I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1210: [Popularity rises again! 】


Just got out of bed, Zhang Hao drove to the old Wu’s parents’ home.

There was a bookstore on the road outside her alley. She just opened the door and saw that more than thirty young people who were there were rushing in and robbing!


"I want one!"

"Is there still?"

"What? Why are you gone?"

"I came here yesterday!"

"Boss, I said you have to order more goods!"

"He is tired, I want to read this book, it’s so hard!"

"My dad gave me a military order. I have to buy one to go back. Hey, where are you going to find it? I got it. I will go to another bookstore and ask."

"The day after tomorrow should be fine. Now that "The Besieged City" just won the grand prize, surely many people want to buy the collection. It has not been robbed in a few days."

"hope so."

"Then wait another two days."

Some bookstores are out of stock.

Some bookstores are sold out just after opening the door.

This morning, this scene is constantly being staged throughout the country.

Zhang Wei sat in the hutong with satisfaction, listening to the praise or discussion of "The Besieged City" in the ear, he is high for himself... He is happy for Comrade Qian Zhongshu!


Zhang Hao pushed the door and entered, "Auntie, uncle."

Li Qinqin is picking up water in the yard, and his smile is bright. "Small cockroaches come? Come into the house, waiting for you to have breakfast, already done."

Zhang Wei went up to work, "Auntie, I am coming."

Li Qinqin said: "Give me my name, you are all great writers."

"What a big writer." Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "What award I took is also your son."

Li Qinqin smiled. "I love to hear this."

Wu Zeqing also walked out of the house and smiled: "Come?"

Zhang Wei waved, "Hey, old Wu."

Wu Zeqing said: "Hurry up, my dad is lucky with you."

In Beijing dialect, the "luck" of a verb is not the meaning of luck, it is angry.

Zhang Yiyi, "My uncle is awkward?"

In the house, Wu Changhe placed a copy of "The Besieged City" and said: "You said it? My niece has not married you yet, are you desperate for marriage?" He put on reading glasses. I have to pick up the book to open it. There are many pages in it. I have bookmarked it. The color of the color is also focused on the red and blue lines. It is obviously not doing my homework. "Look at this, you Look at this paragraph again, how do you kid so much instinct? Not sincere! Your kid is too insincere!"

Zhang Wei almost fainted, "Uncle, I am a novel, fake."

Li Qinqin laughed and said: "Xiao Xiao, you are taking care of your uncle, he is nothing to look for, holding this book for a night."

Wu Changhe said: "The book is a good book, but the person who wrote this book is too unreal!"

Zhang Hao can't smile.

Old money.

Someone is jealous of you.

Wu Zeqing said faintly: "The people write satirical literature. If you are a person in the world of chess, you should not mix with the literary world. You don't understand."

Zhang Wei also explained: "Uncle, you put 10,000 hearts. I am full of hope for marriage. I really don't have those flowers and flowers. Then I wrote a stolen-tomb novel. You see which emperor I put. The tomb has been dug up? It’s all novels, and then it’s true.”

This explanation has finally passed.

Everyone sat down to eat. After the meal, Zhang Wei tried to show some things. After busy, he helped to clean the table and wipe the table. At the end, he helped the future Laozhang people use his account to play a few fake games online. I have abused several of the nine masters of the Chinese chess house. In the future, the old man will be happy with it!

Hey, buddy is easy!

the following few days.

Zhang Hao invited guests to dinner every day, and smashed six or seven meals. Friends and colleagues said that they were celebrating for him. In fact, they were looking for opportunities to gather together and drink a little wine to chat.

The sales of "The Besieged City" continued to be hot.

The Oriental Publishing House printed almost a batch of it, and sold a batch of light, and several printing factories over there were working overtime every night, and still shipping!

The staff of the Oriental Publishing House are like the New Year every day. Everyone is light and fluttering. It feels like flying the window to fly to the sky.

"Leadership is not enough!"

"It has to be printed again!"

"It's too hot! There is no downward trend in sales!"

"This is not saturated yet! Print! How much to print!"

"Mr. Zhang Wei is too fierce!"

"Right, "Ghost Blowing Lights" and "Wu Chuan" will be printed again, and then the name of Teacher Zhang will be able to sell another wave!"

"Okay, I will contact you right away!"

200,000 copies!

300,000 copies!

400,000 copies!

The sales growth is almost an explosive one. Many of the book publishers and literary circles are stunned. Is your mother going to the sales record of "Ghost Blowing Lights"? But "Ghost Blowing Light" is a commercial novel. People are going to the market, but "Besie"? Yes, Zhang Wei is a popular person, and "The Besieged City" also won the highest award in literature, but in the end it is also a pure literary novel!

The first day of big sale? normal!

Big sale the next day? understanding!

Can the market be so crazy on the third and fourth days?

Already such a large supply, can't satisfy the crowd who bought the book crazy? Or is it a difficult situation for a book? This is too scary! Commercial novels can't be compared with pure literary novels. Similarly, pure literary novels can't compare with commercial novels. However, "Besus" seems to be an exception. Whether it is literary, word of mouth, awards, and sales, it is all top-level. It has broken many traditional laws in the industry. The analysis and experience of professionals have not been used by Zhang Wei.

Many people in the literary world are jealous!



Can you get the prize and sell it?

What is all about him!

The other four literary masters who won the Qilu Awards were excited after hearing the news!

Pure literature is going to be hot?

The spring of pure literature is coming?

On the same day, the publishers they had worked with had already started a wide range of propaganda and printing. This is also the practice. By selling the literary top prize, the publishers have to eat, the writers have to eat, who Not too much money, watching the madness caused by "The Besieged City", they also want to make a fortune!

However, after the re-release of the books of the four masters, many people were shocked to discover that their books were sold in a completely different way from Besieged City!

Some books have printed 50,000 copies and sold for one-third in two days!

Some books have printed 20,000 copies, and they have not been sold out in three days!

Everyone feels like crying and laughing. The original market is still like that. It turned out that the spring of pure literature is not coming. It’s just that the "besieged city" is on fire, but Zhang Haohuo!

Zhang Wei is really hot!

Not only popular, but the data is also reflected!

On the latest updated domestic artist rating list, on the day when Zhang Wei got the Qilu Award, his popularity data was brushed on the Internet for a small section. It was not a unilateral popularity value, but the total popularity value soared. This is the superposition of the highest prize, which is accumulated by the percentage increase. Moreover, the Qilu Prize is different from other awards. The highest award in the literary world can only be taken once in a lifetime. The gold content is higher, and the percentage of the superposition is more. The highest prize of the variety show and the highest score of the documentary that Zhang Hao has won is even higher. This is also the reason why many stars on the list are pursuing honorary awards. Once this kind of bonus is accumulated, it is a huge source of data, qualifications, awards, number of fans, number of works, popularity, which is a source of star popularity. The domestic artist rating list is also a comprehensive list, and it is also the star's comprehensive popularity to see the top seven in the entertainment circle!

Ever since, the bonus of the awards, plus the sales of "The Besieged City" has risen steadily, and Zhang Wei’s popularity has once again picked up a lot!

Close to the seven positions!

The first step and the second step of the summit plan have completed the expectations! (To be continued., your support is my biggest motivation.) 19830124

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