I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1225: ["I am a singer" promo! 】

The advertiser dispute is over!

In the days that followed, the war of propaganda was officially launched!

Many insiders and onlookers have seen it or amazed or stunned!

"Wow, look at the People's Daily!"

"Rely, "I am a singer" bought the advertisement page of the People's Daily today!"

"How big is this handwritten? How much is this?"

"I don't know if they will buy the first party for a few days."

"Hey, everyone is watching. The advertisement pages of Jinghua Daily, Shanghai Daily and East China Morning News have all been bought by "New Voice". I am going!"

"Tianhe Forum page advertisement was occupied by "I am a singer"!"

"The chat software started to pop up, all "New Voice"!"

"These two columns are all crazy to you!"

"I have never seen such a desperate fight!"

"The richness of the wealth! Too-mother--the richness of the rich!"

"Served, the whole country has become a battlefield!"

“This is the biggest propaganda war in the history of variety shows?”

"How much hatred is hateful? This is really killing me!"

"Hit it, the ad campaign "New Voice" is a bit of a loser, see who can win the propaganda war!"

Major forums!

Major newspapers!

Major communication software!

Without exception, all of them are battlefields!

The propaganda war was so big that even the people in the music circle were amazed, because when they were preparing to promote new album concerts or new movies, they couldn’t buy a good position, almost all heavyweight ads. The bits have been bought by "New Voice" and "I am a singer"! For a long time, the film circle has been recognized as the most cost-intensive industry. Whether it is star appearance price, publicity expenses, production investment, and movie investment, it is the highest in several trades. But whoever thought, this film circle was two A variety show has scared!

How many advertisements did you buy?

How many locations did you buy?

Ten million?

20 million?

It’s just that if this money is taken out, it’s enough for them to make a small-cost idol movie in the film and television circle. This group of people is too rich, right? And is this just beginning? Can you spend more than two billion yuan on the production of a variety show? What are two billions enough? Enough for them to invite the best directors in the country and the best first-line actors to make a New Year's film! Thinking of this, the industry inside the film and television circle can not calm down!

too exaggerated!

Too scary!


In fact, Beijing TV station can not calm down.

"I am a singer" program group.

Hu Fei was shocked and warned: "Zhang Er, has spent more than 10 million!"

"Okay, it doesn't matter." Zhang Yan said indifferently: "Let's go buy the location!"

Hou Ge exclaimed: "I still buy it? Is this enough?"

Zhang Hao shook his head. "It’s a long way off. CCTV sets a set of propaganda wars with us. We can’t let them press down and fight with them. Isn’t it just saving money? Don’t worry, now this money is smashing, behind You can earn back several times and you have to play a big one!"

Big fly can't laugh, "But this is too big!"

It is a little big!

But everything is worth it!

The biggest weakness of "I am a singer" is that there is no accumulation. On his previous earth, "I am a singer" in the first season, the second season, the third season, the season is worse than the first quarter, but because of the popularity and popularity The reason is that the ratings are more than one season, and the number of clicks on the whole network has doubled. However, Zhang Wei does not have this time, so this kind of propaganda is a must. He wants to take the money out of the propaganda. He wants to make "I am a singer" from the first period of the first season, and the ratings are bursting. red!

I used to play too small. "Good Voice" is, "The Tip of the Tongue" is, "Meng Masked King" is also because the production expenses are limited, the propaganda aspect is used as much as possible to save the production cost, but "I am The singer "Zhang Wei does not intend to do this. The trust of Beijing Satellite TV has made him no limit on the production of funds. The two hundred million title fees of Lai Jinjin and the tens of millions of advertisements sponsored by many other advertisers make him not consider Money, and there is a license fee for the video site, which has not been sold yet!

Play a big one!

Zhang Wei can't wait, and the summit plan can't wait!

"I am a singer" is not only a high-profile show by Beijing TV, but also a piece of CCTV in order to face CCTV. It is also the fourth step of the summit plan. Zhang Wei wants to rely on "I am a singer". The variety field will fill his popularity and climb the top!

Zhang Wei said: "Yes, the production fee is divided into two million."

Xiao Lu asked: "Okay, what does this money do?"

Zhang Weidao: "Catch a promo."

Hou Ge, "Promo film? How many minutes?"

"A minute or so." Zhang Yi’s words are amazing.

Everyone in the program group took a breath of air. "One minute? Two million? Zhang is not enough?"

