I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1131: [Unexpected cosmic flow play! 】

Japan and South Korea.

Some Go websites are also being broadcast live.


"Let's see!"

"This is a super game!"

"The Chinese are angry!"

“Artificial intelligence is a big loss!”

"Impossible, isn't that badly called Zhang Wei yesterday?"

"You will know when you look at it!"

Just started, only nine hands, PETER was forced to compromise, and sent out several orders in vain. What is this concept? As long as you know a little about Go, you are very upset!

Go has been a history of hundreds of years or more. Since the development, what routines have been analyzed, and what styles have been seen, unless it is a professional chess player and an amateur player, otherwise the opening ten Within the step, there is no possibility of any obvious difference. Even if there is, it may not be obvious at the time, and it will be reflected slowly. It is really necessary to let the other party eat such a big loss in ten steps. Without asking, it is definitely a master who is playing a game.

But PETER is obviously not a rookie. On the contrary, it is a guy who beat the top three top players in the world, so everyone is so shocked!

Ten steps are useless!

Zhang Wei only used nine moves!

This simply subverts many people's perception of Go!

Some people even thought: If Zhang Zhang’s ignorance of this genre is learned, isn’t it invincible in the field of issuing?

As everyone knows, they think more.

Apollo flow, even in the world of Zhang Wei, was not very popular later. Basically, no one used it. I have never seen this style of play before, because this opening has been studied by too many people in the past. The various coping styles have been thoroughly explored. Moreover, the Apollo flow has some fatal flaws. This is actually not a mature start. But why does Zhang Hao still dare to use it? Because people in this world have not seen this kind of opening, because people in this world still don't know how to crack!

Zhang Hao bullied that PETER has not seen it!

Sure enough, this strange trick made him an advantage in the beginning!

Zhang Hao took the victory and pursued it, raising his hand and hitting it!

PETER kept a move.

Zhang Wei machine occupied.

PETER can only "top".

Although the start of the Apollo flow did not fight, because the compromise of PETER did not form the final killing, but the retreat of the ninth hand of PETER has already created an opportunity for Zhang Wei.

Interpretation room.

Yu Yingyi said with excitement: "Professor Zhang still has an absolute advantage!"

Chen Hao did not sleep in the seven-segment, but she was still a little sleepy before, but after this start, she was already full of energy, as if she had beaten the chicken blood. "Yes! They have played Wushu, Professor Zhang. I’ve been pressing PETER! The PETER is now passive, and there’s no way at all!”

Yu Yingyi said: "When that fights like this, is it won?"

Chen snorted and said: "You can't say that, everyone's chess has been seen. It has the opportunity to turn over in the disadvantages, and it is the beginning. After the game, it is not good, and there is a little bit. It is also worth our attention. As you can see, here, there is still here. Although Professor Zhang lost a number of meshes at the opening, but because of this opening, Professor Zhang’s layout can’t be said to be too good. Have to look again, Black 5 here, it is easy to be beaten back."

The result was not two hands, Zhang Hao suddenly stopped.

He arbitrarily knocked on the table and thought for a while before he fell.

PETER played a good move at this time, a split, directly killed back, this move is really beautiful, beautiful many chess players in front of the TV can not help but cheer!

Chen Hao’s face changed slightly. “Good chess! The absolute strength of PETER has been fully demonstrated in this step! It is no accident that it can beat so many of the world’s top players. Now Professor Zhang’s attack has been stopped, and Come and play Professor Zhang! It is now the turn of Professor Zhang to be difficult!"

The person in charge of the old beauty sighed and smiled.

The atmosphere is tense again!

Zhang Wei also licked his mouth. It seems that it is not realistic to rely on a start to kill the PETER dog.

Zhang Hao had to stand up.

PETER hits a small horn!

Chen Yu Shen said: "It is the turn of the PETER layout! After being occupied here, Professor Zhang is not good at this position. Although Zhang is dominant in the number of eyes, the other party has already caught up with the momentum. If it is not handled well, it will be lost here!"

The two sides have fallen two more.

It can be seen that compared with PETER's long-term thinking at the beginning, it is now like a duck, and it has entered the field that it is good at and familiar with. Basically, it doesn't take much time to calculate. PETER will soon give the next step, and They are quite powerful and have created a lot of trouble for Zhang Wei!

Wu Changhe Road: "Bad!"

Shan Dong He Ji Road: "The momentum is wrong!"

Xiang Rong Jiu Duan said: "See how he responds! Here is the key!"

Hu Liang shouted: "Come on!"

Yes, it’s the key!

Zhang Wei’s choice here is very important. If you play with Xiaojiao and compete with PETER, it will be a heavy loss, because the other party has already laid out in advance, but if you avoid the small corner, it seems that the back is not good, Zhang Wei’s opening layout is not very good. The disadvantages have already appeared.

The people at the scene are waiting!

The audience in front of the TV is also waiting!

