I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 126: [The new column is coming! 】

on Monday.

The sky is slightly overcast.

At Beijing TV Station, Zhang Ye came to the unit early again, and as soon as he entered the office to put things down, he was ready to clean up for everyone.

"Huh?" I suddenly found someone in the office, "Are you?"

He was a middle-aged man in his fifties. His hair was almost lost, and he was relatively gray, and he was obviously older than others. After seeing Zhang Ye, the middle-aged man raised his mouth slightly. He was sweeping the floor behind the door with a broom in his hand. "It's Teacher Xiao Zhang? You just call me Old Wei, hehe, I'm our art The editor of the channel, everyone calls me Editor Wei or Old Wei’s."

Zhang Ye hurriedly went up, "Oh, how did you clean up, give it to me, give it to me."

"It's okay." Editor Wei said, "I took a leave of cleaning today, and I have nothing to do when I am idle."

"That's not okay. If there are our young people, where can you be alive." Zhang Ye snatched it. "And you are not from our column group, don't tell me."

But Editor Wei didn't give him the broom, he chuckled, and instead took out a notebook, "You just need to sign me. I'm a fan of you, and I really like your poems, especially yesterday's "Face ``The sea, the warm spring flowers bloom'', my daughter found it on the Internet, and then let me read it, to tell you, I read it ten times, and now I can memorize it. Few modern poems are so outstanding. Works."

Zhang Ye was a little embarrassed, "Then don't just sign it. Since you like it, it is also my honor. I will write this poem for you, and then sign it."

Editor Wei was very happy, "That's the best, isn't it troublesome?"

"No trouble." Zhang Ye immediately brought paper and pen. Since it is a modern poem, there is no need for a brush and inkstone, and a pen can be displayed.

Write poems.

Sign your name.

Zhang Ye gave it to him.

Editor Wei admired for a while, "Good poems, good words"

At this time, Hou Ge and Hou Di twins came to work. As soon as he entered the room and saw Editor Wei, Hou hurriedly went over, "Uncle Wei, why did you clean up again?"

Di Hou quickly stepped to the front, "Give me to me"

Editor Wei couldn't get through them, so he took the garbage from their office area and went back.

As soon as he left, Zhang Ye couldn't help asking: "This editor is Wei?"

"Do you think he was cleaning it?" Hou Ge sighed: "When I first came, I thought it was. I always watch him clean up, or just take out the trash for people in various office areas and change the water dispenser. , I heard from colleagues in other departments that Wei Shu also sponsored several children who had no money to go to school. A particularly kind-hearted uncle. Everyone respects him. Unfortunately, it is said that he has offended the new director of our art channel Wang Shui. Although he was an editor, he didn't have a penny bonus, and the position was basically empty, and he was kept under pressure. Normally, there was basically no work to do, so he helped everyone in his spare time to do sanitation and replace the ink cartridges.

Director Wang Shui Xin Wang?

Zhang Ye's "This Is Everything" also offended him, knowing that this popularity is not too big.

Over there, Xiao Lu hopped and then arrived. When she saw Zhang Ye, she laughed and said, "Mr. Zhang, why didn't you feed the horse and chop wood to travel around the world? I thought you were not coming to work today, so you have to face. The sea is blooming in spring."

Brother Hou also remembered, and immediately gave a thumbs up, "Yesterday you posted that poem on Weibo, absolutely absolutely. Didn't you read it online afterwards? It was crazy"

Xiao Lu smiled and said, "My personal signature has been changed to the name of your poem. I just want to face the sea and the spring flowers bloom? What is in your mind, why is every sentence so artistic?"

Zhang Ye smiled, "I don't have anything in my mind, at most there is something under my feet."

Dafei arrived at the unit, and asked, "Under your feet? What's under your feet?"

Zhang Ye said, "I am standing on the shoulders of giants."

At the door, Hu Fei stepped in and heard their conversation, "Haha, okay, so one stood on the shoulders of giants, Xiao Zhang is a jewel in every word"

Brother Xiao Luhou also admired them.

Shoulders of giants? They haven't heard such descriptions

This was actually said by Newton in Zhang Ye's world, but Zhang Ye's meaning would obviously never be understood by them. This giant is not the other giant, Zhang Ye is not talking about the capable people in this world, but the sages of his world. But he will definitely not explain these, this is a secret belonging to him alone, he will never tell the second person in his life that no one can do it.

Gossiping for a while.

Hu Fei suddenly clapped his hands, "Come on, talk about business, don't stand, just sit down, I said you just listen, you can ask questions." He sat on his desk, his The office is also here. It is the same treatment as everyone. Hu Fei does not want a separate leadership office, but he usually has a lot of things. He has to run before and after the meeting, and sometimes he has to go on business trips, so he doesn't often work. This way

Zhang Ye and the others are waiting for the leader to speak.

Hu Fei seemed to be in a good mood, and smiled: "The letter I got this morning, our column is about to be launched, and the program at the same time has already been set up on the channel, and it will be cut off this Friday, so our column is Saturday. If you officially start the time slot, if you record it, you will have to start tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. The latest situation will be recorded on Friday. You must dare to be before the broadcast time on Saturday afternoon, so everyone will not be free these days. It’s time to get busy. I hope we don’t complain when we need to work overtime. I will work overtime with everyone."

Xiao Lu laughed and said, "Look at Brother Hu you mentioned, what are we complaining about? We will work overtime if we work overtime. If we have been idle for too long, we still want to get some work."

