I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1168: [Monitor video exposure! 】

The scene is chaotic!

A few of the referees lying on the ground were swollen and swollen, and the ghosts were crying, and they couldn’t stand up. They were all wrestled!


"fubsp; "My legs! ”


The Australian referee shouted for help. [(

However, several volunteers and Chinese athletes at the side looked at him. They just had to subconsciously help them, and they stopped. They didn’t pass, but they took out under the gaze of the weightlifting referees. I took a video on my mobile phone!

"The referee was beaten!"

"There are a few weightlifting referees!"

"Come on!"

"Snap it down!"

"I rely on, who did this?"

Security personnel also ran!

And the staff of the organizing committee also rushed to the scene!

"What happened?"

"How could this be?"

"What happened to you?"

"Fast, get people up first!"

“What about medical staff? See if there is anything!”

"Fortunately, no fractures!"

The more people there are, the more people in the media are coming!

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked and unbelievable. This is the Olympic venue. This is the most secure Olympic venue. How can this happen? How could this happen? Who is so blatant? Who is so bold!

The media is shocked!

The Olympic Committee is shocked!

Domestic and foreign athletes are shocked!

Playing referees at the Olympic venues? No one has ever seen this kind of thing!



Mom and Dad are roaring at the TV!

Dad said: "Fortunately, I didn't go to the weightlifting final at night, or I was really mad!"

Mom said: "This is a foreigner grandson! We dare to scream with us at home? Who gives them the courage? Who gives them the right?"

Online is still awkward!

The entertainment circle is here!

The Chinese media is smashing!

Netizens are jealous!

"There is no reason to be reasonable?"

"This guy is really damn!"

"Brothers, human flesh!"

"It’s already out of the flesh, it’s these five referees!"

"Paralyzed, who is going to block the door with me?"

"I am going! Hey they are!"

"Yes, this is absolutely impossible!"

"Also count me! I will go too! Today is really angry!"

"Where to go, that is the working area of ​​the Olympic venues. Who is going in?"

"Is that all right?"

From the end of the weightlifting competition to the present, the people have been squatting for an hour, but at this time, countless news suddenly popped up, really too sudden, suddenly reached the point where all the netizens were caught off guard, everyone was simply Awkward!

"Five weightlifting referees have been attacked! 》

"The event in the Olympic venues! 》

"The referee fell and was injured, or caused by man! 》

"The police have been involved in the investigation! 》

"Monitoring video will restore the scene? 》

"What happened to the scene?" 》

CCTV Sports Channel: "Hey, we just got a message..."

Beijing Satellite TV said: "The Olympic Games is another big event, please watch a video!"

The video has also been exposed!

The five weightlifting referees who were still on the TV "Yaowu Yangwei" were simply terrible in the video. Some of the noses were bleeding, some of them were out of the bag, and they all lie on the ground and call!

This time, Weibo can be lively!

For a moment, the number of videos on Weibo suddenly exceeded 200,000 times!

Netizens are simply happy, like the New Year!


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I rely too much on this!"

"Live it! Let it be!"

"The good and the evil are reported at the end of the day! Who is the sky?"

"Unwind! Really his mother is deflated!"

"Hey, I am laughing! It’s so cool!"

"I am playing the referee in the Olympic venues? Ordinary audiences are not going to go in? Who is this? What is going on? What is the matter? First, I will give you 10,000, I will see again!"

“Is it volunteered?”

"Haha, I just want to say, do it beautifully!"

"Which hero is the hand? Let us worship!"

"Too fucking!"

"This is the most deflated news I have seen this year!"

Yao Jiancai succinctly praised the video: "Ha ha!"

Zhang Xia likes it!

Zhang Yuan chess agent likes it!

Huo Dongfang likes it!

A king likes it!

A blink of an eye after a certain day!

Jinghua Times official slightly turned!

Jingcheng Gong-An-Feng - Bureau official slightly transferred to praise, and deleted in seconds!

