I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1200: [The seven seats! 】

the next day.

The annual Mid-Autumn Festival.

In the morning, Zhang Wei was loaded into the car with a big bag and opened to the studio downstairs. He did not use other people's help, and he took things upstairs.

The employees are there.

"Zhang Dao!"

"Boss, what are you doing?"

"Hey, so many things?"

"I am coming to me!"

"Let's put it there."

Everyone hurryed to get up.

There are a lot of things, not cheap.

The whole set of gift box brain gold, thousand yuan shopping card, moon cake, and so on.

Zhang Wei took the box and dismissed it to everyone: "Come, comrades, the Mid-Autumn Festival has made things, one person, one point, one point, take things for a while, everyone should go home, have a good holiday, also for me. I have a good time with my family. Everyone has worked hard during this time." Zhang Wei is not a good person, but he is not a soft person. Whether it is welfare or salary, everyone in his studio is The industry is relatively high.

Zhang Zuoxiao said: "So much?"

Xiao Wang smiled and said: "Zhang Dao is no more!"

Xiao Zhou smiled, "The boss is mighty!"

"Right, I still don't congratulate the boss." Wu Yi suddenly came up with a sentence.

Everyone responded immediately.


"Zhangdao congratulations!"

"Get engaged!"

"Who is the boss wife?"

"Yes, Zhang Dao, revealed that he said."

Look at them, Zhang Hao is also happy, "This can not be said for the time being, everyone will know later."

At this time, Chen Chen slid into Dada, and Lao Rao was downstairs, not far from here. Before Rao Aimin made a door to do something, he threw Chen Chen to Zhang Wei, and now it is much easier to do. Generally, Rao Aimin went out and let Chen Chen come to Zhang Wei’s studio directly. Anyway, some people will take her.

Chen Chen looked at a gift, said: "Zhang Wei, what do you send?"

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "Yeah, what are you doing?"

Chen Chen nodded, "You give me a copy."

Zhang Yule said: "You are not my employee."

Chen Chen is not happy, the little adult seems to say: "I come up every day to help you supervise their work. Without me, your studio is gone."

Zhang smashed a scorpion. "That I thank you."

"You're welcome." After that, Chen Chen opened a box of moon cakes, sat down, squatted and ate.

Everyone laughed badly.

Things are quickly finished.

I laughed for a while, and everyone sat down and had a meeting.

Zhang Wei sat in the first position and said: "Everyone has a good rest during the two days of vacation. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, they will be busy. I will take a vaccination first. Everyone has a mental preparation, then I announce one thing. After the festival, I plan to officially grab a super-line position!"

Zhang Zuo said: "This is for sure."

Haqi Qi smiled easily. "We have already got the first place in the first line. The next target is definitely the throne of the domestic super-line. This does not need to say that we also understand that everyone has been working hard in this direction. In the next few years, Let's do it according to this goal."


"Let's reach the top!"

Everyone has expressed their attitude.

Zhang Wei said: "No, you may not understand what I mean."

Hazi Qiyi, "Well?"

Wu Yi asked: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I am not talking about it within a few years. I am talking about it now, right now."

The crowd was shocked: "How long is it?"

Zhang Wei replied: "Within a few months."

Everyone vomits blood and sweats one by one!

How many months?

Super line?

I go! What is your dream?

How could it be a super line in a few months?

Haqi Qi quickly said: "Zhang Dao, you are still young, have advantages over others, we do not lack time, the qualifications are slowly embarrassing, the awards are slowly taken, the popularity has to be accumulated slowly, this is not a month Two months, if you say that within a year or two, we can fight together and get enough, but for a few months? Even if we follow the current growth rate of the day, we can’t catch up. What?"

This is too urgent.

Everyone feels that they are not practical.

Zhang Wei said: "I know this is not easy, so I have to fight it, no shortage of time? I am 26 years old, almost 27 years old, it looks young, some is time, but don't forget, Asian We haven't opened the stage yet. The international stage is still not qualified for it. If I really go down so slowly, after a few years, I will climb to the top in the domestic entertainment circle. Do you think about how old I was at that time? Thirty years old! And now the times are changing too fast, you should feel that 'small fresh meat' has become more and more popular recently, and the market for entertainment circles is likely to be divided by more than half of them in the future. What is the entertainment circle, who said it is good? Who dares to pack the ticket? I did not rely on the face to eat, so I am so embarrassed, and the times have changed, the wind has changed, I am not allowed to take two or three years. The super line, the opportunity is not made out, it is spelled out."

Everyone is silent.

Xiao Wangdao: "But there is a king who has already gone downhill. If you wait a year or two, it is very likely..."

Zhang Hao shook his head and said: "I have never been lucky. People have not produced good works now, but how do you know that people will not be cold all over the world? Don't underestimate the people who are super-line, none of them are Good dear, if I look forward to the above people falling down every day, I can't go today, how cruel the entertainment circle is, you don't have to go down with people, you may have a hard time, but I have always been On the front line, I know that a little relaxation, maybe the next day I will be stepped on by others."

He gave an example: "Ning Lan is so popular? Ning Jie also stayed in the first position in the first line, but finally? Still not crowded with the seven seats, I heard people in the circle said, Ning Jie When I was waiting for a seat under the bottom of the day, how many years have passed, and I have not waited until the day after that."

Hazziqi took a breath. "Are you decided?"

"Decision." Zhang Wei nodded very seriously. "In a few months, I have to grab a super-line seat, no kidding, serious."

Everyone in the house knows that if the words are known to the media, they will definitely fry!

On the throne of the domestic super-line, there are a total of seven people, the top stars in the seven entertainment circles. The names of the seven people have been unsuccessful for many years. Imagine every change in the super-first-line rating over the years, which will trigger the earthquake and the entertainment circle. Reshuffle, in this world, this can be said to be the biggest thing in the entire entertainment industry!

And today?

Zhang Wei wants to force the summit?

Want to take the seven people standing at the top of the pyramid and take them one by one? Still in just a few months? How much guts this is!

"Okay, done!"

"We listen to you!"

"You say, how do you say, how do we do it!"

"Rely, then fight!"

"I will take care of the plan and give it to you after the holiday!"

"What else can you do? The boss has spoken, let's do it!"

Everyone has echoed, but the heart is playing drums.


Are they really going?

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