I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 120: [Zhang Wei's age is absolutely! 】

How can there be such a person?

How can I have such a person?

This is simply a husband and wife.

Zhang Wei went there to sit there. Others didn’t even have a chance to speak. His low body was so small that at the moment many people felt like a mountain pressed against their head and chest.

Fifty contestants and other forty-nine contestants also have some famous masters and masters. None of them are sluts. None of them are soft persimmons. However, there has been such a scene. It is said that the capital city reunion contest is a picture that has never appeared in the provincial and municipal competitions and the national competition. Forty-nine players who entered the finals are from beginning to end. The questions are not inserted. All the questions are given to one player. And the next pair is the seamless and impeccable

Heaven and the Wizards?

The demon who did not meet the millennium?

What evaluation is not too much for him.

It’s said that the literati are light, but in this second, many contestants show their admiration, even some of the older generations are obviously much bigger than Zhang Wei’s, and even some seniors who are obviously higher than Zhang Wei’s seniors. They all had to look at Zhang Wei with amazement.

Not satisfied?

Not convinced, no.

Zhang Hao’s hand has scared everyone.

In fact, some people did not really put Zhang Wei in the eyes. Others said that he was cheating, and a young man like this, everyone believed, and no one thought that he had any real ability, but with the situation. The development, the talents suddenly realized, it turned out that it was a shit, **** cheating shit, did not have the ability to hear that this person used a word called "water tune song head a few months" when the pressure of the heroes? Sure enough, under the prestigious name

Under the stage.

Xiao Lu yelled at the scorpion: "Mr. Zhang, you are handsome."

Former assistant Xiaofang and her are bigger than Tuen Mun. "One person is too bully for fifty teachers."

Sister Zhou also laughed. "Xiao Zhang sees who they say you cheated."

Tian Bin was amazed and said: "Good union, every capital is a good union, Zhang Hao, and this ability?" He also encouraged Zhang Wei before, but... but that is just encouraging encouragement, it is really super It’s expected by Tian Bin and his wife that the marbles are generally smashed and they are also seen one by one.

Hu Fei and Zhao Guozhou did not speak, but they were still enchanted by Zhang Wei’s few couples, and they kept repeating their mouths.

On the level of Xiao Zhang, this is a small piece of this skill.

He just said that he wants to give up the finals? Said that he is not sure? Didn't want to go to the stage to participate in the finals? Must someone force him to force him to go up? Many people who have heard of Zhang Wei’s words have had the urge to marry her. I am not sure if your sister is not sure of you. You must still be sure that there are still a few people at that time. ?

There was a burst of applause from the audience.

"Good for you"

"It’s wonderful, it’s wonderful."

"It’s too enjoyable, I’ve never heard of such a fun pair."

"Your grandfather, who your mother said Zhang Zhang cheated? Who said that?"

"Yeah, isn't this a man? Isn't this a pit person? Isn't this a squint?"

"On the rumors of others, are they still using cheating? Was it announced by the people of the Beijing Writers Association? By, are you stupid or are we stupid?"

"The people who make this association can really treat us as fools."

"Cheat your sister, I realized that the gang of the Beijing City Association is against foreigners."

"This grandson lost me. I just believed that Zhang Wei was relying on others to make a plan before passing the preliminaries."


In the live video of the video, it is also boiling at this time.

Zhang Wei’s fan number jumped out. Every time Zhang Hao had something, he was the first to come to support, and it was really a **** fan of Zhang Wei’s **** fans. He was completely wrong with people and completely unconditionally supported Zhang Wei. You guys say that Zhang Wei’s teacher cheated, I see who dares to say it again."

The only person who yelled at the black Zhang Hao was not snoring.

Some people even turned from black to black, "Buddy, misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

There is also humanity: "Yeah, we just didn't understand the situation, and apologized to Teacher Zhang Wei. Teacher Zhang is too fierce, haha, I passerby."

"The really cool teacher Zhang is really addicted to the next pair"

"Before the Beijing Writers Association in the black Zhang teacher? This gang bastard"

"I really worry about the IQ of the gang. Does the person who wants to bury Zhang's teacher's association not take medicine in the morning?"

"I bought a watch last year. I also supported Zhang to enter the association. I also helped Zhang to work in the city every day. Now it seems that I don’t want to go to the place."