The public has nothing to worry about and say everything, but many of the entertainment stars and official staff are not convenient to talk about this matter, because they are public figures, they are wrong, but they are also using themselves. The way to express attitude!

Dad is wrong, "The referee was defamed?"

Mom yelled, "Good job! Good job!"

Great people!

This is really a big deal!

Although there are many experts and media people who stand up and fakely say that they shouldn’t be like this, the people simply don’t take care of them. Everyone’s focus is on who is doing this, whether they are volunteers or staff member? Is it a Chinese athlete or a coach?

Foreign media are also paying close attention!

"The police are investigating and monitoring! 》

"It is reported that witnesses said that there was no one at the scene to beat people!" 》

"The injured referee has already protested to the Olympic Organizing Committee! 》

"Is it being beaten? Still accidental injury? 》

"The truth is about to come out!" 》



Zhang Wei studio.

Zhang Hao drove back and opened the door and looked at it. Haqiqi Zhang Zuo left, they didn't even get off work, they all chatted in the studio, and they drove TV.

Zhang Yiyi, "Hey, work overtime?"

Haqi Qi busy said: "Hey, how can you come back!"

Zhang Zuolean said: "I just saw a news, everyone did not go as soon as they were happy."

"Is this not an overtime pay?" Zhang Yuer forced.

"What kind of overtime pay, Zhang guides you too much." Xiao Wang Huan Tianxi said: "Have you read the news? Just a big deal! The weightlifting referees were injured!"

Zhang Yan shrugged: "Of course I know."

Wu Yi laughed. "They are checking out which hero is out!"

"Too much power!" Xiao Wang said: "I really hope that the surveillance is not photographed, otherwise the person may have trouble. If the athletes of our country are likely to be banned."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Reassured, not an athlete."

Haqi Qi immediately said: "Zhang Dao, you have a microblogging praise, we are now guiding you to the positive public image, you can not miss this kind of thing."

Zhang left nodded. "Right right, you have to say a few words, at least brush it."

Zhang Wei shook his hand. "There is no need to brush."

"Why?" Haqiqi stunned.

Suddenly, the CCTV live broadcast screen changed. I just checked the picture of the Olympics today. I turned back to the live broadcast room and listened to the host. "We just inserted the video. We just received the news. The weightlifting referee has already injured. With significant progress, we got a set of live videos."

The video is airing!

The people of the whole country are in a good spirit!

"who is it?"

"Look and see!"

At this moment, I don’t know how many people in the country are in front of the TV.

Haqiqi and Zhang Zuo and others are also in front of the screen.

Then, on the monitor screen, there were five referees. It was the injured ones. I saw them walking forward quickly. There were still a few people talking and laughing. The next second, the key in the shot. The characters appeared, and the two people were getting closer and closer, and when they passed by, there was no violent scene of screaming in the news, and there was no fighting scene in which everyone thought about it!

It’s just a wipe!

The young man in the surveillance stretched out the evil foot and mixed it in the past!

The next moment, the people of the country were stunned to see that the five referees turned their heads to the ground!

The young man was in a pocket, and he still seemed to be holding some songs in his mouth. The surveillance screen gave the youth a close-up of the face. Immediately, the people of the whole country jumped like a tail!

Haqi Qi wrongly turned back!

Xiao Wang screamed!

Zhang Zuo and Wu Yi also stared at Zhang Wei behind them!

It is Zhang guide!

The person in the picture is actually a guide!

The people in Zhangye’s studio almost fainted!

Haqi Qi held the table and forcibly stood firm. "Zhang Dao, is you!?"

Zhang Zuo is crying. "Zhang Dao, let's say good public image publicity? We just said this morning!"

Zhang Wei is also a little embarrassed, "I am impulsive."

Haqi Qiqi said: "You know it!"

Zhang Xiaoxiao laughed. "You also know that I have this temper. It is not an example. It is not an example."

The people in the studio looked at each other and sighed. Come, they really have to work overtime, and they know that Zhang Wei’s team is not that easy. Everyone in Zhangye’s studio is smiling and ready to meet the next storm! (To be continued.) 8

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