I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1202: ["I die for beauty"! 】

The Yin Hong Award will be announced.

Immediately, the Qilu Award will also be released.

As the highest award in the four literary circles of the four years, both the literary and media circles are highly concerned about this, and even many people have made their own predictions.

"Old Tao hopes great."

"He won the last Yin Red Award."

"I hope that Sheng teacher can win the prize. He is already 78 years old. The few people in the early literary circles have never won the highest honor in the literary world."

"Sun Fang is not bad."

“Sun Fang is too young and has few works.”

"This session is definitely lively."


"Don't you look at the list? There are Zhang Wei in the candidate."

"Haha, Zhang Ye finally caught up with the highest award in the literary world."

"Yeah, Zhang Wei debuted that year after the Yin Hong Award was just finished, this is his first list of the highest literary awards, and he will refuse to give him the literary world."

"Yes, this suspense is too big."

"If you can win this award, Zhang Wei will be bullish - forced!"

"Yes, the host's highest award, the highest mathematics award, the highest documentary award, the highest award in the variety show. If you add a literary award, it's really going to be against the sky! But then again, this is actually going against the sky." Ah! There are many people who have won the highest prizes, such as director Li Ke, director's several domestic top prizes, and several domestic top prizes for the best film. He has won no more than ten, and can win awards like Zhang Wei. But there is no such thing as an ancient one. He has the top prize of the other five prizes for his prize."

"According to the works, Zhang Wei is well-deserved. Who can have his limelight in the four years in the literary world? In the field of poetry prose, Zhang Wei has no rivals. The first two days of "When You Are Old", on Weibo It has been screened again. But the question now is whether the people of the Yin Hong Awards jury will give him or dare to give him. After all, even if the people approve Zhang’s works, the final vote is also the literary person. The award of the highest award in the literary world has also proved that there are too many uncertainties in this award."

"Zhang Wei will compete for the Yin Hong Award! 》

"Can Zhang Hao add the highest award in domestic literature! 》

"Yin Hong Awards are given attention! 》

The Writers Association once again sent an invitation to Zhang Wei! Will Zhang Wei be included? 》

"Yin Hong Award will be announced tonight! 》

A lot of the media’s focus is on Zhang Wei, because those candidates are the most famous, and don’t pay attention to who he cares about?

On Weibo.

Zhang Wei’s friends also sent blessings.

Singer Zhang Xia: "I wish Xiao Zhang good luck."

Singer Li Xiaowei: "In the field of literature, I am a **** fan of Teacher Zhang Wei. The small fans here wish the idols a victory and climb the literary world!"


The outside world is hot.

However, Zhang Wei’s studio has become a pot of porridge at the moment. The reason is that an invitation sent by the association yesterday was to attract Zhang Wei as a member of the association. And after that, one of the main judges of the Yin Hong Award also called and continually urged it.

Haqi Qi hurriedly said: "Zhang Dao!"

Zhang Wei is in makeup, not talking.

Zhang Zuo also stood behind and said, "Join it."

"Yeah, we can't have a piece of meat." Haqiqi frequently watched the watch. "I have to go to the awards this evening. It won't be too late to answer them!"

Zhang Wei said to the makeup artist: "The makeup is too heavy, almost it will be."

Wu Yi also advised: "You forgot to go to the top plan? This award is too important for us. It must be taken. It is necessary to compile you there. This is to raise the conditions. This is a good thing. There is a sigh of relief over there. If you agree to enter the association, it means that the literary world will officially admit you, and the Yin Hong Award will definitely not run!"

Zhang Wei still didn't take care of it.

At this time, Xiao Wang pulled Zhang Hao’s agent, Rao Aimin.

"What are you doing?" Rao Aiming said impatiently: "I still cook."

Xiao Wang cried and said: "Rao Sister, Zhang leads the temper and comes up again. Who said it is useless, you help us to persuade him, the highest prize is almost gone."

Rao Aimin sighed.

Zhang Wei looked at the past, "Old Rao, go to the scene with me at night?"

Rao Aiming sneered, "I have a good time to clean up for a few days, and you have to find something for me."

