I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 122: [The professional face slappers are back! 】

Great hall.

"the judge?"

"Okay, the final is over."

"Okay, the score has been calculated."

"I declare that the champion of this year's Beijing couplet competition is... Teacher Zhang Ye"

Following the host's call, the audience below burst into enthusiastic applause and screamed applause. The following was very lively. Even in the position of the contestants next to the rostrum, many of the contestants from the Federation of Literary and Art Circles clapped Zhang Ye with conviction, and some even smiled and gave him a thumbs-up. Zhang Ye deserves everyone’s praise. This is also the weirdest couplet competition in these years. Why is it weird? That's just a matter of talking, because all the questions were answered by Zhang Ye alone, so this time only Zhang Ye was the champion, and the runner-up and third place did not appear at all. The other 49 contestants all accumulated zero. Points

Isn't it worth the applause?

Is this not worthy of everyone's admiration?

Only Da Lei didn't move, didn't applaud

Many people from Zheng Anbang and the Beijing Writers Association also looked bad. They didn't give Zhang Ye a little applause. They all bowed their heads to their own affairs, with little air.

Zhang Ye smiled coldly when he saw this scene.

The hostess smiled and said, "Teacher Zhang, please come to the stage to accept the award."

Zhang Ye got up, walked around to the side and walked onto the stage, smiling at the two hosts.

Over there, Qian Lao and the other two judges also came up. The trophies were prepared in advance, but three were prepared. When the staff brought them up, Qian Lao only took one of them. The other two runners-up and third-placers were obviously not needed. To be honest, they are also the first time they have awarded such an award that overwhelming the crowd. One person abused all the players with an overwhelming advantage. This is unprecedented in the couplet competition.

"Mr. Zhang, congratulations." Mr. Qian gave him the trophy.

Zhang Ye took it and said, "Thank you for your affirmation from the judges."

Old Qian smiled and said: "It's not our affirmation. This is your honor, and I believe no one can say anything. This is the least suspenseful couplet tournament champion."

The audience is laughing, yeah, it's really the least suspenseful one

The hostess said: "Teacher Zhang, would you like to say a few words about the award?"

"Well, are you sure you want me to speak?" Zhang Ye blinked.

The male host sighed, so what is certain and uncertain? Wouldn't everyone who won the award say something about it? Thank friends, leaders, parents, etc.?

The hostess knows what Zhang Ye said, "This..."

"Okay, let me say a few words." Zhang Ye turned to face everyone and paused for a second. He said, "I remember...someone said I cheated?"

Everyone laughed, it was a joke.

Only those people from the Beijing Writers Association have poor expressions, and they say you are not finished? Do you still mention it after all? Why are you so small?

But in fact, Zhang Ye is the master of small belly chicken intestines. The less certain people don’t want him to mention, the more they have to mention it, “I want to know who reported me, and I want to ask about it before I was cheating on stage. The comrades of the Beijing Writers Association, the teachers of the judges and the comrades of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles did not find out clearly, and finally let me participate in the competition. Why did you say so surely that I cheated when you came on stage?" The young man, "Do you have to apologize to me? This is the most basic courtesy, right?"

The young man stared at him with a dark face, numb, I apologize? Why

A woman from the literary and art federation looked at him, "Xiao Wu, you really should explain to everyone."

"Apologize, Xiaowu." Another member of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles said: "This is a live broadcast. Everyone is watching. What you said on the stage was really wrong. It was too arbitrary and caused the reputation of Teacher Zhang. Influence, this means that Teacher Zhang Ye reversed the situation and proved that he himself did not cheat. Otherwise, the result would be unthinkable. Just what you said is enough to destroy a person."

The young man surnamed Wu just didn't go, and closed his eyes sternly.

Zhang Ye smiled, "Today is the couplet competition. It doesn't matter if you don't apologize, I will give you a couplet."

Send couplet?

Are you still giving couplets at this time?

Everyone was a little startled, and a little curious as to what Zhang Ye was going to say.

Zhang Ye said in the next moment: "Mouses are called old regardless of size." Because they are all called mice.

In the next sentence, Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Turtles have a male and female surname Wu" because they are called Turtles

The young man surnamed Wu almost vomited blood three liters when he heard it. Zhang Ye, your uncle, you are too ruthless. He is so angry that his face is green. This is a live broadcast, but hundreds of thousands of people watch it again. Yourself? The young man wanted to find a place to sew in. He thought he wouldn't apologize if he didn't apologize for life and death. What can you do? But he forgot that this person is not an ordinary person, but the notorious Zhang Ye who dared to scold the leader publicly at the Silver Microphone awards ceremony. The poisonous mouth and heart are more poisonous. At this moment, the youth really regretted it. , Numb, I knew this, I might as well go up and apologize

The male host was dumbfounded, "Mr. Zhang"

The hostess was not surprised at all. She knew Zhang Ye's misdeeds, but she quickly touched Zhang Ye's shoes with her foot and said in a low voice, "Teacher, you..."

The audience is also dumbfounded

But Zhang Ye was not over yet, and continued: "This time I was recommended by the Beijing Writers Association to win this championship. I also want to thank them. Thank you for choosing me to support my writing association. I also gave a couplet. Right." After speaking, he said directly, "Niu Tau is happy to give birth to dragon horns."

