I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1166: [The whole scene roar! 】

The next day. (

The first day of the Olympic Games.

The people in Zhangye’s studio celebrated when they went to work. The purpose and core of the studio was to push Zhang Wei to a higher and farther place. Everything was around Zhang’s popularity and image, so the studio was just established. Days actually took over the big opening of the Olympic opening song, and Li Li'an's chorus was also a great success. It has left an impression and praise all over the world. The popularity of the country has soared and the popularity of Asia has soared. This makes the studio people Excited, every employee is full of hope for the future.

The business is also busy.

A few phone calls in the studio have not stopped, there are reporters to interview, there are TV stations to do interviews, and various cooperation invitations.

More than nine in the morning.

Zhang Hao came to work.

Haqiqi and others immediately reported the work, and took the statistical data and information to Zhang Wei. Every item was done in great detail. This is the advantage of the team. "Zhang Dao, your Weibo fans yesterday night again. It has risen by more than one million. The song "I and You" is too successful. The live video mv has now reached the top of the music list. The second is your song, "Beijing welcomes you!"

Xiao Wang called: "Zhang Guiwei!"

Wu Yi smiled and said: "Asian popularity has also gone up!"

Zhang Zuodao: "Yeah, many foreign media have now reported the name of Zhang Dao. This is a historical breakthrough for us. Although most foreigners cannot become a fan through a song, but It’s good to show your face on the world stage first.”

Zhang Wei looked at the statistics and smiled: "It’s hard for everyone."

Haqiqi smiled and said: "You have a good reputation now. All kinds of news reports are basically positive. I suggest that we should build some word-of-mouth during this time, strive to make persistent efforts, and fight hard, and turn down your negative images as much as possible. Let the media and the public change their impressions on you."

Zhang Yanyan, "Why?"

Zhang left to say: "We have an analysis before, we will definitely analyze the next step. On the first-line rating, we must first win the highest rating in the country and win the king. This will lay the foundation. It may go further in Asia and the international arena, so the goal is to reach the top in China first. According to previous data, there is a characteristic that Tianwang Tianhou, who can climb the top line, has a good reputation and public image. No one is an exception! For example, Zhang Yuanqi, such as the other kings and her name, are like this, so we analyze that word of mouth is one of the most basic prerequisites for the summit, and this is exactly what you lack. It is also a place where you can't compare with those who are in the sky. We can work hard in this area in the future, although it is not possible in a short time, um, but at least we can see if we can take it to the next level."

It is not the same as a team.

Zhang Hao listened a lot to his head. "Well, it makes sense."

Haqiqi smiled and said: "So we started publicizing in this direction? If there is charity or publicity, you can cooperate with us."

"Yes, you are sure." Zhang Wei did not say anything.

After determining the direction of the studio, everyone worked.

After Zhang Hao strolled around, he looked at the watch and drove away.

Image? Let's take a look at the public image during this time!


Olympic live broadcast.

Global live broadcast.

The first day of the game has already begun.

Netizens are very excited, and everyone is looking forward to the performance of the Chinese team at the Beijing Olympics.

In the past every Olympic Games, CCTV Sports Channel’s ratings will kill all other programs. During this period, everyone will only pay attention to the Olympic Games. In the eyes of everyone, there is only the Olympic Games. Moreover, this year is held in Beijing, and at home, at home. It is the host. The Olympic enthusiasm of all people has reached an unprecedented high point. Some people stayed in front of the TV early, and some even took time to buy tickets to watch the game!

On Weibo.

"Expecting gold!"

"Who can get the gold?"

"Come on, athletes!"

"There are a lot of gold medals today!"

"Haha, fencing has begun!"

"The shooting is also preliminaries!"

"I predict that the day must be more than two gold!"

"Three golds are also possible. On the first day, we have a lot of strengths!"

The media are analyzing the gold hotspots!



Or other projects?

