I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1208: [Climb to the altar! 】

at night.

Seven o'clock exactly.

According to statistics from the major bookstores across the country, the 200,000 copies of "The Besieged City" were sold cleanly at 6:57, and there were no copies on the market!

The publishing world is shocked!

The industry is also in an uproar!

Who said that the publishing industry is in recession?

Who said that physical books have not worked in recent years?

Faced with such a book whose sales hit the altar, many publishing houses hurriedly researched it. Many writers who were not ready to read at all also picked up "Siege" and opened it curiously. Some netizens even bid on Weibo. One hundred and one request books have been published, and it is hard to find a book in the world!

Then, all kinds of analysis came out!

A copy of "Siege" shocked the entire domestic literary world!

Classic quotes:

One: Poetry has meaning is its misfortune.

Two: You are not bad, but you are useless.

Three: Life is said to be a big book. If this is the case in life, then, most of our authors can only be regarded as book critics, with the skills of book critics, without reading a few pages of books, a lot of discussions have already been published, and a book review has been completed.

Four: A person who is not mad at the age of 20, this person is not promising; when he is 30, he is not mad, and he is not mad.

Five: There is no accident in the world, it is just the inevitability of wearing makeup and masks.

Six: Husband is a woman's occupation, without a husband is equal to unemployment.

Etc., etc.

Every word, every word, and every paragraph in "Siege" can't wait to be picked out by crazy people, broken, crushed, and shouted wonderful!


Netizens are excited!

"God! God!"

"A piece of it is a classic!"

"Good-looking crying!"

"This is Zhang Ye's pure literary novel?"

"I rely on this to be the most awesome book I have read over the years!"

"I can see my goose bumps!"

"Your sister, where is Sister Zhang's important secret inside!"

"Puff, do you really believe me upstairs?"

"I didn't expect "Siege" to be like this. I thought it was a pure love novel before. Isn't Teacher Zhang still unmarried? Puff, how do I feel that I am about to divorce? Look at other books. Yes, marriage is a tomb. I wonder if Teacher Zhang will be beaten by Sister Zhang tonight!"

"Hahaha, he made it himself!"

"Support Sister Zhang to let Zhang Ye kneel on the washboard!"

"A book like a god! A man like a god!"

""Siege" is awesome!"

"Pales, I was fanned by Zhang Ye!"

"Me too, a copy of "Siege" made me **** weak. Zhang Ye's fan skills are too high! It's so silent, I'm hooked just by looking at it! But my dad Mom seems to be even more fascinated. These two people who never paid attention to the entertainment industry have become Zhang Ye fans after watching "Siege"!"

"My grandma too!"

"I never read pure literature before, and I think it's boring if I don't understand it, but "Siege" is really different from other pure literature! This book is poisonous!"

"I'm addicted too!"

"I have read a lot of books shortlisted for the Qilu Prize. There is no one instinctively comparable to "Siege". Wouldn't Zhang Ye really win the highest award?"

"Who knows, he should have won the Yin Hong Award. He has a bad relationship with the literary world!"

"What's the matter with a bad relationship? For this "Siege", even if your mother Zhang Ye points to the nose and scolds everyone in the literary world, this prize should be given to him! Because this book is too scary, even if the literary world is not there. Like him, no matter how many writers he offends, they have to be convinced!"

"The visual inspection of the literary world has been stunned!"

"The assassin of "Siege" is too big!"



Information from all aspects is gathered together.

Ha Qiqi and others report frequent good news, and they are all very excited!

"sold out!"

"The booked amount also broke the record!"

"The popularity data is growing too fast!"

They compiled a table for Zhang Ye to see. Zhang Ye's meager fans have skyrocketed, and the popularity data has also risen sharply.

This is a relatively lateral data, but it can also explain the problem, and this time, many fans turned out to be middle-aged and more educated people, much older, "Siege" circled a large number of new fans! This is undoubtedly good news. Every celebrity fan has limitations. Some people target young people and they eat young fans, like those Korean stars; some people target otaku, and most of their fans are male, such as Dong Shanshan. Zhang Ye’s fans have always been quite diverse. There are men and women, teenagers, 20s, and 30s, but the large-scale fans are even older than this in their 40s and 50s. Of middle-aged and elderly men and women, this is still rare!

Small fan coverage means limitations.

A celebrity who is only oriented towards teenagers and girls will be on the front line. Even if you have half of the young people in the country, the number is limited. Similarly, a celebrity artist who is only oriented towards men or women, when you reach a certain height, you will find that you can’t get up. It’s overwhelming, and it’s over, because the fan base is already saturated and there is no way for new fans to come in. .

