I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1223: [The battle has started! 】

at the same time.

Beijing TV Station.

The "I am a singer" column group has been listed.

Zhang Ye stood in the new office area, with his arms open, hugging his old colleagues one by one.

Xiao Lu Xiong hugged him, "Teacher Zhang! I miss you!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for two months, right?"

"That's like three autumns!" Da Fei also hugged him!

Brother Hou laughed, "I can cooperate with Teacher Zhang again!"

His twin brother Hou Di smiled and said, "I love to work with Teacher Zhang. What I didn't say is just happy and comfortable!"

Zhang Ye greeted everyone one by one, saying hello, "How was your last show? I heard it was not ideal?"

Hu Fei blew his beard and stared, "Which pot is your kid?"

Zhang Ye happily said, "Haha."

Han Qi was also on the team list. In "The King of Masked Singer", she was Zhang Ye (the clown)'s contact or agent, and a big fan of Zhang Ye. She was very excited when she saw Zhang Ye. , Don’t mention that program. It’s really almost meaningless. We lost a lot of money. In the end, the ratings were less than 0.4%. After only one month of broadcasting, it was suspended. The brand of the program was just removed."

Reality shows are not easy to do now.

Zhang Ye stabilized the army and said: "It's okay, I'm here this time, let's do a good job of a big vote!"

Dong Shanshan also came in from outside at this time, "We are relieved when you come, but I heard that you don't need a host for your new show? What do you mean?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "The setting is like this, let the singer host, but I didn't say that there is no host position, Shanshan, you just came here, I still want to talk to you, I will definitely leave you a good position , The leader of the singer agent team, can you help lead?"

Dong Shanshan glanced at her, "Then you need to talk about it?"

Everyone laughed.

Dong Shanshan is now the hottest host of Beijing TV. She carries shows from two stations, and the ratings are pretty good. With her current status, she will play the role of a guest singer agent again. It is indeed a little overkill, but as Zhang Ye’s old classmates, based on her relationship with Zhang Ye, that was a matter of one sentence. Zhang Ye also especially needed a popular host like Dong Shanshan to help him support the scene. Apart from her, no one else could support it.

In a short while, the members of the program group were almost there.

Everyone sat together and divided the program plan.

Zhang Ye introduced to them: "This show also has an overall leading role for our Beijing Satellite TV. For example, there are six or seven singer agents. This time they will not be the contact person of the "Masked Singer" staff. It’s the format, I need some real hosts. This guy Hu will help you to contact us. Let’s see which one of our Beijing TV hosts is interested. Shanshan will take the lead and definitely occupy the best position. You can recommend other positions for me. A few, let us have a somewhat famous variety show host, but not too famous, just a familiar face."

Hu Fei smiled and said, "I arranged this."

Several links to host the economic man are very important. Although it seems to be a supporting role, the appearance rate is very high. It can bring a lot of popularity to everyone, which is a good job. Like Zhang Ye's "I'm a Singer" in the world, there are several hosts that have become popular in the singer agent. Once "I Am a Singer" is broadcast, the overall strength and influence of the host of Beijing TV Station will definitely be a driving force. It's just that the current effect is temporarily invisible, they may not be clear yet, they will have to understand it after the broadcast.

Zhang Ye began to arrange again.

"The recording is ready."

"just now?"

"Yes, now."

"It's still early, the stage has not been set up yet."

"This new show is not the same as other singing variety shows. In many cases, it is necessary to record the singers' front and back scenes, and even some details of their lives, such as the scenes of the singers packing their luggage at home and preparing to set off, so we have to prepare in advance. Reality show elements."

"Reality show? Is this all right?"

"Director Zhang, is it too complicated?"

"Yes, this is easy to distract the audience? Isn't it a singing show?"

"You'll know when you shoot it."

"it is good!"


"You set it up!"

Does it work?

Director Zhang said yes, so be it!

The advantage of working with the old team is trust and tacit understanding. Zhang Ye's arrangement will basically be implemented by everyone 200%, and in many cases there is no need to even ask why.

Finished up!

The remaining task is Zhang Ye's!

Grab people!

Grab time!

Grab advertising sponsorship!

The battle with CCTV has just begun!


On that day, the news was still leaked.

Of course, this is impossible to hide. The media and newspapers were blown up by the news.

"Zhang Ye is back! 》

"Zhang Ye's New Program: Am I a Singer? 》

"The peak showdown of singing variety show?" 》

"A new voice enemy is coming! 》

"The new voice may face a huge challenge! 》

"I'm a singer, and I'm a car! 》

"CCTV's battle with Jingcheng TV's variety show brother? 》

The war between CCTV and Zhang Ye has begun again! 》

"Some experts predict: the new voice may win! 》


Netizens are also so excited!

"I rely on a good job!"

"Zhang Ye is back again!"

"Oh my God!"

"It's too exciting! It's not too much to watch the excitement!"

"Hahahahaha, some watch it!"

"This is the battle of the century! This is the ultimate fight!"

""I Am a Singer" vs. "New Voice", who do you think can win? I think "New Voice" is even better. After all, the popularity has come out and the audience base is hundreds of millions. Although the name has been changed, the TV station has not changed. , It’s still an old routine, many people will buy it? Judging from this advantage, Zhang Ye’s new show has no foundation at all. It’s a disadvantage if it thunders on the ground!"

"That's not necessarily true. After all, "New Voice" is not the second season of "The Voice". The team has changed, the director has changed, the host has changed, and the instructor doesn't seem to be the previous four. It's not certain whether everyone can buy it. It depends on whether the audience bought the sign of "Good Voice" or Zhang Ye. I personally bought Zhang Ye. "Good Voice" was made by him. It has a strong Zhang Ye label, so I recognize it. Don't recognize the show! In my opinion, the "Good Voice" where Zhang Ye sits is the real "Good Voice", and the others are copycats!"

"Why didn't Zhang Ye do the second season of "The Voice"? He has the copyright."

"His contract with CCTV also has restrictions. Although he has the copyright and naming rights of "Good Voice", if he does not cooperate with CCTV, the contract should be written, and he will not be allowed to authorize the second TV station within a few years. So the CCTV set of the name "Good Voice" is not available now, and Zhang Ye is the same."

"I am a singer, what the **** is it?"

"I do not know!"

"Wait, the two sides are already fighting!"

"Look who is great!"

"Yeah, it's time to fight for strength!"

"The rain is coming and the wind is all over the building!"

"I have seen the sword rain!" (To be continued.)

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