I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1185: [Greatly acclaimed! 】

Teasing the group.

The big names in several music circles are discussing the MV of Youth.

Fan Wenli: "This MV is definitely a big success."

Chen Guang: "Zhang Er’s skill really didn’t say it."

AMY said: "This time, Shanshan helped him. There is no dance of Shanshan with tears. This MV will definitely not cause such a big sensation. Look at the Internet, it’s all blown up, and most of the people are I was impressed by the dance of Dong Shanshan. I saw it five times and it was really shocking!"

Fan Wenli said: "Previously, people said that Dong Shanshan was a vase. He relied on his body and looks. The MV sealed many people's mouths. Dong Shanshan was definitely a big horn."

Xiaodong smiled and said: "Fortunately, I let Xiaoxi postpone the release of the single."

Li Xiaoyu is a little helpless. "I still want to touch Zhang."

AMY made a grin expression: "You got it, how do you touch it? Zhang Wei's song, whoever meets who died, can't compete with him, unless Zhang Jie is willing to go."

Suddenly, Zhang Wei appeared.

Zhang Wei: "@All staff."

"Wow, the Lord is coming."


"Also @全?"

"This goods are coming!"

"Zhang, the MV is awesome, congratulations."

After thanking Zhang for a few words, he said: "Is there a better orthopaedic medical institution that knows foreign countries?"

"what happened?"

"Foreign hospitals?"

"You are angry, this sun is coming out to the west?"

Zhang Weidao: "I am a friend. My friend was in a car accident two years ago and could not stand up."

Once you heard this, everyone was not joking.

"I do not know."

"I know people from abroad, but not professional orthopedics."

“Do you know anyone? Contact Zhang Wei.”

At this time, Zhang Yuanqi came out.

Zhang Yuanqi: "The approximate information of your friend is sent to me."

Zhang Yiyi said, "Okay, thank you."

Not long after, she said: "I told my assistant, you let your friend contact her, she arranged the whole process, this is her phone, 136XXXXXXXX."

Zhang Wei: "Derogatory!"

Zhang Yuanqi: "Little things."



A group of people are full of joy.

"Zhang Dao, great success!"

"It’s too hot, our first MV has swept the list!"

"Look, this is a few big domestic rankings!"

"Haha, who else! I will ask who else!"

"This is our first MV single, this is going against the sky!"

"Can you not go against the sky? When Shan Shan’s dance jumped, I saw it crying! You watched Weibo, this dance has already been on the Internet, and many people are clamoring to learn it!"

Zhang Xiao smiled, "Who is going to learn? This dance Shanshan himself is different every time he jumps out, it is all by emotion."

Zhang Zuodao: "So I am touching people!"

Zhang Wei asked: "How much did you earn this time?"

Zhang Zuodao: "For the time being, there should be about 1.2 million yuan. In fact, there is not much money. The MV itself is free of charge. The money-making model is also based on the license fee and the platform fee. KTV clicks on the song once. There are also a few cents, but they are all recovered in the later period." He thought that Zhang Wei was making money, and said: "If you want to raise your income, this little money is not as good as your business performance. It’s fame.”

"I know." Zhang Hao certainly knows.

Now the business model of the entertainment industry has changed.

Send an album to sell money?

Open a concert to sell tickets?

In this era of making money, it is the old royal calendar.

The current model is free, the album is definitely going to be sent, and the concert will definitely be done, but that is not to make money, but to make a name for it, to start a reputation, to wait for the popularity to go up, and then go to the business. Performing, receiving advertisements, receiving movies, TV dramas, and variety shows will earn more, and the big guys are here.

Zhang Wei thought for a moment and said: "This way, if someone asks in the future, you will say that this MV has earned two million."

Haqi Qi is amazed, "Ah? Not so much."

"I know that there are not so many, just say that." Zhang Wei told me.

"it is good."


Everyone knows that Zhang Wei definitely has his intentions.

