I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1241: [Advertising is coming! 】

This morning.

The alarm rang.

Zhang Wei climbed up and shouted to the outside:

"Mom, turn on the TV."

"What are you doing?"

"Fast broadcast."

"What? Today?"


"What brand?"

"Mineral water."

Mom and Dad are sitting in front of the TV in anticipation.

After the morning news, Zhang Wei’s first advertisement was broadcast.

This is one of his many endorsements, the latest, but the fastest, the mineral water company's advertising space is also paved early, can be directly placed, so it is the first to release. This time is still very good. Some people just woke up to turn on the TV, some people are packing their bags for the children, some people are watching the news while eating breakfast, the news is finished, the picture is turned, when everyone sees Zhang Wei on TV, many People are slightly glimpsed.

It was a classroom. Zhang Wei was in class and brushing and writing on the blackboard. The naughty student couldn’t help but steal the mineral water underneath. The squeaking of the bottle cap made Zhang Wei angry. He couldn’t help but say a few words. . Who wants to have a bottle of the same mineral water after class, can't wait to take a sip.

The advertising word came out.

"People's spring, a bit sweet."

The ad ends.

The next ad comes in.

Mom is awkward.

Dad is dumbfounded.

Zhang Xiaoxiao said: "How about your parents?"

Mom pointed to TV, "Is this?"

"Yeah." Zhang Hao said: "Are you okay?"

Mom fainted: "What is this broken thing?"

Dad pouted, "Men's mineral water is a big brand, I have also drunk, where is it sweet?" When he said his face changed, he looked at his son and said, "Do you add sugar?"

Zhang Hao fainted!

It does not make sense!

What sugar do I add?

Forget it, you can't communicate with you!

At the same time, the two large video websites in the industry also hang up the advertisements of the people's mountains and springs. In the whole morning, just click on the movie or TV drama resources of the two video websites in thirty or sixty seconds. In the compulsory advertisement, the first one is the advertisement of the person's mountain spring for fifteen seconds. The TV station also broadcasts repeatedly at several points, such as eight, ten, and twelve.

The advertisement is spread out!

The first day of the launch is quite large!

The advertising industry is very concerned about the competition companies of the relevant mineral water brands.

Zhang Wei is a legendary figure in the advertising industry. The public service advertisements are not mentioned. If there is no product sales, let’s not talk about it. If you say brain gold, it is really a miracle. An advertisement makes it dangerous. The small workshop of health care products became the largest group in the market of health care products overnight. This is a miracle, which can be said to be a miracle in the history of domestic advertising. Therefore, Zhang Hao, who has this aura, can get the endorsement fee far higher than his worth, and he can endorse with Tianwang Tianhou!

Has he made a new advertisement?

Who can't study it!

So the people in the advertising circle and the marketing circle were rushing around and watching them. At first glance, they were speechless and the reaction was exactly the same as that of Zhang Wei!


Is this?

Is this a simple ad word?

What is the classic brainwashing technique used in your brain? Why are you gone? What is this advertisement? Isn't this the usual TV commercial?

Someone is disappointed.

Someone repeated it for more than a dozen times.

No shock!

No surprise for heaven!

This kind of advertising they can write ten in a minute!

There is also discussion on Weibo.

"Zhang Wei's new advertisement!"

"Is it all?"

"I saw it in the morning!"

"Slightly sweet? Nonsense! Not sweet at all!"

"Ha ha ha, yeah, I just bought a bottle and tasted it, not sweet."

"How is it not sweet? I am a little sweet when I drink."

"Yeah, I bought it, it feels a bit sweet."

"Where you go, there is mineral water that is sweet! It is juice!"

"You are fine, it's sweet!"

Originally, it was just a casual discussion. As a result, it turned out to be almost quick to fight. No one had thought that someone had opened a vote. Because the two people were sweet or not sweet, the result of the vote was also very eye-popping. Thirty percent of people think that the mountain spring is really sweet, and it seems that it is not the same as other mineral water. Somehow, this ad is also on fire!


