I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1247: [Xiaodong can't host? 】

on Wednesday.


The mad bombing of advertising has ended, and Zhang Wei’s dozens of endorsement ads have entered the normal amount of advertising, not so dense. The mission was completed and the popularity was also received. All of Zhang’s thoughts went back to the program “I am a singer”. These days, I was busy with the endorsement and endorsement, and I was too distracted. Have to get the show well.

Beijing TV Station.

Zhang Wei came to work.

"Zhang Gui."

"Early, Zhang."

"Are you coming?"

"Have you eaten inside?"

"Zhang Dao, can you give me a discount on the diamond ring?"

When Zhang Hao came, everyone talked and laughed.

The advertising was also raised by the crowd. After teasing him for a long time, Zhang Wei was not angry and accompanied them.

Hu Fei also arrived, "Zhang Dao, come?"

Zhang Yan said, "Hu Ge, meeting?"

Hu Fei nodded. "Well, are people together?"

Zhang Wei will tell Xiao Ludao: "Call people."

"Get it right." Xiao Lu took the lead.

Five minutes later, the conference room was filled with people from the show group. Tomorrow, the new issue will be officially recorded. At this time, the program group will open a meeting in advance, and there is a communication between them. It is a routine. The atmosphere of the meeting was very good every time. Generally, Zhang Wei arranged the task, Hu Fei added, and then others recorded, discussed, and asked questions, Zhang Wei answered.

Today is no exception.

Zhang Wei said: "Everyone has worked hard these days. "I am a singer" has been recorded more than halfway. We have handed in one of the best transcripts, you can watch the projector, this is our program and the time after the broadcast has been changed. The comparison of the ratings of the new voices."

"I'm a singer":

The fourth stage of ratings: 3.08%.

The fifth rating: 3.22%.

The sixth rating: 3.19%.

"New Voice":

The fourth rating: 1.58%.

The fifth rating: 1.62%.

The sixth rating: 1.55%.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Everyone can see that after the replacement of the broadcast time, the "New Voice" has obviously gone up. 1.5 is already a very good achievement in the industry. It can also be ranked in history, but with us. It’s still a little worse. They’ve been withdrawn, and at the same time no one has competed with us. Our current ratings are stable at 3 or above, but I think it can be even higher.”

Hou Di said: "Zhang Dao, we have broken records."

Xiao Lu said: "Go up again? Is it difficult? It seems to be the limit now."

Hu Fei said: "In the past, no one thought that the current TV variety can break the 2% rating pass, but Zhang Dao broke. Later, everyone felt that the 3% integer mark could not be broken, but Zhang Dao Broken, there is another voice in the industry recently saying that 4% is definitely the limit. It must be the ceiling of the variety show in the current environment, but I don't believe it. I mean it with Zhang Dao. I think it can be a little higher."

Hou Ge analyzed: "There is to increase the excitement of the program. Now the audience has gradually become familiar with the routines and rules of our program. They are also familiar with the seven singers on the stage. It is likely that they have entered a short time. During the exhaustion period, the last phase just completed a round of knockouts. The new singer’s singer went out directly. His fans have a lot of influence on our programs, so the sixth-stage ratings are slightly softer, basically The fifth period is flat. If you want to pull up another height, the new stage of the complement singer is especially important."

Dafei said: "Whose who will make up the first place?"

Han Qi said: "There are not many cards in our hands."

This is a problem.

Who is going to go first?

Who will be behind?

This must be considered comprehensively.

The current stage has been divided into two echelons.

The first echelon: Chen Guang, Zhang Xia. This is the most stable echelon. The two of them can basically enter the top three every time. It is a real strength. Xiaodong should also be able to barely count the first echelon, and occasionally get good grades, but still have to watch songs, not particularly stable.

The second echelon: Huangcheng, Zhao Wuliu and amy, Huangcheng is taking the art route, the song style is more personalized, he just finished the first stage of the competition, but the latter songs are flat. The results are ups and downs, similar to him is Zhao Wuliu, but the results are not stable, high and low. This is not a problem they sang, but there are too many masters on the stage. Everyone takes out the things at the bottom of the box. Everyone is desperate, so the results change a lot, and no one can say it.

Amy is the most stable one. Her stability is always the last two, not the sixth or the seventh. Whenever it is facing the knockout, amy is the most dangerous one, but every time she comes back to life. So, after three rounds of elimination, amy still stayed on the stage as a singer. Later, it became a bright spot and was loved by many viewers.