Many media people have begun to write good reports, just wait for the first gold medal on the first day of the Chinese group to come out and immediately report the news!


Olympic live broadcast room.

The shooting competition is starting.

Narrator Zhao Zhidao: "Audience friends, the women's 10-meter final will be started soon. Chinese players Qi Xue and Li Wei ranked first and third respectively in the preliminaries, and they entered the finals. In the next game, The first gold medal to be born in the Beijing Olympics, Qi and Li Shuang Insurance can win the first gold medal for the Chinese delegation? Let us wait and see!"

Former Olympic champion Zhang Chuxia also came to the live broadcast room.

Zhao Zhi: "The game is over!"

Zhang Chuxia: "The first shot, come on!"

Zhao Zhi: "Okay! Qi Xue 10:2 ring! Hey, Li Wei made the first shot mistake, only 9.2 ring, but it doesn't matter, there is a chance!"

The second shot.

The fifth shot.

The eighth shot.

A few rounds have passed, but the results are much bigger than expected!

Li Wei is too bad, and he has no chance to compete for the medal. Qi Xue is also a serious mistake because of a shot. At this moment, he is also in the third place, and the gap with the first one is two points!

Zhao Zhi: "The situation is not very optimistic!"

Zhang Chuxia: "Look at the last few shots, the players are too nervous!"

Zhao Zhi: "Qi Xuejiao! Come on!"


After a shot, everyone screamed!


The gold medal is lost!

In the end, Qi Xue only got a bronze medal!

Zhao Zhi: "It's a pity!"

Zhang Chuxia: "Oh, the pressure is too great."

The audience in front of the TV also shouted!


In the next few hours.

The mood of the audience and the Chinese delegation can be described as heavy!

The shot was lost!

The fencing is lost!

Swimming is also lost!

"Gold is late!" 》

"What happened to the Chinese delegation? 》

"There is only weightlifting in the day!" 》

"Come on!"

"This is the doorstep!"

"Don't be stressed, fight!"

“Weight should be the most stable?”

"Well, there should be no suspense in weightlifting!"

"Gold is coming! Give everyone a lift!"

According to incomplete statistics, CCTV Sports Channel’s live broadcast ratings have reached an astonishing 43%. That is to say, nearly half of the 100 TVs in the country are watching the Olympic live broadcast. The Olympic ratings of other countries in the world are also quite good, and they have maintained a very high level. If they are converted into the number of viewers, this should be the highest rating in the history of the Olympic Games!

Because of this, Chinese audiences are even more looking forward to a gold medal to boost morale!

Only weightlifting!

This must be won!


at night.


One commentator said: "The next thing to bring is the live broadcast of the men's 62kg weightlifting competition. The defending champion Chinese player Li Jiaxi is about to play. In this project, the Chinese players have absolute strength, but there are also attention to the Korean players. This will be the enemy of Li Jiaxi!"

The game was packed.

The stands are all Chinese flags and spectators, and the cheers come one after another!

Zhang Wei was wearing sunglasses and was late. He sneaked in from the staff channel.

Three sisters beckoned, "Brother!"

The second sister screamed: "How come you come."

Zhang Hao hits haha. "The door was blocked by the reporter. Did you start?"

"It’s right now." The younger sister said with a heavy face: "This is the last gold medal hope today. I really hope that there will be no problem!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Reassuring, it should be very appropriate."

Daxie and auntie said: "Small, take a hurry."

"Get it." Zhang Wei sat down.

Today, he was actually in the Olympics today. He took his mom and dad to watch the shooting competition for a while, and then took Chenchen to watch the fencing competition. As a result, a gold medal was not held. Zhang Wei was also very anxious, although the gold medal theory A little extreme, but after all, is a competitive game, who does not want to take a gold medal?

Zhang Hao shouted: "Come on!"

The people around him shouted.

"Come on!"

"Li Jiaxi is on!"

"Get gold!"

"It depends on you!"