"Oh, then let me go." Zhang Yi shrugged.

Haqi Qi looked at Rao Aimin.

Xiao Wang also touched Rao Aimin’s arm.

Suddenly the phone came. It was a staff member at the Yin Hong Awards Jury. I didn’t know the first few calls, and I was urging Zhang Yujin’s application to write.

Xiao Wang doesn’t know how to say, “We...”

Rao Aimin went up two steps, not too slow: "Give me."

Xiao Wang quickly handed over the phone.

Then I listened to Rao Aimin and said to the staff on the other side: "I said that you are sick? You are not bothered by three calls a day? The jury will be finished, you will give me some messy things... I am Who? I am Zhang Hao’s agent! What are you talking to me!”

In one sentence, you are stunned!

Everyone in the studio is stupid!

"Rage sister!"


We are asking you to persuade Zhang, how can you help me down!

They finally know why Rao Aimin, who is not in this circle, is Zhang’s agent. These two tempers are too much, one is worse than one!

Zhang Zuo smiled and said: "Zhang Dao, this is the Yin Hong Award!"

Xiao Wang was anxious to swear, "Why is Zhang?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and got up, looked at them and said: "Because it is too ugly!"

Because it is not beautiful?

Because it is too ugly?

What is the reason for this!

Perhaps in this room, only Zhang Wei and Rao Aimin can understand this "too ugly" meaning. Zhang Wei is going to the top. He wants to climb to the top. This is the highest award in the literary world. He really wants to take it down, but this can't be a bargaining chip.


That night.

Yin Hong Awards presentation site.

The audience is the media of journalists and candidates and many industry authorities.

When Zhang Yi was on the scene, he suddenly caused reporters to block.

Still the money came over and gave him a solution. "Xiao Zhang, come and come, sit here!"

Qian Lao, the literary world of Taishan Beidou, in the long time ago, the old couple was the judges and guests. Zhang Hao and he have known for many years. It is also Zhang’s few friends in the literary world. Zhang Wei was also invited to join the association, and finally Zhang Yi’s "face to the sea, spring blossoms" to the euphemist refused.

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "How is your body?"

"What do you think?" Qian Laoda laughed.

Zhang Weidao: "I see? I can see that running a 10,000 meter is no problem."

Money snorted, "You want my life!"

Zhang Wei: "Ha ha, yes, you are the Yin Hong Awards judge?"

Qian Lao shook his head. "No, I was the main judge of the Qilu Awards. I was invited as a guest. Please sit down."

It didn't take long for the awards to begin!

The list of winners is announced!

A leader of the literary world announced: "I will announce that the five winners of the final vote of the 7th Yin Hong Award are: Tao Chihao!"

The following applause!

The writers’ area has looked at Teacher Tao.

"The Year!"

Applause again!


Shirley was so excited that she couldn't believe it!

"Joe Huayi!"

Old Joe shot his thigh and laughed.

The last name!

Only the last one is left!

The leader deliberately paused, loudly: "Chen Bang!"

All the five winners were announced and they all went on stage to receive the award!

The media and many writers face each other, and some even took a deep breath!

No Zhang Hao!

The Yin Hong Award did not really give Zhang Wei!

Zhang Wei looks like a normal face and can't see any expression changes.

Qian Lao was very miserable and stared at him. "Xiao Zhang, you have not entered the association?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "No."

Qian Laoyi slammed his head. "Hey, you can do it. I thought you were in. I heard that the application form has already been given to you, signing a name!"

Zhang Weidao: "I didn't sign."

“The four-year-old Yin Hong Award.” Qian Laodao: “Just throw it?”

Zhang Wei corrected: "Old money, I don't want this award, nor is it thrown away by me. Otherwise, I won't be sitting here today. This is my greatest respect for the Yin Hong Award. No matter if I can take it, I I have come today, and it’s a costume, is it?” He pointed to his clothes and smiled. “I have done my best. I have done everything I should do. This award is not selected. I."

Money is silent.

Some young writers around me are also silent.

Yes, Zhang Hao has done everything that should be done. What should a writer do?

It is creation!

It is writing!

Is picking up the pen!

