I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1187: 【Group Fight (Part 1)】

a whole night.

Dong Shanshan's villa is quite lively.

"Dahui, give me a kick!"

"Damn, let's do this one, practice singing!"

"Who made you disappear for so many years!"

"Haha Old Zhou, it's the same as you didn't disappear!"

"Hey, hello, can you guys focus on it?"

"Practice the song well. Boss Zhang should be anxious for a while. All of his songs are classics. If we turn around and let us sing it, Boss Zhang will have to cry to death."

"I don’t care if he cries or not. He stuffed the stinky socks under my pillow when he was in college. I didn’t report this grudge until I graduated! Don’t look at this guy now as a first-line star, buddy Don't be afraid of him, I will poke the matter to the media when I look back.

"Don't tell me, brother, I'm taking the teacher route now."


"Hey, keep your voice down, neighbors have found them three times."

Slaps, musical instruments, singing.

More than twenty people gathered together, and the whole villa was full of noise.

After a night of rehearsal, everyone was living in Dong Shanshan’s house at the end. A few girls squeezed into two bedrooms, and boys squeezed into another bedroom. There were also some sleeping in the sand and in the guest room. After drinking some wine, all fell asleep.

The next day.

The day of the opening ceremony.

It was afternoon when everyone woke up.

"Hey, get up!"

"Look at the watch, don't delay business."

"Let's get the party scene before six o'clock."

"Still rehearsing?"

"It's almost done, no problem."

"Have a meal before leaving."

Everyone gets up and washes, there are too many people to line up one by one.

Dong Shanshan went to order a takeout, and Yu Yingyi and Xiao Qian and several girls cleaned the room.

Zhang Ye is the busiest. This group of laymen can come blind, but he can’t. With a rigorous approach to learning, he grabbed a few guys who didn’t sing well last night and taught them how to sing. Wait, wait, when it comes to work, he never sloppy.

Everyone was busy, and an unexpected phone rang.

Xiaoqian picked up an unknown number strangely, "Hello? Who?"

Then there was crying, the cry of a girl.

"Who are you?"

"Xiao Qian."

"Ah! You... Hu Feifei!"

Hu Feifei?

Everyone was stunned.

Of course they are familiar with this name. A very beautiful girl and classmate, but Hu Feifei used to be arrogant and admires vanity. Although she has never blushed with everyone, her relationship has never been so close, at most I had some friendship with Xiaoqian before, Xiaoqian is also the kind of master who likes to buy famous brands, but then I heard that Xiaoqian and Hu Feifei had a fight, and the two broke up.

Xiaoqian hurriedly said to the phone: "Don't cry, don't cry first... What's the matter? We are all here... Yes, we are all together. Come over and talk!"

When I hung up, everyone asked.

Zhang Ye said, "What's wrong?"

Dong Shanshan said: "Hu Feifei has an accident?"

Xiaoqian said anxiously: "I don't know. We didn't speak much when we were in the senior year. She cried when she came up. I will let her come now!"

Wang He analyzed: "She wants to be a strong person. When she was in college, she worked outside for two months to buy a package that was several thousand dollars. She wanted to save face. In general, she would not cry in front of us like this."

Yu Yingyi said: "That's not right, Hu Feifei had a boss before graduation. He was very rich and had heard of it very well. At that time, many people envied her."

About half an hour.

The doorbell rang, but when the door opened, everyone was shocked!

Zhang Ye was surprised: "Hu Feifei?"

Xiaoqian opened her mouth wide, "You, you..."

It was a woman who suddenly looked like an aunt. She was very old and didn't have much makeup. Outsiders looked like this woman was definitely six or seven years older than the group of people in the house, but they all recognized it. This is Hu Feifei, their classmate!

Ma Xufei shouted: "How did you become like this!"

Why was Banhua so haggard back then?

Only a few years now? How many years have you graduated?