The live footage turned and suddenly gave Zhang Hao’s direction.

In the live room, both commentators laughed.

"Oh, the camera gave Zhang Wei. We saw that Teacher Zhang Wei also watched the game with his family. Hey, the one wearing the hat, if I didn't admit that it should be the singer Han Fang, hey, the director He Qidong also came. Look, he and Zhang Hao are nodding their heads. It seems that the stars are also very concerned about the Olympics."

"Begin, the first snatch!"

"The first to appear is the Korean-National player."

"The second appearance is the Australian player."

After a few rounds, I finally got the Chinese team!

"Hey, Li Jiaxi will open 162 kilograms!"

"How do we look, come on! Li Jiaxi! Come on!"

"Okay, lift it up!"



Zhang Hao shouted: "Good!"

The three sisters shouted loudly!

"Hey, the Chao-Fresh player added 166 kg, he succeeded!"

"Li Jiaxi has to go to 166 kilograms. The **** is not his strength. Let's see how this is done... Hey! It! It!"

The audience burst into applause again!

The two commentators were shocked and the audience watching the live broadcast were also worried!

At the end of the snatch, Li Jiaxi and the North Korean player tied for the first time and entered the jerk!

Li Jiaxi failed the first attempt, and the second success raised 19o kg!

The North Korean player actually had a weight of 19o kilograms that seemed impossible for him in the third place. In the past game, he never lifted this weight!

The third sister cursed: "Look at his feet! Hey his feet!"

Zhang stunned for a while. "You are too embarrassed!"

This is the third and final piece of the North Korean player. He only has this opportunity!

The North Korean player grabbed it hard, and it was very difficult to put the dome on his chest. The huge weight was so strong that he was squatting. Obviously it was almost impossible. Suddenly, the North Korean player slammed his hand and lifted the scorpion over his head. But it was a little unstable, and his feet were shaking again and again. He forced for a moment and finally threw the bell!

The commentary excites: "He didn't stand firm!"

Another former weightlifting champion said: "Win, the champion is us..."

But at this time, the North Korean player suddenly saw a surprise in the screen, and he rushed down the stage to hug his coach!

Explain and say: "What happened?"

The former weightlifting champion was incredible: "What? The three referees lit up a red light and two white lights. This has passed. Is the North Korean player raised? If so, the North Korean player also raised 19o kilograms. He is lighter than Li Jiaxi in terms of weight and weight. If he is the same weight, he will win!"

The audience was paralyzed!

The coaching staff of the Chinese team is also awkward!

A coach fired and immediately ran to appeal. However, this year's Olympic weightlifting project did not allow for appeals. Several referees directly blasted the Chinese team coaches back.

Explain: "This penalty is too strange!"

The former weightlifting champion said: "Yes, it's incredible!"

Explain: "But Li Jiaxi still has a chance! If he can lift 191 kilograms in the final, the champion will still be his! Come on, Li Jiaxi! Come on, the Chinese team!"

The pressure is all on Li Jiaxi!

The next moment, in the cheers of the audience, Li Jiaxi appeared!

Standing in front of the bell, I only listened to Li Jiaxi’s roar and sighed for myself. Then I knelt down and took the bell, biting my teeth and adjusting my breath!


Commentary: "Okay, get up!"

The former weightlifting champion shouted, "Come on!"

Explain the big channel: "Get up! Get up!"

Li Jiaxi suddenly slammed, and he slammed his head over his head. However, due to the heavy weight, he also had some vainness under his feet. He did not stand for a while, but after adjusting a few steps, he actually stood still again and trembled. The bell stayed for two seconds!

The audience is crazy!

Zhang Hao called: "Win!"

The big sister is in tears, "Win! We won!"

The director and singer in the stands also got up and screamed!

The narrator was even more excited. "Win, Li Jiaxi withstood the pressure! He resisted..." Suddenly, the commentator stunned. "What? Wait a minute? What happened?"

