I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1159: [International superstar Lily Ann! 】

The day.

The news leaked the wind.

"The Olympic opening song is confirmed! 》

"Zhang Wei will take the opening theme song! 》

"The Olympic Games Organizing Committee unanimously agrees that Zhang Wei's songs will be used! 》

"Zhang Wei replaced Jiang Hanwei and Shu Han to join the opening ceremony! 》

"The Olympic Committee has confirmed the authenticity of this news! 》

After watching the netizens, they all expressed incredible!

"Teacher Zhang?"

"I don't care!"

"How could it be him!"

"I do not believe!"

"I don't believe it, it can't be him!"

"I have a friend with the Olympic Committee. I heard that this matter has already been confirmed. I opened the meeting and decided to make a song by Zhang Wei, and he will sing!"

"Hey, but who doesn't know his relationship with the sports world?"

"Yeah, Zhang Yudeng's opening ceremony? This is too ironic. Can the gang guys agree? I thought before, even if this cake falls on the head, it can't fall on Zhang Shutou. He had a fierce battle with the sports world in the years to come. He played almost stunnedly. There are very few battles of this scale in the history of entertainment circles! I am going to go, what kind of teacher Zhang has come up with. Song, did you touch the Olympic Committee?"

"Ghosts know!"

"This time it’s really lively!"

"Yeah, there is a lively look, hahahaha!"

"I think Zhang Wei is quite right!"


"Because Go is also a big sport? Teacher Zhang is now the most powerful Go player in the world, and he can sing again. He is very normal!"

"Oh, it makes a little sense."

"Does Professor Zhang open the screen mode again?"

Immediately, some of the athletes who had been confronted by Zhang Wei and all of them protested!

The head coach of the table tennis team screamed angrily on Weibo: "How can you sing the opening song with people who don't respect sports? It's hard to understand!"

A table tennis player: "Unacceptable!"

A badminton player: "Zhang Wei represents the country to sing? Is there anything wrong!"

However, afterwards, the head coach of the ping pong team deleted the Weibo that had just been sent, and did not know if it was said by the Olympic Committee.

In fact, they do not blame them for shocking!

Even Zhang Hao’s relatives and friends are unbelievable!

Mom took a call and killed it!



"Have you won the Olympic opening song?"

"Oh, yes."

"are you sure?"


"Oh, great! It’s my good son!"

"So I have been busy this time, and I can't go back home."

"Nothing! Nothing! You are busy with you, arrange the music quickly, and rehearse, don't go home! You must sing at the opening ceremony! This is a world-class stage!"

"I know."

Ning Lan also called in amazement!

"Ning sister."

"Zhang, you are really fake?"

"The Olympic theme song? Really."

"What do you do?"

"They didn't sing, they came to me."

"Singing also used you?"

"Yeah, it may be that my personal charm touched them, ha."

"What personal charm you have, yes, my new movie is coming soon. Go back and give me a advertised advertisement in your meager."

"no problem."

Chen Guang's phone:

"What the **** are you?"

"Haha, this is confidential."

"You are too embarrassed, Jiang Hanwei is estimated to hate you!"

"It’s like saying that he didn’t hate me before."

"I am still licking my god, how can it be you!"

The friends’ calls are one by one. When everyone is unbelievable, they are also happy for Zhang Hao, because everyone knows that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This opportunity to sing at the opening ceremony of the National Olympic Games is estimated for decades. I haven’t met it once. Even a few kings haven’t argued. Even Jiang Hanwei’s old qualifications with huge connections in the industry have finally lost. It’s conceivable how competitive the competition is. Yes, sometimes I really need some air transport, and Zhang Wei just caught up!

Go war!

Math guess!

Masked song king!

Undoubtedly, these three battles pushed Zhang Hao to this position!

If it wasn't for Zhang Wei, he would write a song. If it wasn't for him, he won the championship of "The Masked King" with amazing strength and showed his extraordinary singing skills. If it wasn't for him, he just showed his face in the human-machine war, if not Dell suspected that it had just been announced that it had been cracked by Zhang Wei, and that he had made a name in the world. It is conceivable that the singing opportunity of this opening theme song could never be his. These three are indispensable, just in recent times. In the past month, Zhang Hao’s reputation has been continuously won, so that the Olympic Committee finally made a decision!

This may be the air transport!

This is also the accumulation and explosion of Zhang Wei!

At the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, there is no doubt that this will be the biggest stage in the history of Zhang Wei. Although there is only one chance for a song, it is enough, but it is an opportunity to show up in front of the world!


in the afternoon.


Zhang Yi is reading a document in his own office. He is choosing a partner, a person who sings with him on the Olympic stage. On his earth, the version of "I and You" that Liu Huan and Sarah Brightman sang is really amazing. Although Zhang Wei’s singing method is not the same as that of Liu Huan, he is also more inclined to find a foreign country. The female singer came to perform, and it was just the right to maximize the charm of the song. The problem is that Zhang Hao does not know anyone, he does not know who to look for!



These are the most famous female singers in the world!

However, after thinking about it, Zhang Hao shook his head and denied it. The two people’s attitude toward China is not clear. One is quite different. The rumors are not very easy to get along with. This kind of international star must be avoided first, even if the popularity is high. I dare not ask, first of all, safety first. The most important point of his ideal candidate is his attitude towards China. Secondly, it is popularity and singing. In this year, it is not easy to find an international star with a friendly attitude towards China.

Who are you looking for?

Who is the best?

After consulting for a long time, finally, a name appeared in front of Zhang Wei.

The office door opened.

Haqi Qi busy said: "Zhang Dao, the Olympic Organizing Committee has urged."

Zhang Zuo also got up and said: "I just made three calls, and asked if you have chosen? You will be rehearsing now, now it’s time to race!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "The person has chosen."

Haqi Qi blinked, "Which is it?"

Everyone is watching it!

Zhang Wei faintly said: "Lilyan."

Everyone was shocked!



"Who are you talking about?"

Zhang Wei repeated: "I said, Lilian."

Haqi Qi smiled and said: "Zhang Dao, are you kidding us?"

Zhang Yihan said: "I am not kidding."

Zhang Zuomu stunned, "Which Lilian?"

"The most famous Lilyan in the world," Zhang said.

Everyone: "..."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Xiao Wang wipes the sweat. "This, can you please come here?"

Wu Yidao: "The wrist you said is too big!"

Zhang Zuo smiled and didn't fall. "Why is it too big and so simple? This is simply... you are the world's top 20 international superstar!"

Everyone thinks that Zhang is too bold!

But Zhang Wei’s words made it impossible for everyone to refute. “Isn’t we spending money? Please have the Olympic Committee, let them go and ask them to spend money, let’s do something!”

Everyone is a little dizzy!

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "That's it, call!"

Haqiqi had to respond and turned to call the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee.

Sure enough, the people at the Olympic Committee have heard the same reaction with them before!

The organizer of the Olympic Organizing Committee: "Who are you talking about?"

Haqi Qiqi said: "Zhang Dao said that he wanted to invite Lilian."

The people of the Olympic Organizing Committee almost spit out an old blood!


I am grass!

You **** this is to give us out of it! (To be continued.)

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