There were a few people in the room who didn't really like Hu Feifei's character back then. Seeing her like this, they couldn't say a word. They didn't gloat, but felt a little bit painful.

Hu Feifei saw the familiar faces and stood there blankly, watching them one by one, "Liu Tie, He Kui, Shanshan, Zhang Ye..."

Dong Shanshan hurriedly said, "What the **** is Feifei?"

Hu Feifei bit her lip and shook her head, "It’s okay, it’s okay, I just missed you. Yesterday I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and saw your mv. I just cried because I missed you. In fact, I want to contact you all these years. I really miss you, I'm really fine." As he said, tears fell.

Xiao Qian said anxiously: "It's impossible, there must be something!"

Dong Shanshan pulled her, "Go, let's say in the house."

Dong Shanshan and Xiao Qian dragged Hu Feifei to a bedroom and closed the door.

Wang He sighed, "I really can't believe it."

He Kui said, "How beautiful and arrogant Hu Feifei was back then, how..."

Zhang Ye said with a sullen face: "Look at what Shanshan and the others asked."

"There must be something inside." Liu Tiedao.

About ten minutes later, Xiao Qian and Yu Yingyi's scolding suddenly came out in the room, and then the door opened, and several people walked out angrily!

Xiaoqian scolded: "Bad son!"

Yu Yingyi is anxious: "This is too bastard! Too bully!"

Many boys said: "What's wrong? Say it!"

Xiaoqian hugged Hu Feifei distressedly, "Her husband is simply not human, hitting her every day." She grabbed Hu Feifei by the cuff, "Look!"

Hu Feifei will not let go, "Don't!"

The sleeves have been opened, and the arms are all bruised!

Xiao Qian: "This was just played an hour ago!"

Yu Yingyi gritted her teeth and said: "There's more on her body! We saw it, and they were all green, it's almost..." With that, her eye circles were red!

Zhang Ye's eyes were cold!

Wang He clenched his fists, "Grass!"

Liu Tie said angrily: "Paralysis! Is this still a human?"

Dong Shanshan told them that after graduation, Hu Feifei married a big boss gracefully, but the good times didn’t last long, and her husband was just outside. Hu Feifei was so proud, how could she agree to have trouble with her husband? , In the end, her husband made a move that time, and the fight lasted three years.

Xiaoqian hugged Hu Feifei and cried, "How did you get through it?"

Hu Feifei also cried.

Yu Yingyi said: "Why don't you find us?"

Hu Feifei cried: "I looked down on no one back then. The relationship with everyone is average. Everyone knows that I am particularly beautiful. What should I say when I am married?"

Dahui said, "Does your family know?"

Hu Feifei was a little scared and said: "I dare not say no one, no one dare to say!" She cried and looked at everyone, "I regret it, I really regret it. I have been watching your show every day for these years. Zhang Ye, Shanshan, Yingyi, Wang He, from the first day of your debut, I have watched all of your programs, and I have watched all of them. I envy you too much. If I were... if..."

Xiaoqian hugged her, "Stop talking, stop talking."

Hu Feifei cried for a while, then she hurriedly looked at her watch, "I'm leaving, I told him that he was out to buy groceries. If he goes home and can't see me, he..."

Wang He was furious, "Are you still going home?"

Zhang Ye said solemnly, "Where is he now?"

Hu Feifei said: "He was drinking with friends in the restaurant."

Dong Shanshan raised his eyes and looked at everyone, "Guys, what do you think about this?"

Yu Yingyi also said: "Everyone quickly discuss it!"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you.

Suddenly, Zhang Ye yelled violently, "I'm still discussing a fart! I've been bullied to the point of being bullied, is this the **** need to discuss?"

Liu Tie roared: "I will wipe his ancestor!"

Wang He shouted: "Follow him!"

"Fuck it!"


"I **** unloaded him today!"

"Brothers, go!"


The shouting is deafening! (To be continued.) 8

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