The audience suddenly stopped!

The referee seems to have said something!

Then, the North Korean and North Korean coaching staff boiled, and they all cheered together!

Chinese player Li Jiaxi stood on the field!

Just one move, the three referees actually gave two red lights!


There is no result in this move!

An Australian referee, a Korean referee, and a Canadian referee, gave a penalty that made everyone stunned!

North Korean players won the gold medal!

Li Jiaxi ranked second!

The third place is Australian, which is also a breakthrough in the history of Australian weightlifting!

The Chinese coaching staff was angry and rushed to the referee!

The audience was angry and shouted!


"What are you doing!"

"What is this penalty?"

"Are you playing yin?"

The CCTV commentator also said loudly: "What happened? Can anyone tell me what happened?"

The former weightlifting champion said with anger: "This is definitely a misjudgment! This penalty is totally unreasonable! Look at how the scene is negotiated, and the organizing committee has gone!"

The on-site referee team is smashing!

The Australian referee has been shaking his hand!

The Korean referee also said something.

Finally, the result has been, the referee team did not change the sentence!

The North Korean player shouted and patted his chest frantically, proclaiming his champion!

Li Jiaxi silently stepped down, his eyes were red, and the tears suddenly filled the entire face!

The commentator said: "The man has tears and does not flick! But at this moment, the Olympic hero has tears in Beijing, we don't know what to say!"

Former Olympic champion said: "This is too unreasonable. If the referee team is strict, it is necessary to say that Li Jiaxi's move is a foul. Then the former North Korean player's move is even more than one hundred percent, which is a foul! It doesn't make sense to treat different players with different standards! What's wrong with this? What is the referee team doing?"

The narrator sighed, "The result has been fixed, we only accept this result!"

The former Olympic champion said: "I can't accept it! If we say that our strength is not enough, it will be fine. If we say that we are ruined, it will be considered, but now what is going on here? I really can't accept this! I believe Many people can't accept it!"

The live broadcast is still going on!

The award ceremony will also be held below.

Suddenly, Zhang Wei stood up and pointed to the referee group and shouted: "Stupid - forced!"

How big is this trick, this sound is deafening in the closed field!

The famous TV drama director He Qidong heard the sound and stood up again. "Stupid - forced!"

Singer Han Fang screams: "Stupid - forced!"

Second sister: "Stupid - forced!"

Three sisters: "Stupid - forced!"

More and more people are standing up!

More and more people are pointing at the referee roar!

At this moment, the Chinese audience in the audience was angry!

The famous "Gyeonggi" resounded through the Olympics!

The Australian referee looked at the audience and knew that they were swearing, laughing and saying nothing. The Korean referee was expressionless, and several other referees were the same as none. After the game, they actually chatted together, talking and laughing.

This has aroused the anger of the Chinese people!

This shows that it is aimed at their Chinese group!

For a time, the buzz on the stands was louder!

"Stupid - forced!"

"Stupid - forced!"

"Stupid - forced!"

The big sister looked at Li Jiaxi’s tears and almost cried. “I’m mad at me! I’m mad at me! Isn’t this a bully? No such thing!”

What is the temper of Zhang Wei?

This product is a bit of temper!

The most hated thing in his life is this kind of thing. "This is a foreigner with a grandson!"

He Zhidong, a director not far from the side: "They deliberately!"

This kind of penalty is simply too obvious, and there is simply no way to describe and explain it with misjudgment!

"Grass him big - Lord -! Let me play with my grandson? OK!" Zhang Yi turned and left, said to his aunt and several sisters: "I am going out!"

"Why are you going?"


A few sisters are also a glimpse.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Hao has already left the game.

If the skill is not as good as people, it will be considered!

If the foreign Olympics is no problem!

This is Beijing! This is the Beijing Olympics!

On our site, at our doorstep, can we still let you bully? I am going to you - mom -! (To be continued.) 8

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