I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1183: [Photographing MV together! 】

The singing is over.

The melody seems to be still echoing.

Dong Shanshan stopped dancing. "What is the name of this song?"

Zhang Wei said: "Calling "Youth."

Dong Shanshan nodded, "Good name."

This is a song by Han Hong, the song of the cold bowl. On the earth of Zhang Wei, this song is also very hot. The singing is good, but it may be the reason of propaganda or other factors. This is not how much. The classic masterpiece, but Zhang Wei likes it very much. In his heart, this "Youth" can be said to be one of his favorite songs in the world. Today, he felt it and finally got it out. .

A few young boys and girls next to each other looked moving, and then they returned to God.


"Zhang Wei!"

"Dong Shanshan!"

"Yu Yingyi!"

Was recognized!

Zhang Wei and other talents found someone around.

Zhang Xiao smiled and gave the guitar back to them. "Sorry, use your instrument for use."

Yu Yingyi also returned the violin and said gently, "Thank you."

The girl was busy shaking her hand. "Teacher and sister, you are welcome."

A young man admired: "You use it casually, it's okay."

"Schoolmaster, why are you singing so well!"

"Yeah, I have heard this song crying."

"Sister Shan Shan, you are awesome!"

“It’s too shocking! It’s really shocking!”

Several sophomores are excited.

Zhang Wei said: "It is a good match for the Shanshan dance. The Yingyi string is well pulled."

Yu Yingyi, who is still immersed in the sad atmosphere, is somewhat helpless by Zhang Wei. "What is a string? Is this a violin? But I am not a professional, I have been studying for two years at school, half hanging, no. It’s not bad to ruin this song."

Zhang Wei said: "It's really good to pull."

Yu Yingyi sighed: "I feel it."

A girl admired: "You are too powerful!"

When they moved things away, Wang He said: "This song is to write about us. Really, my mother missed the guys who might not see it again!"

Liu Tie: "Thank you Zhang, you can also write a song for us to pay tribute."

Dong Shanshan said: "I really hope that Xiaoqiu can hear."

Zhang Wei suddenly said: "She will."

Xiaoqian: "Do you want to send this song?"

Zhang Wei said: "Of course, not only to send, I want to make it mv, I have been preparing for the single mv these two days, I have not thought about it, but now I decided."

Ma Xufei: "Great!"

Pharaoh: "Must be sent!"

Xiaoqian said: "We are waiting to hear the official version!"

Zhang Wei said: "There is no official version."

Wang Heyi, "Why?"

"This is the official version today." Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "So I have to ask everyone to help me, let's work together and record this mv."

Xiaoqian said: "Do we record?"

Zhang Wei said: "Yes, Shanshan dances, Ying Yi pulls the strings, Wang He hits the wind chimes, everyone has their own tasks, one can not be less."

Xiaoqian said: "Are we going?"

Yu Yingyi can't laugh and cry. "I am half-shouldered. Let's forget about the lost people here. You let me go to mv? You are not afraid of it?"

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "What we want is our group of people. Otherwise, I would like to ask a group of professional people to come with me. This is not our "Youth". Let's go to school, just this place, let's just like this group of people, I went back to the team and started recording tomorrow. Do you dare?"

"Rely, don't you dare?"

"Come on!"

"We are afraid of you?"

"What are you afraid of!"

"By your name, we can still mix and match."

"Yes, we also marry your fame."

Everyone hit it off!

Dong Shanshan said: "Then I will go back and improve the dance."

Zhang Hao hurryed: "No, don't, just today."

"This is my jumping, I don't know what to jump." Dong Shanshan said: "It is purely following the feeling."

Zhang Weidao: "When you recorded, you also followed the feeling, really, you really shocked me this dance today, this mv would be too much if you didn't have this dance." Dong Shan The dance of Sugi is the key reason for Zhang Wei to decide to use this mv. In his world, there is no such mv in this song. "Youth" is not a song that has been raging in the north and south of the country, so Zhang Wei also wants Try to see if this picture that shocked him can be recognized by the public, can you let this "Youth" re-glow on this earth!

Xiaoqian agreed: "Yes!"

Yu Yingyi also praised: "Shanshan, you don't know how beautiful you are."

Dong Shanshan spread his hand. "Well, if you don't give up, then I will do my part. Anyway, I don't cooperate with Zhanger twice."

Yu Yingyi joked: "Yes, you have a lot of iron."

Xiaoqian smiled and said: "Zhang Er seems to have written a "Miss Dong"."

"Is that for me?" Dong Shanshan smiled.

Wang He Ledao: "Who is that for?"

Yu Yingyi said: "You don't know your birthday. We don't know yet. The masked king is just your birthday. Zhang sang a happy birthday at the end of Miss Dong. It's not for you. What I wrote? Hey, Zhang Er, when I wrote a "Miss Yu"? So many old classmates, can you not be so thick? Just write to Shanshan and write to us?"

Xiaoqian: "I want too."

Ma Xufei: "And me."

Zhang Weidao: "Hey, you spare me."

Dong Shanshan helped him round out the field. "Right, Zhang Bo, how is the money divided?"

Ma Xufei: "Yes."

He Kui joked: "Haha, we have to pay the fees."

Zhang Wei has no words. "How do you tell how to divide?"

"Zhang Boss is generous!" Liu Tie raised his thumb. "But just make a joke with you, everyone will do something and ask for money."

Xiaoqian smiled: "I don't want to use it."

Everyone said no.

Dong Shanshan said: "I have a proposal. This mv throws out the production costs and publicity expenses. The money earned is made up and I will give Xiaoqiu a cure for the leg injury."

Zhang Hao shot the thigh, "Okay! Just set it!"

Wang He raised his hands and agreed. "This is good. We didn't know it before. If you know it, you will definitely get a force. If you don't have much money, you will have a strength!"

"well said!"

"count me in!"

"Let's make a contribution, let Qiu Jieer stand up again!"

Zhang Wei’s big bag said: “This matter was handed over to me. All the money of mv will let Liu Tie take it to Xiaoqiu. It’s not good to go abroad for treatment, and it’s not good to cure the prosthesis abroad. There will be athletes who have no legs running 100 meters, faster than we are, I don't believe Xiaoqi can't stand up! I don't have many friends, but it is no problem to contact a foreign hospital. ”


"Okay, done!"

"For Xiaoqiu!"

"For Qiu Jieer!"

For a moment, everyone is fighting high!

For a common thing, when the young girls of the youth gathered together and shouted slogans, this picture is really nostalgic. Everyone has a kind of unspeakable emotion in their hearts. (To be continued.)

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