Zhang Wei checked his bank account and added the money earned by the MV. It is certainly not a problem to make up two million. He does not accept the business performance, and there is no money. It can be a few million or a small meaning. So he let the assistant Xiao Wang get a card and saved two million.

Call Dong Shanshan.



"The money earned is here."

"it is good."


That night.

Qiu Jia.

The doorbell rang.

"Hey, come here." Xiaoqiu's husband used to open the door and saw the people outside the door. Her husband hurriedly greeted him in a glimpse. "Iron is here."

"Is Qiu’s sister there?"

"What about it?"

It’s a man of Liu Tie.

In the house, I only listened to Qiu Yumei’s voice. "Iron, come in quickly."

Liu Tie smiled into the house. "Qiu Jieer, how is the body? I haven't been here for a long time."

Qiu Yumei said with excitement: "You have the MV of Zhang Zhang! I saw you! It's so good, it's so good! Everyone hasn't changed. Shanshan is still so beautiful. Ying Yi is now her sports host, so good! ”

Liu Tiedao: "Everyone wants you, I want to see you."

Xiaoqi was silent, and then bitterly said: "I have been like this, how can I see everyone? You told me about my business? You mouth, I will not tell you anything in the future."

Liu Railway said: "I will not say this time, they will know sooner or later."

Xiaoqi repeated: "You must not bring them, I will not see anyone."

Liu Railway: "I know, didn't bring it."

Xiaoqiu was relieved, and she really didn't dare to see everyone now.

"Right, this is the money earned from this MV." Liu Tie smiled and took out a bank card and placed it on the table. "There are two million in it."

Her husband is stunned, "Two million!?"

Qiu Yumei immediately said, "What do you mean?"

Liu Tie said seriously: "I don't mean what I mean. It's what everyone means. This money is what we earn together. In fact, it is mainly the strength of Zhang Er. We have all done our own strength, not for anything else. Just for you to stand up again." Then take out a piece of paper, "You call this phone, contact her today, is the person I am looking for, has contacted you the best hospital in the United States, Zhang I have asked, although it is not easy for you to recover from this situation, but they still have a way. There is a precedent for cure. It is time that has been dragging on for too long. It is a bit difficult to do." Look at her husband: "You used to Let's take a look at the situation first, and what are the specific needs, then tell us."

Her husband was excited: "This, how good this is, how amuse it is."

Liu Tie put the phone number in his hand. "There is a lack of people looking for me. I have no strength to use. I am short of money. You are looking for Zhang Wei. He is left with money. So don't talk nonsense, let's talk. They are all for the treatment of Xiaoqiu. If there is anything like this, I will cure it."

Qiu Yumei bit her lip and said, "Can I stand up?"

"Definitely!" Liu Tie did not hesitate.

Suddenly, Qiu Yumei looked at the window. "Are they coming?"

Liu Tie smiled and said: "No, I am alone. Zhang said, he didn't want to see you. He wanted to see you who was alive and kicking, not you screaming in bed. This is him. The original words, but not my words, you are looking for him, hahaha."

Wen Yan, Qiu Yumei also smiled. "He still has that temper?"

"Yes." Liu Tie Le said: "It was the temper of the year."

Qiu Yumei was silent for a moment, and suddenly sat up from the bed and smiled. "You go back and tell Zhang, when I suddenly stand in front of him, let him not scare the soul!"

His husband shouted: "Xiao Qiu."

Qiu Yumei firmly said: "Call, I will rule the leg."

His husband is sobbing with joy, "I am playing, I will fight now!"

"The blessings of the old classmates, let us try to taste the American food is salty or sweet this time!" Qiu Yumei's eyes are a little hopeful, but also more look!

Liutie heart surprise!

At that time, Qiu Jieer, who was dancing with a brow, seemed to be back!


[Heaven! Ask for a few magical monthly tickets! 】

[The earth! Ask for a few beautiful monthly tickets! 】


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