So fan coverage is very important!

And "Siege" undoubtedly helped Zhang Ye open a new fan channel. This group of new fans is too important for his popularity. If you want to break through the first-line star level and win one of the seven positions, the most important thing is You can't "partially" or you will lose at the starting line!

It's almost eight o'clock.

Suddenly silence on Weibo.

The people in Zhang Ye's studio were also quiet.

Because at this time, when the Qilu Prize was about to be announced, countless people across the country turned on the radio and listened to the CCTV radio station quietly.

Wu Yi wiped his sweat, "I'm nervous!"

Ha Qiqi clutched his chest, "Stop talking, I'm also nervous!"

Xiao Wang was afraid to listen, half covering his ears.

Zhang Zuo and the others stared at the radio.

Zhang Ye was smoking on the window, and he was a little expectant. He did everything that should be done. He even threw out "The Siege", his world’s literary "atomic bomb". After that, let his fate and plan to reach the top. Whether it can proceed smoothly in a short period of time depends on this hoop!

The Qilu Prize is different from the other two highest literary awards. His literary prize, which contains the highest gold content, is also the most special. For decades, the Qilu Prize has been awarded to the whole society in a way that has been announced by radio. There is no award ceremony, no trophy, but the voice on the radio touches the heart of the literary world. This is the most sacred moment in the literary world!

The broadcast begins.

The people discussed fiercely.

Mom and Dad turned on the radio on the phone early.

Zhang Xia asked her son to turn out the old machine at home many years ago, and after debugging for a long time, it finally got through.

Many dormitories at Peking University do not have the sound of games and music. Instead, many dorms have the sound of ancient radio stations from the last century.


The noise flashed by.

The announcer did not have any nonsense, "Hello, friends, listeners, the five winners of the Qilu Prize every four years will be announced, the number of votes is from low to high."

Zhang Ye pinched Mieyan and walked over.

Ha Qiqi's breathing almost solidified.

Xiao Wang folded his hands together, "There is Director Zhang! There is Director Zhang!"

The announcer said: "Liu Tianqi, "The Edge of the Lake."

Oh, Wu Yi!

Ha Qi hushed: "Quiet."

The jury voted for the five winners. The rankings of the five winners are in order, starting from the fifth in the vote, so it is not time to worry.

Announcer: "Han Dong, "Spring Back"."

Han Dong's relatives have already screamed!

"Second Uncle, you! It's you!"

"Got it! You got it!"

Han Dong is also very excited!

Announcer: "Zhang Yi, "Two Summers"."

Zhang Yi’s house, Zhang Yi’s husband is already screaming. As a female writer, winning the Qilu Prize is the greatest affirmation. Zhang Yi walked to the table immediately upon hearing the words, and took several pills of medicine for heart disease with excitement, and her hands were shaking with excitement!

The third person already!

There are two left!

Announcer: "Zang Weiguo, "Slow Eyes"!"

In Zang Wei country, all the children and grandchildren around him have exploded!

The moment Zang Weiguo heard his name, he was already in tears and got it. After 30 years of hard work in the literary world, he finally won the highest prize. Although it was not the number of votes for the first place, it already made him cry with joy. He never thought about taking the lead. It would be a miracle to win the Qilu Prize!

Only the last one is left!

The first vote of the Qilu Prize is about to be announced!

Xiao Wang is sweating ticking!

Ha Qiqi is also really anxious!

Why not?

Why is there no Director Zhang's name?

Zhang Ye took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Wu Yi stomped, come on! Fast!

The entire literary world is waiting for the final name!

Many people have their ears erected and their eyes widened!

When the last name was read, the announcer obviously paused and said in a very magnetic voice: "Zhang Ye, "Besiege"."

The studio is suddenly silent!

Then there was a shrill scream from Xiao Wang!


"He said Zhang Ye! He said Zhang Ye!"

"It's us! We got it!"

"Vote first!"

"Take it! Take it!"



The studio is blown up!

Xiao Wang and a few female employees raised their hands and yelled, and a little girl even started crying with excitement!

Everyone hugged each other, yelled, and yelled. It's not easy, it's too hard for this prize to come! In two days, Zhang Ye only took two days to dabble in the field of pure literature for the first time, and he won the highest literary prize of this year with the most votes. This can only be described as a miracle. Use dream to describe. Only Zhang Ye can do this kind of thing, only he can!

Today, Zhang Ye reached the top of the domestic literary world!

Zhang Ye and "Siege" were pushed to the altar! (To be continued., Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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