I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1228: [I believe in your evil! 】


"I am a singer" scene.

Thousands of spectators entered the stadium and then they could not sit still.

"What time is it?"

"I heard that there is no professional host?"

"Can't Zhang Zhang?"

"He doesn't seem to be participating or hosting."

"This is a big game? What is he doing?"

"He is the general director, who knows what he thinks."

"The show he made himself couldn't give him a chance to show his face. Wait and see, I know too much about this product. He must have a big show for himself."


"It seems that there is no judge."

"Ah? It’s all about voting?"

"Yes, it seems that the judges are misleading the audience, so they simply did not set up."

"No host, no judges, no interaction, seven singers singing? This professional and authenticity is obviously stronger, and it is also a test of the level of the singer, what level is the level, the real knife and the light The boss is up, no water can be mixed!"

"This is exciting!"

"I am afraid there is no master."

"Well, I am also worried about this."

"The Masked King" also has a mask. If you lose, you can still not reveal it. But "I am a singer", there is no such thing. The real big coffee won't come? Win? Win is what it should be. Lose it, lose it, lose it, it may lose popularity, the risk is too big, how many dare to come? That is difficult to impress them at the entrance fee? But if it comes to some newcomers and little fame Singer, that doesn't mean anything. It's better to go to the New Voice."


"Let's wait."

Who is there?

Who will attend?

The audience knows nothing and can't help but whisper.

Suddenly, the lights suddenly darkened.

The audience stunned and immediately applauded!

Record the countdown.




The whole audience is quiet.

Everyone pulled his neck and looked at the moon door behind the stage.

At the same time, other singers in the background and seven star agents headed by Dong Shanshan also stared at the screen in different rooms.

A female host of Jingcheng TV asked, "Who is the first one?"

Another young male host said: "I don't know, who is coming?"

Someone looked at Dong Shanshan, "Firshan?"

Dong Shanshan also shrugged. "Don't look at me, I don't know."

They are really unclear. As star agents, they are not involved in the production of the show. There are also cameras in the house facing them. Because the agents will grab the players and have a lot of them, these clips will be cut out. After the Zhangye boarding, the official film source.

Room number three.

Zhang Xia contains throat lozenges.

The staff is giving her makeup.

Room 4

Xue Kaiqi said to himself, "Which is it? People?"

Room number five.

Chen Guang stared at him with curiosity.

Room number seven.

Zhao Wuliuyi’s deputy old gunner’s party, squatting with his ears, “The first one to play, the pressure must be great, I wish him good luck.”

Every contestant is very concerned about who is on the stage.

Of course, the audience on the scene is the same. Some people can't wait to stand up. I can't wait to have a telescope in my hand, I hope to see it a little further.

Suddenly, the light strips up!

A figure appeared at the moon gate!


"Who? Who?"

"I can't see it!"

"The backlight can't see!"

"It seems to be a woman?"

"Female singer?"

"The body is a little petite, not tall!"


"Get out!"


Two steps.

Three steps.

When the figure walked into the light, the audience exclaimed!


"Buy it!"

"It's Xiaodong!"

"Winter sister is here!"

"Ah! My winter sister!"

Applause thunder!

The audience were very excited and a little unbelievable. They thought they wouldn't have big coffee. They thought they would all be new people. Whoever wants to be the first singer is an Asian-level star, Asian Idol women's group spring. The core member of the garden combination, captain Xiaodong!


Zhang Xiayi, "Little Winter?"

Amy knew that Xiaodong had come, but she didn't know she would be the first to play!

Chen Guang eagerly tried to smash his hand. "This stage can be lively."

Xue Kaiqi was surprised: "Is Xiaodong also coming?"

He Wei: "Is she?"

Zhao Wuliu squinted.

The room hosting the broker is also frying!

A female host screamed, "I am a fan of winter sister!"

A male host: "Hey, this is big!"

"Little winter is actually coming! How is it possible!" Another female host did not set the channel.

"She has already made a name for herself. How come to the competition?"

"I want to be a Xiaodong agent!"

"You go! Winter sister is mine!"

"Ha ha ha, whoever grabs it!"

"It is said that the rule is that if the singer is eliminated, the agents we serve will also be eliminated. Xiaodong is definitely insured! Whoever eliminates her is also stable!"

The host brokers also made up their minds.

On the stage, Xiaodong was slightly stunned, and then nodded to the music director Bai Yuanfei, indicating that he was ready, and then took a deep breath.

The music is ringing.

The careful audience at the stage gave a slight glimpse. They found that the music equipment of "I am a singer" seems to be better than that of "Men Masked King". What happened? Change equipment again?

As everyone knows, this is Zhang Hao who has withstood a lot of pressure and communicated with Beijing TV Station for a long time, only to get a huge amount of equipment budget. The sound and related equipment of "Ming Mask King" is already the top in the industry. However, this time, Zhang Wei has upgraded them all over the world. Even on the stage of music programs all over the world, their equipment is the most luxurious one. In this respect, Zhang Wei is not afraid to pay for it. More production expenses than "New Voice" are spent here! This can also see Zhang Hao's persistence and determination in his work. If he wants to do it, he will do the best and most professional program!

Music is a familiar melody.


This song?

It’s a woman’s flower!

The audience was pleasantly surprised. Many people have never heard of Xiaodong’s solo, and they have never heard her singing other people’s songs!

The whole audience fell on her. Xiaodong didn't know if she was nervous or not. She closed her eyes, and after that, she didn't open her eyes.