Zhang Wei told me: "I personally take charge of the promotional film, I want to use the best equipment, the best production staff, the best special effects rendering!"



"What do you say?"


A few days later.

The promotional video of "New Voice" is released!

At first glance, it was a big production, and it cost a lot of money. The color and style inside it continued the number of times that used to be "Good Voice". Although it was nothing new, it was beautiful.

Netizens praised!

"not bad."

"Looking forward to airing!"

"The promo is great!"


One day later.

The promotional film "I am a singer" is also official!

Many people pay special attention to it, because "New Voice" is a program. Everyone knows it. Most people have read "Good Voice", but "I am a singer" is a kind of music program. Many people basically There is a lot of confusion in the industry, because Beijing TV has not revealed much information in this regard. Zhang Wei’s program group has been asking for a certain amount of confidentiality work. Even the list of singers who have joined has not been exposed. It must be mysterious. So in the absence of knowing everything, everyone is definitely looking forward to and being curious about the promo!

Eight o'clock in the evening.

Beijing TV broadcast.

Mom and Dad turn on the TV.

Chen Guang Fan Wenli is sitting in the living room.

Xiaodong and Amy look forward to it.

Many people in the industry watched on time.

The background music is on the rise, the picture is out!

Then there is Zhang Wei’s magnetic voice:

"The voice of a person falling down."

"More roar than a group of people."

"A desperate moment of one person."

"It means, die once."

“Is life updated or self-employed?”

“It’s just the choice and decision of every moment.”

"Music is not an end, but a state of being alive."

"Please doubt me!"

"Laughter me!"

"hurt me!"

"I use my back to pay tribute to life."

"Why do you want to sing? For us no longer afraid."

"Music is fearless."

"I'm a singer!"

The short 52-second promo was quickly broadcast!

But the person who watched the promo for the first time, the expression on the face continued for a long time, the picture, color, special effects, dubbing, all too great!

"I am a singer" propaganda film on the hot search list!

The meagerness is full of praise and shock!


"Where is this promo!"

“Yes, it’s too art! Every screen can be a desktop!”

“Exquisite, concise, artistic, really amazing!”

"Zhang Wei is really good at doing this kind of thing!"

"This shows the level!"

"That paragraph is accompanied by pictures and music, I really heard my blood!"

"It’s much better than the "New Voice" promo! I’ve got two streets!"

"Hey, in the propaganda war, "New Voice" seems to have lost again!"

"Don't complain if you lose! Zhang Wei is Zhang Hao!"

"More and more expect "I am a singer"!"

"Just rush this promo, the show must see!"

Hot discussion!

Many people in the industry can't help but like it!

A famous advertising director whispered: "A wonderful promotional film!"

A director of Shanghai TV Station: "When you read it six times, it is indeed art."

A very well-known film director: "The people who can make such art videos with this kind of excellence will definitely not make bad programs."

The promo is on fire!

There is no sign of fire at all!

The fire is not at all reasonable!

In contrast, the "New Voice" promo is bleak a lot!

It’s not that the propaganda film of “New Voice” is not good, but everything is afraid of contrast. In comparison, many gaps are revealed! To be precise, this is not the "new voice" lost to "I am a singer", but the level of production director of "New Voice" promo, the gap with Zhang Wei is too big!

The funding is not the same!

How much did the former’s promotional film cost?

Tens of thousands?

Hundreds of thousands?

And the latter?

With a full investment of two million, what can be done in the same way!


Beijing Taiwan.

"I am a singer" program group.

Xiao Lu laughed, "Win! Win again!"

Hou Gedao: "This film is so wonderful!"

Big Fly: "Two million? This money is worth it!"

"Hot search for the third!" Han Qi surprised!

Hu Fei nodded to Zhang Hao.

Zhang Wei smiled slightly. This propaganda film was carefully selected by him. From his propaganda film of the fourth season of "I am a singer" on the earth, it did not change much in general, but Zhang Hao added the picture and music. Many of my own designs and special effects make the visual impact bigger and more powerful. Every detail of every frame is repeatedly scrutinized, otherwise it will not cost two million!

Everything is ready!

It’s officially recorded now!

The industry's highest title fee, the industry's highest production fee, the industry's highest publicity fee, the most in the industry is in the "I am a singer" column, Zhang Hao has used all efforts, do not want to leave any regrets I vow to make "I am a singer" a milestone-style variety show! (To be continued.) 8

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