A small supermarket in Beijing.

The couple are resting today and come to the supermarket for shopping.

"Husband, there is no water at home."

"Then buy a box."

"Hey, people's mountain spring? Isn't this the advertisement of Zhang Hao's morning?"

"Yeah, it’s a bit sweet."

"Then buy it."

"Well, let's taste it too."

So the couple called a staff member. "Do you have a full box of people's springs? Give us a box."

The supermarket staff was sorry: "The whole box has been sold out."

The wife is amazed, "Ah?"

The staff said: "There are just a few bottles left in bulk."


A small department on the street.

A young girl jumped in and jumped in, "Auntie, come to a bottle of people."

The proprietress said: "There is no family."

The girl was amazed: "I saw you purchase yesterday."

The proprietress also wondered: "I don't know. In the morning, anyone who buys mineral water basically buys a man's mountain spring. The other brands of mineral water sell a bottle."

The girl asked: "Is that water really sweet?"

The proprietress thought for a moment, "It seems like there is a little bit, sweet."


at night.


Zhang Weigang recorded an advertisement back.

Haqi Qi Zhang Zuo Zuo, they are squatting, chatting with themselves, even Zhang Hao came in and they did not find out.

"The ad has already been broadcast."

"Yeah, I don't know the reaction."

"The response is good, there are quite a few online discussions."

"The response I said was sales."

"I really don't know, the advertisement is a bit simple, cough."

"They paid a lot for the endorsement of Zhang Dao. The premium is a lot. If you don't do it for others, the sales volume will drop, but it will not be good."

"Yes, I am afraid of this."

Everyone whispered.

Zhang Wei smiled behind them: "Don't be afraid."


"Is Zhang guide back?"

Zhang Wei said: "What are we doing? There are still a lot of endorsement projects to be filmed. Is the advertising plan that I said organized? I will take a look."

Zhang Zuo took it, "Give it to you."

Everyone started to get busy again.

Suddenly, the studio phone rang.

Haqiqi is close, and picks it up, "Hey, I am hazi."

The people over there are very excited. "Ha, always, me!"

Haziqi jumped in his heart. "Is Li, hello, hello."

Li, the deputy general manager of Shanquan, "You are a god! Real God!"

Haqi Qi is not clear, so: "What happened to Li? What do you mean?"

Mr. Li said loudly: "Today, our products all over the country are almost sold out of stock! Sales have increased by 42% over the same period!"

"Ah?" Hazzi was dumbfounded.

Out of stock?

Is sales soaring so much?

Shouldn't it?

Li always laughed and said: "How did this happen? You are really amazing! I must thank Teacher Zhang for me. We have just opened an emergency meeting and want to add another one-year contract with Teacher Zhang. The price is good, you can just open it!"

Hazi Qihan said: "General Li, are we not just signing the endorsement for two years?"

General Manager Li: "Where is enough in two years, no one will use the brand endorsement of our company in the future, please ask Teacher Zhang, we dare to sign in ten or eight years!"

hang up the phone.

Everyone asked, "What happened to my sister?"

Haqiqi swallowed and announced, "The people are selling out of stock!"




“Is it out of stock on the first day?”

"I am going! Is there such a god?"

"That's not sweet!"

Listening to their strange arguments, Zhang Wei also laughed.

The advertisement that was broadcast on TV, the original version is actually a CCTV advertising version of the farmer’s spring on the earth, and Nongfu Spring is also popular in the country after this advertisement! If Zhang Hao has a classic ad ranking in the world, Shanquan is a bit sweet. This ad can definitely enter the top ten. It is a marketing legend with a series of melatonin advertising in his world!


This advertisement is actually not easy at all!

As for the value of these words in the advertising words, it can be said that the word is a million dollars! (To be continued.)

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