I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1170: [International hot discussion! 】


The phones are one by one.

The studio is busy dealing with the reporter's media, and Zhang Wei is on the phone of his family and friends. This matter has already been fried, and no one knows it!

Zhang Wei holds the phone, "Mom."

Mom yelled: "Son, play well!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Alright."

"What is good." The dad over there seems to have snatched the phone. "You are a party member. How do you beat someone again? Do you still play the referee at the Olympics?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao laughed. "I didn't play."

The mother rushed over again. "Don't listen to your father. When you know that the referees are injured, your dad doesn't know what to laugh like. I can't wait to clap my hands. Seeing the surveillance video is your urgency. Don't ignore him, this is a good thing! We can't be bullied!"

Zhang Wei: "Get it."

Mom: "Do you have anything for yourself?"

Zhang Wei: "What can I do?"

Mom, "That's it."

Then is Ning Lan's phone:

Ning Lan: "You dare to do it?"

Zhang Wei: "I can't do it. I will say it first."

Ning Lan: "You have the same foot!"

Zhang Wei: "Cough."

Ning Lan: "You are so troubled."

Zhang Wei: "Hah, I am born with no fear of trouble."

Ning Lan: "Served you!"

The singer Zhang Xia’s grandmother’s phone also came:

Zhang Xia: "You don't want to enter the international arena?"

Zhang Wei: "Think."

Zhang Xia: "Think? Then you still get into trouble?"

Zhang Wei: "You can rest assured, I have a few."

Zhang Xia: "You, you, I don't know what to say about you."

Friends have come to care, they are afraid that Zhang Hao will cause big trouble, but at the same time, they also really admire Zhang Wei’s courage and courage. This kind of troublesome thing will not be done by anyone. What's more, Zhang Wei is the person of this status. The people in the entertainment circle pay more attention to the reputation, let alone the star who wants to enter the international market. This kind of stain is almost always with the life, and the wipe can't be erased. It’s hard to climb the domestic entertainment industry. It’s even harder to get to the top of Asia to enter the international arena. Isn't this creating resistance for yourself? Isn't this an obstacle in your future path?

What can you do?

I didn't care at all, just do it!

Just rushing to this, they really can't take it!

Soon, the police investigation results came out!

Chaoyang Police: After investigation, the suspicious man appearing in the surveillance video of the Olympic venues is indeed Zhang Wei himself. The police initially judged that Zhang Wei had to return the Olympic venue staff pass in the future after the opening ceremony of the previous day, and then entered after the evening game. The venue was ready to return the documents, and the five foreign weightlifting referees passed by and were caught by unknown objects. After the comparison in the surveillance camera, Zhang Wei did have a situation of losing control of the center of gravity, resulting in five foreign referees being beaten by one person. The fact that the chain fell to the ground was created.

and many more.

The result of a survey of up to 300 words!

The summary is a sentence of accidental injury!

Once the results of this survey were published, countless domestic people simply praised it!

"Like the Chaoyang police!"

"Hahaha! Do it beautifully!"

"People's police for the people!"

"It’s clear!"

"Yes, it is a mistake!"

"This case is wonderful!"

"It's a drop! It doesn't matter to Teacher Zhang Wei!"

"The opposite pole! I said that with the character of Teacher Zhang Wei, it is impossible to deliberately injure the referee in the Olympic venues. This kind of thing, Professor Zhang can't do it!"

"To the head, people are the three professors of Peking University and the media. They are downright cultural people."

"Yes, that's right. Teacher Zhang is a people's teacher and a party member. How can this be done? Can't be a good person, the police finally have Zhang's innocence."

"Sinking in the snow!"

"People teachers will not beat people!"

"Oh, finally the truth is clear, Teacher Zhang is being smashed!"

"Tears! I am happy for Teacher Zhang!"

The people speak my words and righteous words.

But in fact, everyone in your heart is laughing!

Sinking snow?

Happy for him?

People's teachers do not beat people?

Let's take it away!

Everyone in the heart is full of mirrors, and the fools know that this is absolutely forcing Zhang Weigan, he can't do it? He can't do it out who does it! This kind of thing is his joy! However, everyone’s thoughts are completely different from what they said at the mouth. They are all arguing for Zhang Wei, fighting for Zhang Wei, and deeply feeling indignation for others’ misunderstanding!

Yao Jiancai is meager: ""

Xiaodong meager: ""

Huo Dongfang meager: ""

Many people in the entertainment industry have a fainting impulse!


Really enough!

Do you want to be so funny!

Who does not know Zhang Hao all over the country!

However, the reporters who actually had foreign media were stunned by the investigation results of the Chaoyang police in the Republic, and several foreign media published news.

British media: a misunderstanding

Russian media: police investigation released, not a criminal case

Portuguese media: Still paying attention to the Olympics.

But more foreign media simply don't believe it!

In particular, the Australian and South Korean media are so excited that the American media, of course, are also welcoming allies, and come together to join in the fun!


accidental injury?

You are cheating!

Stupid to believe you!

Several of the referees who were beaten became more and more fierce and did not agree!

Australian media: hand over the murderer! Must be severely punished!

US media: The US delegation asked the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee to give an explanation!

Korean media: The Korean referee was beaten, can't just stop it, request Interpol to intervene!

Chinese netizens are all looking at the eyes and also the Interpol? Do you think that terrorist attacks are! Your US delegation wants us to explain to you? Are you really an Interpol?

Partial, and the Chinese media join in the fun.

A tabloid: Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee should give an explanation to the international community!

A certain online media: Zhang Wei is indeed too much!

Expert of a Republic: It is not advisable to use violence! This is a radical contradiction!

A scholar in the education field is even alarmist: if the international referee is not properly handled, China will lose its international prestige, and the Beijing Olympics will become a laughing stock!

Many people are trying to stand up!

Many people are also jealous of him!

Each has its own arguments, each with its own truth!

On the first day of the opening of the Olympic Games, because Zhang Wei was alone, because of Zhang Lan’s one thing, the entire domestic and foreign media and the public have quarreled!


Zhang Wei successfully grabbed the headlines of the Olympics! To be continued

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