"If you can't do it, then Teacher Zhang will stand on his own door and let the mainstream literary world recognize it. What do you not recognize? How about not letting Teacher Zhang enter the association? What is the talent of Teacher Zhang? You have abused your temper. No"

"Brothers, let's explode the capital as the official website."

"Good idea agree"

"Agree with fl10"

"Agree to fl19"

"My big knife is again and again hungry and thirsty."

"Haha, see ‘big knife brother, every time I forgot how many times the water soldiers fought together, just count the number of ‘big knife brothers, use a few words to know.’

This ID is called Dazuo's friend and is also a **** fan of Zhang Wei, but he is not the same as Zhang Wei's fan number. The big knife brother never talks nonsense, never tells the truth to reason, but one thing, first It must be him who is at the forefront. This is a **** that does not talk nonsense.

This fryer, the number of online live webcasts has also soared




The situation is flying

Zhang Wei used his own strength to reverse the situation. Nowadays, cheating has become a big joke. Even the people in the Beijing-based association have no words to say no more.

The game is not over yet and continues.

Zhang Wei asked: "Please ask the friends below to join the league?" He had a little time left in his lucky bread, and even if he didn't, he also had a lucky bread in his inventory, so he was not worried. The key is that Zhang Wei is still not addicted. He is right, he can’t stop.


Hurry up

Zhang Xin’s heart is constantly urging

But those players who haven’t said the title are all laughing and not falling, you still have to be right? You still want to be right? Let’s go out, you’re not a human squad, who is still playing with you.

"I don't have a problem." The next player said.

The next player also said helplessly: "I also abstained."

Then the next player wiped the sweat. "I, I will forget it."

Zhang Wei has already got 30 points. Even if he doesn't answer the rest of the questions, he will let one of the players answer correctly. The other party will not be able to win the championship with Zhang Wei, so the latter question seems a bit meaningless. Of course, the most important thing is that their players don't want to lose this person's eyes. You even have several judges and Zheng Anbang and Dalei’s couplets are coming up. What else is used to say, what else can you beat up, so don’t waste your time, they also give I have to leave some face.


"I also abstained."

"After life, I am too tired."

All the players behind did not fight and retired.

The five-minute invalidity of Lucky Bread ended at this time. Zhang Wei was also very depressed. He didn’t have enough fun, but it was nothing. The result was good.

The female host is a fan of Zhang Wei. When she sees Zhang Wei so powerful, she has a happy face, and said that Teacher Zhang cheated? This means is really low-level, she said: "So the game is over? I announced the championship is..."

Before she even said it, Dalei first interrupted. "Is there a problem with Teacher Zhang Wei?"

"Yeah, Zhang Wei hasn't gotten up yet. I really want to hear it." Although the result has been fixed, some people are very curious and want to see what Zhang Wei will have.

"Is it out?"

"is this necessary?"

"Well, listen."

Some people don't care, but they can't listen.

However, many people in the Beijing Writers Association do not care, especially Dalei and Zheng Anbang. Today they are shameful and lost, and they are too miserable. It is still a kind of miserable misery. After the Mid-Autumn Festival poetry, they are the Beijing Association. Once again, Zhang was once abused from the top to the bottom from the inside to the outside. Of course, they were not convinced. Even if they were convinced, even if they admitted Zhang Hao’s level to the pair, their faces had to be found back.

Dalei and many people think very simple, and they are fascinated by the couplet? It’s not necessarily a couplet, but there are no questions and scope for you. All kinds of logic and may have to be taken into consideration, so the real insiders understand that it’s hard to get a couple of mines and some people. Still not convinced, although Zhang Hao has not been able to run this championship, but if they are against Zhang Wei’s pair, they will also save a lot of face in their capital, and they will win Zhang Hao once in this field.

Zhang squeaked his eyes, "Where am I out?"

"You please." Big Lei thought that he couldn't make any good pair, and even if he had a difficult pair, they could have forty-nine people, even if they couldn't reach the speed of answering Zhang Hao, but As long as they give them time, they will definitely be able to answer them. The elites present here are all elites. Where can they still have the upswings that they can't? Every year during the Beijing Yulian Contest, there is basically no failure to go up.

Qian Lao stared at Zhang Wei.

The second and third judges also waited with great interest and opened their eyes.

In this second, the scene was quiet again and it was very eye-catching.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said the five words floating in the air. It seems to be a very simple one. "My top is... the cigarette locks the pond."

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