Zhang Hao has done it. What else can you do with your family?

The award is over!

Zhang Wei has not left his seat, and he was surrounded by reporters who swarmed!

"Mr. Zhang, this time there is no award, what do you want to say?"

"I heard that you have offended the Yin Hong Awards jury. Does this mean that you will not be able to have you in the future Yin Hong Award? Have you sentenced to death?"

"Are you joining the association?"

"We have got some news, as long as you agree to join the association and become a member of them, this is a bright red award for you!"

“Why didn’t you enter the association?”

"Mr. Zhang, will you still come to the Red Award in four years?"

Zhang Wei did not accept the interview and walked silently.

On the Internet, the news also came out.


"Don't you give Zhang Hao?"

"I rely! This Yin Hong Award is getting less and less reliable!"

"There are three people in the five people I have never heard of!"

"The gold content of this year's Yinhong Award is too low!"

"No Zhang Hao? Are you teasing me?"

"Zhang Wei's poems are not qualified for the award, my goodness, how high the threshold of this Yin Red Award is, scare the baby!"

"I still use it? They want to compile Zhang Wei, but Zhang Wei ignores this nephew!"

"Well, Zhang Wei has to wait for four years after he wants to rush to the highest prize in literature."

"After four years, the Yin Hong Award will be given to him?"

"This is not true!"

"In fact, Zhang Hao can take it down. As long as he is willing to bow down into the association, people have already given the conditions. It is Zhang Hao who does not want it! This is good, no play!"

Countless people have expressed doubts!

Some experts and scholars have questioned the Yin Hong Award, and some even angered them directly. I feel that this year's Yin Hong Award is detrimental to the highest award of literature!



The Yin Hong Awards Jury was pushed to the forefront!

Then, when the official saw the situation so serious, he immediately issued a response explaining why Zhang Wei was not qualified for the award. For example, he is too young. For example, he has not joined any literary organization. For example, some of his works are too radical, too Advance, murderous, and so on. In short, it is said that Zhang Wei is not qualified to win the Yin Hong Award of this session, and the official judges are not biased against him.

Just at this time.

Zhang Wei’s Weibo published a poem.

"I die for beauty"

I die for beauty, to the grave

Almost, still not adapted

a martyr who marries the truth

Become my neighbor

He whispered to me "Why did you fall?"

I answered him: "For the sake of beauty"

He said: "I am the truth, the truth and the beauty.

Is one, we are brothers"

In this way, like a loved one, meet in the night

We, talking through the room

Until the moss grows on our lips

Covered, our name

The appearance of this poem shocked the entire literary world, and the controversy was even more intense!

After reading this poem, several writer poets who have won the Yin Hong Award feel a shake and sorrow from the bottom of my heart!

For beauty?

To die for beauty?

They all know what Zhang Wei is saying. They all know that as long as Zhang Wei is willing to be recruited, as long as he is willing to nod, the Yin Hong Award will definitely have a name for him!

But he didn't!

Because that's too ugly?

Such a poem, such a person, really not qualified to receive the highest award in the literary world? Why is the highest prize set up? What is the selection criteria? Is it a selection? Still a candidate? Or is it a product that appears entirely based on the preferences of the judges?


The people are almost one-sided.

"Zhang Yu is too handsome!"

"A good one died for beauty, I am already excited!"

"On this poem, the Yin Hong Awards are the five winners of this time. Which one is comparable to Zhang Wei? Ah? Which one do I ask?"

“Isn't that the highest award in the literary world? It’s not just the Yin Hong Award!”

"Yes, after a few days, the Qilu Award is the highest award in the literary world! The gold content is definitely higher than the Yin Hong Award! Teacher Zhang gives us one!"

"Khan, the Qilu Award only selects novels."

"I support Zhang Wei anyway! Didn't say it!"

"Mr. Zhang cheers, this time I can't take it, there will be opportunities in the future, the highest award for literature will definitely have you! You continue to love you for the beauty, we like you!"

"Beauty is more important than anything else!"

"Angry Zhang Hao!"

"The judges of the Yin Hong Awards are blind!" (To be continued. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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