said: "Yes, fight with it tomorrow!"

The big sister gave him a dish, "Brother, eat more meat."

"Good." Zhang Wei did not refuse.

He has renewed his fighting spirit, isn't it a broken computer? He has always believed that this is a thing made by human beings. Even if it is any more, the computer can not have the wisdom of human beings. Even if it has advantages in all aspects, it has the computing power and analytical ability that humans cannot reach. It will definitely have weaknesses. What he has to do now is to find out the weakness of the peter dog, and then win in tomorrow's game. He can no longer lose, and at least he must equalize the score tomorrow, only to have a chance to win!



Where is it?

After the meal, a friend called me.

Yao Jiancai: "Zhanger, dry-it-ah!"

Zhang Wei: "I know."

Yao Jiancai: "Come on, look at you!"

Some friends also advised him to simply abstain from voting. He said that Zhang Huan is not a person in the world of chess. Anyway, he is not a shame. It is already against the sky.

But Zhang Wei did not say anything!

Abstain? There are no two words in his dictionary!

When I returned to my room, Zhang Wei opened the computer and once again studied the game of today's game with artificial intelligence. It was repeated three times from beginning to end! Now it seems that there are several localities that do have flaws in processing, and there should be better ways to cope. Of course, this is a post-mortem gun. It’s useless to say anything. It’s impossible for people to be in that tension. Nothing to do.

And speaking of it, Go has nothing to say. This game is too complicated. Sometimes you think this move is very good. It counts everything, but after a dozen steps, maybe this move is It became a chicken rib, but it became a step. Conversely, you may have a bad move, but after the middle of the game, you may suddenly find that this move played a decisive role in the overall situation. Instead, it is a good move. This is possible. This is the complexity of Go. decided!

Studyed for two hours.

The more in-depth analysis, the more you can't find its weakness, almost every step of peter is pressed against Zhang Wei, all occupying a little bit of subtle advantage in the overall situation, can take the lead and press him one step. The only exception is the one-step chess game, which is a game that didn’t take long before the start. It was the only time Zhang Hao had made a peter dog in the situation, so this game was repeated for a long time.

Why is it leading here?

Why is peter not counting this step?

Zhang Yiyue wants to be more and more boring, and it is reasonable to say that artificial intelligence calculation ability is so strong. After so many moves, it is calculated. Shouldn’t this step be considered?

Zhang Wei feels keenly that the breakthrough may be here!

After thinking about it, Zhang Wei called a Wu Changhe home.

The phone is picked up by Li Qinqin, "Hey?"

"Auntie, I am Xiao Zhang." Zhang Wei said: "Is my uncle at home?"

Li Qinqin said: "Well, I will call you to him."

After a while, Wu Changhe sounded, "What?"

Zhang Wei immediately said: "Uncle, a little bit of things, I just analyzed it. I and peter started a small step in the small corner, 'fly', you know?"

Wu Changhe heard that it was a business, and it was rare that he was not impatient with him. "I know that that step is the only step you have to take advantage of, and Peter has not counted it."

Zhang Wei asked: "Why can't you see it?"

"Why?" Wu Changhe said, "You walked this way. In fact, we didn't count a bunch of people. The layout of your first few steps is very biased. In fact, after you 'fly', we only Knowing what your previous layout means, this kind of non-financing has never been used before, so peter is also fooled, it probably won't count you will hit there, your tactics are surprisingly successful."

"Nobody used?"


"Are you sure?"

"How many years have I played Go, of course."


How can it be!

Hanging the line, Zhang Hao immediately turned a lot of chess on the Internet, and sure enough, there is no similar formula! As everyone knows, there are many stereotypes of Go, and there are many mouthpieces, and there are so many different kinds. They have been summarized and analyzed by everyone. Wu Changhe said that they have never seen the formula under Zhang Wei, which makes Zhang I was shocked, because this formula is almost a routine on the earth before Zhang Wei. It is a very common formula. If he remembers it correctly, it should be the master of a chess master in nine years. First played, and after so many years of exploration and game, has long formed a fixed pattern.

But in this world, no one has ever seen it?

Because there is no such data, the peter dog can not calculate?

After a few seconds of squatting, Zhang Yi took a table and stood up!

I know!

I know the weakness of peter!

Zhang Yan Yang Tian laughed, "Ha ha ha ha ha!"

The mother opened the door and entered the house. "What? What? Nerve?"

Zhang Li immediately dressed, "Mom, don't say it, let me go out!"

Driving on the bus, Zhang Hao went straight to the Chinese chess house.

Why are you here? Because this is the most complete place for Go information!



It has been more than nine o'clock.

Compared with the excitement of the day, the chess house at night is a bit lonely, and many lights are black!

When Zhang Wei came, the chess house had only a few staff members on duty, and it was Zhang Yicai who opened the door for him. He hurried to the Go House and pushed the door in!

There are still people who have not gone inside.

It is the four or five professional players such as Chen Yuqi and Xu Wei, and they seem to be discussing the game between Zhang Wei and Peter today.

Xu Wei: "It's too strong."

Chen Wei: "How can this win?"

After hearing the sound behind, several people turned back.


"professor Zhang?"

"How did you come?"

A few people glimpse.

Zhang Wei immediately loudly said: "Fast, help! I need all the professional chess players in the world and all the rules!"

Xu Wei, "all the games? All the stereotypes?"

Chen Hao said: "What are you doing?"

A five-segment player: "All the games? That's hundreds of thousands of millions!"

"I want to learn! Help me!" Zhang Wei said, looking around and saying: "Where is the data room? Hurry up, a few brothers! It's too late!"

A few people are even more wrong!


Study now?

I can't rely on it myself! You are the second game tomorrow! Even if people are holding their feet, they are not as good as you are!

[The cough is so powerful that I don’t know if I have turned to pneumonia. The update is less, everyone will forgive me. 】

... (to be continued.)

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