How to go?

Where will Zhang Zhang fight in this step?

Zhang Wei himself blinked, and if he struggled with PETER, the situation would not be much better than yesterday. In this respect, PETER’s chess power is top-notch. It counts too many things and is much better than humans. If you play this way, you will inevitably fall into the database routine of PETER. It may decide what kind of game to use, such as Xiang Rong Jiu Duanxin, and then use its big data to predict Zhang Wei’s methods. Zhang Wei can no longer follow the pace of the PETER dog, and the buddy will not hit the routine you are familiar with!



Let you see and see!

Zhang Wei holds the mouse, smiles, and falls asleep!

This son actually fell to a high position directly above!

PETER is also estimated to be jealous and hit a "fly."

Zhang Wei is a little faint, once again on the chessboard where no one can understand!

For a time, countless people squatted again - forced!

Wu Changhe cried: "I rely! What is he doing?"

Xu Wei was stunned. "This, what is this?"

"What is this style of play?" Hu Liang looked at Xiang Rongjiu.

Xiang Rong looked at the screen and shook his head in a wry smile. "I have never seen it."

Chen Yu said with amazement: "What is this? Professor Zhang's choice is beyond everyone's expectations. Both of his sons intend to control the central-central area!"

Yu Yingyi saw that it was not right. "Why don't you fight for a small corner?"

The chess player in front of the TV fainted!

"I go!"

"What is the number of roads?"

"What new play is this fucking?"

"This is definitely a stun!"

"You don't argue for the little horn?"

"What is the point of your fight?"

"Being a dead stream?"

"Stream of consciousness?"

"How do you always get out of the cards according to common sense?"

Mom also anxiously said: "What happened to Xiaoyan? Is it bad under these steps?"

Dad said: "He made these steps, people can't understand!"

"Ah?" The mother was nervous.

No one can understand!

Chess friends don't understand!

Professional chess players around the world are not expected to know!

Most of Go believes in realism, that is, the layout method based on the third line, in order to obtain the site on the side. This is the mainstream in the mainstream. Everyone is playing like this. The general winning and losing depends on the site on the side. This is also the place where the competition is the most intense, and it is the place where people are the most studied!

Therefore, Zhang Hao’s few moves are simply unbelievable!

Around the central-central layout? Regardless of the small angle? You are too amazing!

What are you doing?

Do you want to abstain?

Then you directly admit defeat, why are you...

No one is aware of the danger, and there is no PETER. There is no such game in the database, and everyone has never seen it!

PETER is still falling in the usual way!

Zhang Wei did not panic and hit a high position. This high position is not in the small corner. There is no relationship with the small angle. It is still around the layout of the central-central, or Zhang Wei is in the circle of the whole chessboard!

PETER hesitated for two minutes this time before he fell.

Zhang Xiao smiled, didn't even think about it, and hit another high!

I know you have never seen this genre!

Now that my layout is complete, let's have fun!

Chen Hao has no way to explain, because she has completely disappeared!

Many of the top professional players in the battle room can only look at the screen dullly, watching the two people one by one, a confused!

PETER back!

Zhang Wei is on the high position again!

PETER top!

Zhang Hao is strong!

A three-star star is coming out!

Dozens of pieces fall!

Suddenly, PETER has no movement!

At this moment, countless people suddenly realized that it was wrong!

Yu Yingyi snorted, "This, what's going on?"

Chen Hao also stunned a sweat. "Why is PETER being held back? What happened? What is wrong with this?"

She was dumbfounded and didn't know what happened. PETER seemed to be passive!

Hu Liang called: "God!"

Xu Wei looked at the beads, "Why? Why is this?"

Many professional players are smashed!

Netizens also screamed!

"My grass!"

"Oh my titanium dog eyes!"

"What did I see?"

"This, is this magic?"

"What magic did Zhang Jian use?"

"Leading again! Zhang Wei pressed the PETER dog again!"

Before they thought that Zhang Wei had made these hands faint, he must have been in a mess on the layout. It must have been turned over by PETER, because in their opinion, as long as PETER firmly occupied the layout of the small corner, this plate There is no suspense, so dozens of hands are coming down, and they do see that Zhang Wei’s layout seems to be a mess, without a little rule. But suddenly I don’t know at some point in time, and I don’t know which step of the game. After they suddenly shocked, they found that the person who had nowhere to go was PETER! I don't know when it started. The half of the PETER was actually surrounded by a large net that Zhang Wei had sown. The other half of the son was also blocked by Zhang Wei. The layout and site of the PETER on the small corner were gradually Zhang Hao surrounded up!

This big net is terrible!

Can be inside!

Also outside!

As long as PETER comes in, Zhang Hao will kill it!

At all other times, Zhang Wei did not fight with PETER, but all of them were in the layout, and his big net was intertwined more and more densely!

Two stars!

Three stars!

Four stars!

This play that no one has ever seen shocked everyone!

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