I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1137: [One of the three difficult formulas played by Zhang Ye! 】

The next day.


The final game is about to come. Zhang Ye's third game is also a decisive game, and it will be played at the Chinese Chess Academy in one hour. Countless chess friends are waiting in front of the TV, and even many laymen who don't know Go at all are staring at the live broadcast nervously.

But what everyone was waiting for was bad news.

During the pre-match interview, the old American suddenly announced a news.

The person in charge of Lao Mei smiled at the camera and said: "After a whole night of debugging by our technicians, the relevant ones have been repaired, and here I can also reveal a message to you that our version of artificial intelligence Go has been upgraded. , Or in other words, this function has always been available, but considering some other issues, we did not enable this complex calculation function before. After yesterday’s game, we admitted that we underestimated Professor Zhang, but today we will not. It is released in a brand new posture. The last step yesterday will not be impossible to calculate. Simply put, after turning on this function, the ability of calculation, analysis and deduction will increase by about 15%! "

The reporter was surprised: "What is the winning percentage today?"

The person in charge of Lao Mei said: "We have tested the game with the upgraded version, and the winning rate after the upgrade is 99.9%!"

Everyone was in an uproar!



"Can I upgrade my grass?"

"Is it improved so much?"

"In response to Zhang Ye?"

"Too insidious! Why didn't they say anything yesterday? They just started talking today? Want to catch Professor Zhang by surprise?"

"Is it true?"

"Isn't that the loser?"

"Yes, Zhang Ye was lucky to win the game yesterday!"

Online boiling!

The people in the chess school were also panicked!

For a while, the news on TV was all about the upgraded version!

Chess house.

Shan Donghe, Wu Changhe and others all found Zhang Ye!

Hu Liang said anxiously, "Professor Zhang, have you watched the news?"

Zhang Ye smiled, "I saw it."

Shan Donghe said with a calm face: "What does this upgrade mean?"

None of them do this, they don't understand it at all.

"To put it bluntly, it is part of the performance that is let go." Zhang Ye explained to them: "Just like a computer, the performance of a machine is generally not the limit. The designer will deliberately reduce the performance to ensure the service life and computing time. Wait until it reaches a reasonable value. If you want to break this limit, you can choose overclocking. What Lao Mei is doing now is overclocking. Although artificial intelligence overclocking is more complicated, the principle is the same."

Wu Changhe annoyed: "Will the performance really increase by 15%?"

"Probably, Lao Mei's two lips touched each other, who knows it's true." Zhang Ye shrugged, "Maybe it's just to scare me, or it's true."

Scare you?

how could it be possible!

Everyone does not believe this statement, because they understand that even if the old and beautiful people are not familiar with you, they will not check it online? People won't inquire about it? The whole republic can be pulled out and asked by one person. When did your teacher Zhang be frightened? Flying planes, beating leaders, scolding radio and television, what is missing you?

Li Yi Jiuduan said loudly: "Really!"

"Yes!" Chen Ying also came, "Don't underestimate the enemy, Professor Zhang!"

Wu Changhe grabbed him, "If it's like what Lao Mei said, what that thing has improved the performance by 15%, how sure are you?"

Zhang Ye smiled, "Take a look."

Xu Han couldn't laugh or cry, "You are too casual!"

Hu Liang said, "Yes, Professor Zhang, you can give me a reassurance!"

Zhang Ye said, "It's not that I don't want to pack the ticket. The main reason is that I don't even know where the other party is overclocking. I want to speed up the analysis time or increase the analysis effort. I didn't fight it face to face. What should I say? So, Let's call it first."

Liu Hongjiudan nervously said: "Come on!"

"Yeah, come on!"

"Professor Zhang, show off yesterday's style!"

"The honor and disgrace of the Go world depends on you!"

Everyone shouted and sang.

Only Wu Changhe knew what the honor and disgrace of the Go world, what human dignity, that was all nonsense. This kid was willing to take action purely for his daughter, so Wu Changhe looked at Zhang Ye and said, "If your kid wins In the evening, I personally set a drink at my house to celebrate your success!"

Hearing this, Zhang Ye's spirits lifted up, "God."

Li Qinqin can talk, "Come home if you lose."

Zhang Ye was about to agree.

Just listened to Wu Changhe snorted coldly, "What else will you get if you lose!"

Shan Donghe didn't know about Zhang Ye and Wu's family, and said speechlessly, "Angel, why are you so snobbish and reluctant to ask for a meal? You won't ask me to ask!" Turning his head to Zhang Ye: "Professor Zhang, no matter you win or lose, we will give you a banquet in the evening and not go to his house!"

Zhang Ye smiled without saying a word.

Wu Changhe rolled his eyes and went to yours if he didn't go to my house? You have to have such a beautiful girl in your family!

Time is almost up.

Chen Ying has gone to the commentary side.

Zhang Ye breathed a sigh of relief and stepped openly to the battle scene. Today, he refused the pre-match interview. He didn't come until after the inside was cleared, because it was useless to say nothing about this game, whoever wins. , You have to fight with a real sword to know!

The referee is in place.

When the old and beautiful people saw Zhang Ye coming in, they showed a look of jealousy. It is true that they blew for a long time during the interview, what kind of upgrade, what is the winning rate, but facing the only person in the world who can win, they Still staying vigilant, this is why their team has studied for a long time before making an exception to "upgrade" the risk. This is also an affirmation of the smartest humans in the world! They no longer have the confidence they once had, and they are afraid of losing again!