Hu Fei thought for a moment and said: "The new singer needs a strength to sing, and hopes to break their previous echelon and make a little change in the game."

Zhang Hao nodded. "I mean this too. If you look at the people on the list, I might be more inclined..." Just saying, the phone is coming. It is Zhang Wei’s mobile phone. He forgot to mute, was not in the meeting, but did not plan to pick up, but when he took out his mobile phone to hang up, he saw the caller ID. He gave a slight glimpse, and the phone couldn’t help but he said, "Sorry, I Take a call."

Hu Fei said: "Nothing."

Out of the meeting room.

Zhang Wei presses the answer button, "Hey."

Opposite is Bai Li, secretary of Wu Zeqing.

"Mr. Zhang, are you busy?"

"Nothing, you say white secretary."

"There is one thing to say hello to you in advance. The Wu Bureau is in a meeting and can't get away, so let me call you, your program has been reported."

“Reporting? Who?”

"It should be a CCTV set of people."

"What is reported?"

"You used a non-professional host."

"You said Xiaodong?"


"That's just a guest, a string of words, not a host?"

"Strictly speaking, this is really not the case. Before the broadcasting and television issued a document, the host without the license was not allowed to host the program. However, at that time, the implementation was not so strict. They all closed their eyes and looked at the host. The definition is not very clear."

"Well, I know this file."

"But now somebody reports you, the leaders attach great importance to it, and there are documents in front, so there is nothing to say about the Wu Bureau, because your program is too hot, and the above is also very cautious. It is meeting to discuss the handling of this matter. You should have a mental preparation first. The results should be released today. In the future, the singer will definitely not be a guest host, and may need to be rectified."

"But we will record it tomorrow."

"Oh, I know."

"Is there really no room?"

"It's gone, otherwise the Wu Bureau is so good with you, can you help me?"

"Okay, I know, thank you the white secretary."

"You don't have to be polite."

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei is also very speechless. He also knows that this is really difficult. If the document has not yet been released, Lao Wu will definitely be able to suppress it. If it is not good, then it will be delayed until "I am a singer". No problem, they have not had a few problems, but now the problem is that the documents are already there. They should have been out last year. They have never been executed. There is no precedent for implementation. This is reported by people. CCTV set, we must know that the head of CCTV has entered the party committee of the radio and television, the ranking is certainly not old Wu Gao, but also a member of the party group, the right to speak is still there, grasping the documents that have been issued, this is indeed Nothing.

Blame me!

Did not consider it beforehand!

meeting room.

Zhang Wei is back.

Hu Fei said: "That continues."

Zhang Wei is talking to other people: "First let go."

Everyone has a glimpse.


"what happened?"

"What happened to Zhang Shi?"

Zhang Wei did not say anything, only to Hu Feidao: "Hu Ge, go to your office."

Hu Fei knew that something was wrong, and he quickly walked out with Zhang Wei.

In the office.

Zhang Wei said seriously: "I just got the news that Xiaodong didn't have a 'license' and couldn't host it."

Hu Fei was shocked. "Where is the news?"

"Broadcasting." Zhang Wei said: "It was CCTV's report. The "New Voice" program group did not seem to admit it, nor did it swallow this tone. Last time we forced them to change the program time, this time looking for With the opportunity, they will turn our army and let us do it!"

Hu Fei Shen Sheng said: "What do you do now? How to record tomorrow?"

Zhang Hao sighed, "I am thinking about it."

Hu Feidao: "I let the Taiwan leadership run the relationship."

"It’s useless." Zhang Hao shook his head. "Can Beijing Taipower be a strong person?"

Hu Fei said: "Or let Dong Shanshan."

Zhang Weidao: "How come? She also has a broker."

Hu Fei: "Then I am looking for a host from the station."

Zhang Wei: "No, it's too awkward. The original tune of the show is that there are no outsiders. They are all hosted by the singers themselves. They sing and the audience is used to it. This is also a selling point. If you suddenly add a face to your face, The host, the recording is able to record, can be effective? The effect is too bad, how to do the ratings? How do we go to the 4% record? Word of mouth also got lost!"

Hu Fei hurriedly said: "But it’s too late, it will be recorded tomorrow!" (To be continued.)

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