I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 117: [Zhang Wei’s reputation crisis? 】

Many people are stunned

But there are also many people who don’t believe in it.

Sister Zhou is angry and said: "Xiao Zhang cheating? Put your shit"

"Xiao Zhang still used cheating?" Sun Ayi was also angry. "Who reported it? Who is so wicked?"

Xiao Lu sees that Zhang Wei has been smashed by his reputation, and his eyes are red. "We are all out of ideas, but we all say that when Teacher Zhang preliminaries, he is relying on his own skills."

Hou Ge stood up and said, "Who is so insidious?"

Zhao Guozhou is also sinking into the water. "Is it cheating? The fools can see it. Then, an old Qilian, can rely on people to come up with ideas. Just understand a little bit of literature and understand a little." Everyone knows that there is no such thing as a big force."

Tian Bin asked: "Someone is in the pit?"

"Definitely." Zhao Guozhou took a breath, "It’s really sinister."

Hu Fei pressed the fireway: "Some people in the Beijing Writers Association have fallen so despicable?"

The younger brother also wants to understand, "It must be the ghost they are engaged in. It is the report they reported. The employee who just went to talk is the Jingcheng Writers Association. He finished the conversation. The people below are very angry. The judges also seem to be drinking. Reprimanding the man and letting him not talk indiscriminately, things are already very obvious. The people who helped the associations smashed the reputation of Zhang Wei’s teacher. In such a live webcast, the teacher named Zhang Wei cheated. Even if only half of the people believe, Zhang’s reputation will not be there anymore, and they will report behind them, and they will stop Zhang Yujin from reaching the finals and prevent him from participating. When the Beijing City Association is ready to win, he will win the championship."

Dafei roared: "This grandson"

Only Zhang Hao did not speak, he closed his eyes and exhaled, but he was very eager. Anyone can see that Teacher Zhang Wei was also irritated.

The male host immediately rescued the field. "Let's wait for the teacher's discussion results."

The hostess was very angry: "Zhang Wei teacher cheated? I was the first one who didn't believe it. I also watched the preliminaries. I was not far away. Is it a cheating to say a few words to a friend? Then the preliminaries All the contestants who used the mobile phone should be cheated. Send the question to the mobile phone and ask someone to answer it. Isn't it possible to do it? Then we won't open this year's reunion contest, it's all cheated."

The male host is crying, secretly giving the partner a look, and saying that you are doing it, isn’t it too messy? And your **** is too embarrassing.

No matter the female host, "Let's wait for the results."

The scene is getting messy

There are awkward and arrogant

In the end, even the hostess publicly supported Zhang Wei. The situation is almost out of control. Everyone knows that this must have a result.

Under the field, everyone in the Beijing Writers Association is jealous.

"This kind of cheating is to undermine fairness and must be dealt with seriously."

"Yeah, otherwise it is not enough to serve the public. I think it’s hard to cancel his qualifications."

"The judges, like Zhang Wei, a morally corrupt person, who can't handle him, who can be convinced? The contestants now have great opinions with the backstage."

The woman of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles said coldly: "Moral corruption? What is morally corrupted? And the results have not yet come out. We are still discussing, who will let you join the association? Who will let you go all out? Didn't check it out, did you release it and wanted to directly create the facts?"

A small leader of the Beijing Writers Association said: "How is our problem? Our comrades are quick, this is something wrong, but the fact is that Zhang Wei is indeed cheating, and the live video recording is very clear."

In fact, the Yulian Contest has been held for more than ten years. Each session is almost the same. The preliminaries are all in the open air. It is not very restrictive to the contestants to use mobile phones or communicate with people, because they believe that everyone has this basic quality. I am not going to let go of cheating. I have never had any cheating incidents before. Zhang Wei talked with people. Although the rules are not advocated, there is no one to say anything. Who knows that this year, the situation is gone. Someone reported it once, and the result was given before the conclusion of the investigation.

Definitely stupid

The people of the Literary Federation read it out.

The youngest of the three judges is also 58 years old. They are all fine people. How can they not see that some of them are stalking?

The second judge, Xiao Laotai said: "The video is evidence? Seeing that their communication is evidence? Then you can turn over the video again. I believe that the players in the preliminaries have talked with people more than once, oh, Still not allowed to talk to people?"

The humanity of the Beijing Writers Association: "But they are a discussion about the test questions."

Qian Laoqiang said: "Even if they discuss it, my topic is not something that can be solved by someone. You are too small to look at me? I am 100% sure that the down link is Zhang Wei’s right, it is him. "A person's wisdom" finished, he announced: "The final continues"

The Beijing City Writers Association’s person who had been on the stage of Hu Yan’s eyes squinted: “You can marry him...”

"I said that the game continues to listen to you listening to me?" Qian Lao stared at him: "If you are not convinced, you will be the first judge. I will give you this position."

That person will not say anything.

Wenlian’s one person said: “I’ll go and talk to the host.”

In a short time, the male host announced that "there was no evidence that Zhang Wei’s cheating was reported, and the game continued."


Below the live video, the message is bursting.

"What? Check for no evidence?"

"There is definitely a shady scene in the dark."

"That Zhang Zhang is definitely cheating, there is nothing wrong with it."

"I also saw that the preliminaries video seems to have a lens that he and several people discussed. It was accidentally captured when the Dalei couplet was taken. I believe there must be a direct shot, but they did not send it up and cut it off. It’s shameless and shameless.”

"Resist Zhang Yi, I saw that he was not pleasing to the eye."

"No, Zhang teacher is very good, but also used as a disadvantage?"

"I know that people know each other, he is so young, where can he have such a skill? I think his previous poems are estimated to be someone else's ghostwriting."

"The people of the Beijing Writers Association did not announce that Zhang Wei was cheating. The association was at least an authoritative unit. Can this be fake?"

"Not necessarily."

"It’s a scorpion that is marathon."

"Yes, let's watch the finals. Without this ability, even if he cheats through the preliminaries, he won't be able to get a place. Haha, how can you look at Zhang Wei?"

There were also fans of Zhang Wei who helped Zhang Hao to speak, but they quickly drowned in the buzzing of the buzzing sounds. The scandal broke out. Eight of the ten people who watched the live broadcast online were black and black.

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