The melody enters.

Xiao Dong raised the microphone.

"I have a flower."

"Cultivate in my heart."

"There is a need to be faint."

"Towards the DPRK and the DPRK."

"I waited eagerly."

"The people who have the heart come to dream."

A few arias, fascinated by the audience!

Chen Guang praised: "Great!"

He sighed, "I know you are a master when you open a squat."

Xue Kaiqi is even more nervous, "going out."

The most responsive of the audience is the audience. The impression that the Spring Garden has given them has always been an idol combination. It is a selling face, and it is a youthful song! Singing? strength? Everyone hasn’t paid much attention to it until a few months ago, when the spring garden group member Li Xiaoyu was shocked by the sunset red on the stage of “Minged Song King”, the audience first realized that even if they didn’t sell their faces, It turns out that even if they are separated, they can sing very well, and Xiaodong’s opening is proof of this. Many people are so fascinated that they have never seen such a singing winter. This singing, Li Xiaoyu is also afraid. A little worse?

No wonder Xiaodong is the captain!

"Woman flowers, swaying in the red dust."

"Woman flowers, gently swinging with the wind."

"Only hope, there is a gentle hand."

"Can comfort, my inner loneliness."

Woman flower.


This song finally reminded them of something they didn't want to remember. Whenever I looked at Xiaodong's still youthful face, everyone would have an illusion that Xiaodong had not changed, and the spring garden was still that youth. The spring garden. In fact, Xiaodong has been debuting for too many years. The little girl who bounced on the stage ten years ago has already experienced the storm and is no longer young. When it comes to generations, Xiaodong may be earlier than Fan Wenli and Chen Guang. .

The music is over.

The audience got up and clapped!





All kinds of moods come to mind!

"Little winter!"

"Little winter!"

"Little winter!"

Countless people shouted her name!

Xiaodong finally opened his eyes and groaned again, "Call, thank you."

The applause sounded for a long time before stopping.

Chen Guang clapped in the background!

Zhang Xia and Zhao Wuliu could not help but applaud her!

However, no one thought that Xiaodong did not step down after singing. She looked at the stage and said, "Hello, I am a singer Xiaodong."

Applause again!

There is also a whistle!

After all, Xiaodong’s hand flipped over. I didn’t know where to take out a card and held it in my hand. When I saw a lot of people’s unclear expression, she smiled and said: “At the same time, it’s also the temporary season of “I am a singer”. With the class host, the next game will be hosted by me, please take care."


"Little Winter Host?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"This is really fresh!"

"It’s beautiful, look at Zhang Wei’s goods and look annoying!”

The audience responded enthusiastically!

He Wei: "It turns out!"

Chen Guang: "Ha ha."

Xiaodong’s first card was already in his hands, and he bowed his head and said: “First of all, thanks to the leading brand of health care products, Brain Gold Group’s exclusive title for this program, thanks to Hubei Pharmaceutical...”

A bunch of advertising words were very unprofessional, and sometimes they were still fighting, but the audience was quite bought and laughter continued. This is the audience's tolerance for non-professionals. If Zhang Wei is standing on the stage, this is not to say that he is fighting, even if he has a slight pause and does not do well, everyone has to marry him because Zhang Wei is Professional host, but Xiaodong is not, she is a guest, of course, everyone will not take it seriously, but it feels fun.

"Call, finally complete the task." Xiaodongdao.

Audience: "Ha ha ha ha."

Xiaodong smiled and said: "On the stage, you don't know how nervous I am. I have been debuting for so many years. I have sang so many years of songs, not like today, because this is not an ordinary program, not a concert, not a practice. The singer, but the competition between the peers, the singer will compete for a ranking every two periods. The last singer will be replaced, or it will be difficult to listen. In fact, it is eliminated, and we decide to stay. It’s not someone else, it’s a thousand viewers present here, and each of your votes will determine the singer’s stay, so be cautious, cautious, and cautious.”


Yeah, this is too cruel!

Are singers, who can afford this person?

Xiaodong seems to have seen the doubts of the people and said: "Someone may ask me why I came to participate in this program? Isn't this a pit for yourself?"


Why are you coming?

The audience is very curious.

Xiaodong nodded. "Then I will tell you the reason now. The reason why I dare to come is that Zhang Hao gave me the words." She imitated Zhang Yu’s tone: "He said that you are coming, I There is a good program here. I said that I am not going to go. I am afraid of the game. Zhang Wei said that nothing is wrong. Other players are not as good at singing and popularity as you are. You are sweeping when you come. I listen to this, I am listening to this. Just say ok, then I will go!"

Everyone has already laughed.

Xiao Dongyang raised the card in his hand. "And then half an hour ago, I just got a list of other singers. After I saw it, I wanted to say a word to Zhang." Suddenly, Xiaodong pulled away the scorpion. Road: "Zhang Dao! You give me out! I believe in your evil, me!"

Chen Guang: "Hey!"

Zhang Xia laughed!

Zhang Wei, who is commanding the overall situation under the stage, laughed twice and gave him the camera.

The whole audience laughed!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Little winter is pitted!"

"Laughter is killing me!"

"Zhang Hao this pit goods!"

"Winter sister! You can dare to believe if you are Zhang?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

At the same time, everyone is curious!

The first one to appear is Xiaodong. Who else is behind? Who are the other six singers? Even let Xiaodong be so "stunned", even Zhang Dao is "squatting"? (To be continued. Your support is my biggest motivation.) 16-10-0803:40:04

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