I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1220: [New program signing! 】

That night.

People from the Beijing TV station rushed in.

Two Taiwan leaders, several staff members, and Hu Fei were among them. The first time they got the news, Beijing TV station sent a team to negotiate and paid special attention. Zhang Wei’s new variety show, who dare not pay attention to the entire industry? How many domestic TV stations are robbing him!

The Taiwan leader shook hands with him, "Zhang Zhang."

Zhang Wei smiles, "Wang Tai."

"Zhang Er, what the show is." Hu Fei hurried.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Hu Ge, don't worry, let's sit down and say."

Haqiqi has printed a few copies of the plan that has just been sorted out, and gave them to the people of Beijing TV Station. They will be eager to turn them up.

Zhang Weidao: "Let's take a look first."

"I'm a singer".

This is a very special program in Zhangye's world. What is special is that it is different from many singing programs in the past, such as "Good Voice" and "Mongolian King", which are pure singing elements and selling points. There is very little interaction between the singer and the player, and there are very few exhibitions. At most, it is a self-introduction of vcr or a few words with the tutor. But "I am a singer" is different. This program has real-life elements, and it is not masked. The players are also well-known artists. The audience knows and can intuitively feel the true side of the singers, such as songs. The preparations, such as the lottery of the lottery, such as the star's private life shooting, such as the singer guest host's mistakes, such as the star agent grabbed the room, smashed the door and other links. There are more variety elements and competition is fierce. This type of program has never been done in this world.

In fact, Zhang Wei’s team analyzed it quite right. At this time, it’s not a wise choice to make a singing program. CCTV’s “New Voice” is in full swing. Everyone in the industry who hears the news is reluctant to leave. In this time, I met with "New Voice", and even a lot of relatively large reality shows may have to avoid their sharpness, fearing that they will be shared, not to mention the same type of singing program.

This is not a good choice!

Or, it is the worst decision!

Zhang Wei also understands that the program in this period is the safest and most insured. But this is not the kind of person. If he wants to be safe, he will not bring the CCTV set to court. If he is wise, he would Will not play with the radio and television! In the face of "face", everything is secondary!

Are you not a board?

You are not bragging - forced?

Row! I will go out and do it with you!

The people on the Beijing TV station finished the case and several people were shocked.

Hu Fei and Zhang Wei are the most familiar and have cooperated too many times. The "Hundred Lectures" and "Mongolian Songs" were all made by Zhang Wei and Hu Fei, so he first said: "Zhang Er, How confident are you with this show? I mean, can viewers surpass "Good Voices"?"

Zhang Hao shook his head. "I don't know."

Wang’s deputy director blinked. “You have no confidence?”

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "I mean, if it is the original "Good Voice" that I made, who is higher and who is lower? I really can’t say it, but I can’t exceed it, but if it’s CCTV now, The one that claimed to have replaced the team director and the guest’s cottage version of "New Voice"..."

People on the Beijing TV station are staring at him. "How?"

Zhang Wei thought for a moment and said indifferently: "I am licking it ten streets!"

Hu Fei smiled. "The words are a bit big."

Zhang Weidao: "Alright."

Wang’s deputy director also made a slight pleasure.

After that, the people of the Beijing TV station discussed and communicated for a while.

At the end of the deputy director Wang, nodded and said: "Mr. Zhang, you have a new program, we have done it, or the old rules, how much production expenses you need to open, a hundred million funds to make a bottom, there is no upper limit, the staff will move you, you hang The general director, Lao Hu hangs the producer system, the whole production of the program is based on you, and Lao Hu is the assistant."

Hu Fei smiled and said: "The "Mongolian King" will let you hang the general director. You don't do it. Don't push it this time? I will give you a deputy, hehe."

Zhang Yanyan, "Is this fixed? Do not think about it?"

Hu Fei Ledao: "Your show, don't worry!"

This sentence is undoubtedly the greatest trust for Zhang Wei.

A staff member of Jingchengtai suddenly asked, "Do you guide Zhang to participate?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "If I am the general director, I will not participate."

Hu Fei said: "You don't play? What a pity."

Zhang Wei spreads his hand. "I am going to participate in the competition as the general director. What do people think of it? It is definitely not fair to say that there is a shady scene. It is still based on the interests of the program. Don't turn the boat in the gutter." Added a sentence, "haha, Besides, there are so many top singers, I have to lose when I go up, shame."

Hu Feidao: "What about your play? You have to work **** a show, can't you get it? You don't care about money."

Zhang Wei said: "Reassured Hu Ge, my director's drama is definitely more than you think."

Wang’s deputy director heard the words and couldn’t help but secretly nod. In the production of the program, Zhang Wei is really very professional and very responsible. This is also the place where he most appreciates Zhang Wei. What to do is how to get it. Clearly, I won't change the rules at will because I want to hold him. Zhang Wei is very disciplined. This sentence seems simple. In fact, in today's impetuous entertainment circle, there are not many people who talk about rules.

The contract was quickly prepared.

Everyone has communicated on the follow-up production.

Hu Fei: "How is the stage?"

Zhang Wei: "Is the "Meng Masked King" table changed?"

Hu Fei: "Yes, but the invitation of the singer is very difficult. This is a problem."

Zhang Wei: "Yes, we don't ask for it, please ask those who sing good, even if it's too angry, it doesn't matter, don't look at fame, just look at the power."

Hu Fei: "But this is a competition. Everyone doesn't want to lose. Especially these long-awaited singers, "The Masked King" is also covered with a mask. Even if it is eliminated, it can be removed without a face. The audience also I don't know who you are, I don't lose people, but "I am a singer" is not the same. This is a real knife, and those famous wrists, can you be willing to come? Even if the franchise fee doubles, maybe and also……"

Zhang Wei: "I will fix this."

Hu Fei: "Okay, then there is no problem, what about you? What are your requirements?"

Vice-President Wang also looked at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Xiao smiled. "My request is simple."

Deputy Director Wang: "You are free to mention."

Zhang Wei Zhang said: "I asked for one, "New Voice" when the first broadcast, I will broadcast the first day, "New Voice" which time to broadcast, I will broadcast it!"

People in Beijing TV Station are laughing and crying.

Deputy Director Wang: "Okay, sign up!" (To be continued.)

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