Zhang Ye sat down, still sitting in front of the computer today, playing chess with the mouse.

The live broadcast moved to the live commentary booth.

Yu Yingyi changed into a bright red dress today, which is very festive, and it seems that she is also hoping that the human race will be able to win a lot of money.

Recently, Yu Yingyi is very popular. Because of this feast in the Go world, the originally small Go sports program suddenly attracted the attention of all of Asia. This situation became even more popular until the Chinese Chess Academy announced that Zhang Ye would represent human beings. Even Yu Yingyi, the sports host, has risen in value. Many people have met her through this man-machine battle, and they know that she is a classmate of Zhang Ye. Zhang Ye’s popularity today is so high that no one in the whole country doesn’t know. Perhaps because of the love of the house and Wu, Zhang Ye’s fans are very supportive of Yu Yingyi, and Yu Yingyi’s career has officially entered a rising period!

Yu Yingyi smiled: "Audience friends, hello everyone."

Chen Ying was nervous and squeezed a smile, "Hello everyone."

Yu Yingyi said: "In five minutes, the third set of the man-machine warfare is about to begin. Yesterday's game was really wonderful. Perhaps the hand of God is still echoing in the minds of many people, and many people are also against Professor Zhang. Today’s performance has high hopes, but before the game, we got the news that it has been upgraded. The US personnel said that the performance has been increased to the highest level. It seems that it will make it think more comprehensively?"

Chen Ying took the words and said: "Yes, this is also one of the highlights of today's game of chess. I asked Professor Zhang in the lounge just now, what does this upgrade mean? Professor Zhang used the term overclocking to answer. "She explained briefly, and then said: "As for the level of the upgrade, this is still unknown, we can only verify it later. As for the second aspect, will Professor Zhang use new ones today? The style of play, the Apollo Flow and Cosmic Flow named by Professor Zhang himself yesterday produced unexpected effects, which made people excited to see. I don’t know if Professor Zhang can reproduce his style today!"


The international referee made a gesture.

Yu Yingyi said loudly: "We see that the game has already begun, today's black, first move."

Chen Ying worried: "Professor Zhang holds the white back, and he is likely to be led by the pace at the beginning. It is difficult to use yesterday's style of play."

Yu Yingyi stared at the screen and said: "The child is settled very quickly."

Zhang Ye responded quickly.

After four hands of chess, the opening has taken shape.

Chen Ying explained: "The play is very stable. This is one of the regular openings with black, and it is also one of the highest winning styles of black chess. It is very aggressive and is a relatively aggressive opening. Fa, it seems that you want a quick fight? How will Professor Zhang respond?"

Hearing that, the audience in front of TV is even more worried!

Today’s CCTV Sports Channel’s ratings have gone against the sky. After yesterday’s victory, the ratings have almost doubled. Needless to say, Zhang Ye’s relatives and friends, and chess friends, even the crosstalk actor Tang Dazhang. The mortal enemy who helped Zhang Ye couldn't help but watch the live broadcast!

The domestic Go room is full!

Thousands of people are watching this unparalleled battle!

on site.

The two sides have already played five or six hands each. The situation is not fierce and not that complicated. It is a very regular game. However, the routine only ends here!

Zhang Ye looked at the board and thought for a while, then smiled.

Upgraded version?

Where is the upgrade? Let me try it!

With a click of his mouse, a "big flying hood" hit it off.

Aunt Chen Ying said, "This move does not seem to be very common."

Yu Yingyi was taken aback, "Isn't it good to go here?"

Chen Ying watched for a long time, "It's not bad, but the intention of the big flying shield here seems to be unclear. I don't know what Professor Zhang is considering."

The situation in the lower corner seems to be complicated!

Out of vain?

Black small eyes hanging corner?

White chess flying cover?

Although there are only three sons, it always feels a bit evil!

Watching room.

Everyone was shocked!

Hu Liang asked, "Why are you here?"

Xu Han blinked and said, "What is Professor Zhang thinking about again?"

"Who knows what he thinks." Wu Changhe was not satisfied with this move. "Obviously there can be better fixed patterns. Can't we use the three fixed patterns to play against Xiaofei?"

Xiang Rong Jiudan said suddenly: "He seems to be testing the computer."


"Professor Zhang, don't play with fire again!"

"Oh, what do you think of me is frightened?"

"What is Professor Zhang playing?"

Many people don't understand Zhang Ye's chess move. It can't be said that it's bad, but it definitely can't be called how good. Zhang Ye's big flying mask makes everyone feel very strange!

However, Zhang Ye had a smile on his face.

And the next moment that countless people in front of the TV and the Chess Academy were stunned, they were silent, and they waited for a long time without any movement!

Chen Ying Qidan said strangely: "Huh, what's the matter?"

Shan Donghe: "Why?"

A professional five-stage: "Why not move?"

Li Qinqin didn't quite understand, "Is this chess difficult to deal with?"

The old beautiful person was also taken aback!

Zhang Ye looked at the computer screen, but his eyes narrowed in silence as if he had already given Zhang Ye's answer. It was amazing. Did you see that something was wrong?

Ha ha.

Have you seen this chess?

Let me tell you what it is called, it is called "Da Xian Jie".

In my world, this is one of the three most difficult formulas! To be continued

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