This sentence is quite ordinary, everyone did not see the problem.

But Zhang Ye's Xianlian made everyone fainted, "Why did a dog's mouth vomit ivory?"

The leaders and members of the Beijing Writers Association: "..."

Everyone in the Federation of Literary and Art Circles covered their mouths and laughed. They thought it was too interesting, and the scolding was too wicked.

Of course Zhang Ye would scold him. This time he came to the competition to see that none of the members of the Beijing Writers Association was kind, making things difficult for themselves and playing tricks everywhere, if it wasn't for Zhang Ye's ingenuity, they would almost be ruined by them. After gaining fame, he was almost ruined as an artist. If the taint of cheating were put on Zhang Ye, he would never be able to clean it up for the rest of his life. What an enemy is this? He naturally found the place back


I didn't **** scold me

What happened to the live broadcast? You scolded

At this time, Meng Dongguo, vice chairman of the Beijing Writers Association, walked out of the backstage at some unknown time. He was furious when he heard Zhang Ye openly firing at them, and regardless of whether the live broadcast was live or not, he grabbed a microphone and talked to Zhang. Ye carried it on, and he also said, "Zhang Ye, can't you pair the couplets? Then I will give you a question too. Please listen to me. In the mountains where the two monkeys break the wood, the little monkey dare to saw it? "This Shanglian has a homophonic sound, and "Dual Saw" is another "Dual". This is a scolding of Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye was happy. He happened to have this when he searched for the memory of the Shanghai Federation. He immediately countered: "Then you will listen to me, a horse is trapped in the mud, how can an old beast come out?"

"it is good"

"That's so beautiful"

"Hahahaha I am so happy"

"Teacher Zhang Ye is amazing"

Some of the audience couldn't help laughing out loud

Meng Dongguo: "...mn)*mn"

Vice Chairman Meng's couplet skills are not so deep, otherwise he would have participated in the competition early, so he was not at all right with Zhang Ye, who was defeated as soon as he shot.

But Zhang Ye did not let him go, "Since you have asked a question, then I will also ask a question, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.


What question is this?

Few couplets are stuck on top of seven. If you want to make couplets, it is one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight? Why forgot a horoscope?

Then Zhang Ye looked at him, "Can't you come out? Then I'll give you a copy, filial, loyal, faithful, courteous and honest.

its not right

The link is wrong

Filial piety, loyalty and integrity? Shame? Why is there no shame?

But where is there a fool in the field? Several contestants pondered for a moment, and then they stunned to analyze the metaphor of this couplet, "Shang Lian forgot one? Xia Lian missed a shame? This is... forget (Wang) ) Eight shameless? I sweat"



Meng Dong Guo Lung almost exploded your surname Zhang, swearing?

The male host was sweating, and hurriedly persuaded him: "Two teachers, two teachers, both said a few words less, and the camera still..." This is how literati do not scold people with dirty words.

No matter what, Meng Dongguo said directly to Zhang Ye: "On this occasion, you openly insult the Capital Writers Association, insult the staff of our Writers Association, or insult the company that recommended you? Okay, okay, I can put my words here clearly. No matter how talented you are, our Beijing Writers Association will not accept it."

Did you wicked complaint first?

Are you all right?

When you want to step on me, step on me and I counterattack you and you start to press on me again? Just because you are an authoritative unit, you are all accountable? Bullshit

Zhang Ye was absolutely ridiculous. He shook the microphone in the handshake and looked at the angry or speechless people from the Beijing Writers Association. He said the last paragraph. This paragraph is a limerick, and the source is from his world. Famous cross talk performance artist-Guo Degang. Guo Degang's limericks are a must-see in Zhang Ye's world. The controversy is huge. Especially the one who scolds the leader of Beijing TV Station has aroused criticism from many people in the industry. However, Zhang Ye chose another famous limerick of Lao Guo today. Guo Degang's jokes written after being rejected by the Spring Festival Gala are very tasteful and interesting.

"The wind is bitter and the fog is hazy. The grass is madly declining, and it is difficult to distinguish the wild shop floor. The plum blossoms are like tailoring, and the desolation is all outside the wall. The ice sky is like a jade, and the silver branches are like powder. With less vision, and after traveling all over the rivers and rivers, the world is still too narrow."

Speaking of which, many people did not understand.

What kind of poem is this? Lickers?

Zhang Ye can still use limericks? They really listened to it for the first time

However, they all understood the poems below Zhang Ye, and all laughed one by one, "The sound of the wind and the bamboo return to the Xiaoyuan, and the moon moves the flowers and the shadows to the Yao stage. Quiet and full, lamenting that all the floating lives are fame and fortune dementia. "Here, Zhang Ye squinted at Meng Dongguo, and at the writers' association members, "Also, open your drunken eyes slightly, letting you rise or fall..." He said, "I don't love it either."

Don't you love it either?

Just when they said they wouldn't let you join the club, did you come here with such a limerick?

Hahaha, I don’t like one, so many viewers can listen to it at once

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