Brother Hou also said: "Yes, we must be better than, give Brother Hu a sigh of relief."

The younger brother said: "Brother Hu, we can work overtime. You should rest and rest. We will do it for you."

Da Fei said: "If you come to us, you just trust us and we also trust you. As long as you say a word, I will be fine with a week's shift."

Hu Fei nodded with relief, "Then I will thank you all first." After he said, he looked at Zhang Ye, "Actually, it is Teacher Xiao Zhang who has worked hardest. I have formally applied for and approved it with the above, and Xiao Zhang officially serves as our column. The host of, is responsible for cooperating with lecturers and guests, and mobilizing the audience. The task is very heavy, and I don’t have a speech script here at all. The lecturer has determined and what to say, but the content and order of the lecture may not be sure, maybe It’s only when it’s time to record and broadcast. The demands on Xiao Zhang are naturally higher and very difficult." He is not very sure, after all, Zhang Ye has never been a TV host. "Xiao Zhang, Is it okay to have no manuscript?"

Everyone also looked at Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye was amused, "Leader, if you go to my previous unit and ask for it, you will know it. Even if I was on the live broadcast, I never had a manuscript. I just said what I thought. If you give me a manuscript, I On the contrary, I don’t know how to say it, let me play on the spot."

Hu Fei was relieved, "Okay, what you are waiting for is what you said"

Xiao Lu smiled and said: "Ms. Zhang is out of the game, and one is better than two."

The younger brother said: "Ms. Zhang's work ability is definitely not a problem."

Brother Hou concerned: "What is the name of our new column?"

Hu Fei said: "It has just been finalized, and it is initially set as "The History of Joking". If there is a more suitable one, it can be changed later. This is all a small problem. Well, Zhang Ye will be the host, cooperate with the lecturer, and let the lecturer change his Knowledge is displayed to the maximum extent, or a historical figure, or a historical event, or a novel. In short, it is the expansion of historical science and education knowledge. Then we will invite a few guests to supplement or analyze by the guests, and raise questions It's okay. It's not impossible to raise objections. I will leave the final control of this scale to Teacher Zhang Ye. I believe he can handle it, but the most fundamental thing is to listen to the lecturer. The guests are only auxiliary, the most important thing is In line with the lecturer's point of view, we must all invite professors, and they are all the authority among the authorities. There will be no problem with what they say. The questions from the guests are at most an episode, not the main theme."

Zhang Ye nodded, "I understand."

Hu Fei said: "The column time has also been adjusted slightly. From now on, our column will be from one to two o'clock on Saturday and Sunday. There will be two issues a week, one for one hour. The prime time last Monday to Sunday, but it was not bad."

Brother Hou snapped his fingers, "Then dare to love you."

"Any questions?" Hu Fei looked at them.

Zhang Ye asked: "Our column does not give the ratings indicators above? For example, how many ratings are qualified? How many periods will be cut off if the ratings are below that?" Ye is a professional by himself. He came from an academic class and spent some time in the radio media. He also knows a lot. Others, such as Hou Ge and Xiao Lu, are not people in this industry at all, and at most they can be regarded as general technical jobs.

"Huh? Could it be cut from the show?" Xiao Lu said dumbfounded.

Brother Hou said, "No, the station should take our new column seriously."

Hu Fei smiled bitterly: "It's important to talk about grades, and every channel is important. If you don't think well, you won't be listed on this column. What else should I say? Teacher Xiao Zhang It's very good. I didn't want to say it at first, but it didn't matter. The lowest ratings set by the art channel for us, the lowest ratings for the first period-is 0, if it is really lower than this, maybe The show will be cut in three weeks."

"One percent?"

"It's a bit difficult."

"It's not high, it's okay."

Zhang Ye also thought it was okay, not high at all.

Some people have said that the ratings of the hottest variety shows in the country are all over 0, and the ratings are also relatively popular. Why is it simple? In fact, it is different. It is CCTV or other provincial satellite TV programs. Satellites cover the whole country. It can't be said that the country is 100% covered, but the signal can also cover almost all regions in the country, how many billions of people, and the Beijing Art Channel is just one coverage. Even if everyone is watching the local channels in the capital, there are only tens of millions of people. The audience base is very different, so the ratings are not comparable at all.

For example, Jingcheng Satellite TV, if a program has a ratings of 2%, the number of viewers may be in the tens of millions, which is regarded as popular.

But if it is a local station of the Beijing Art Channel, if a program has a viewership rate of 2%, it is estimated that it will only be watched by 1 million people, and it may even be 8 or 900,000 people. Zhang Ye can only roughly infer that he has just arrived. Don't know the specific numbers. But what is certain is that this ratings cannot be considered bad, nor can it be considered popular. It can only be said to be barely reluctant, not high or low.

Too far

So the ratings of satellite channels and local channels are not the same concept

It’s okay, unless it’s like Zhang Ye’s Beijing radio station, even if it’s a local radio station, the signal coverage is not that big, but Zhang Ye still used a "Late Night Ghost Story" to create history, and put the center in the number of listeners. The number of listeners to the radio station, a radio station covering the whole country, has been suppressed. Then, only in this way can it be said that this program of Beijing Radio surpasses the similar programs of Central Radio. The number of people who listen to and watch is the most objective statistics, and it is a local station. Comparable with satellite stations, and the audience ratings do not need to be read, there is no comparability, and the statistical methods are different.

Of course, the words come back again.

Want to compare the viewership of local channels with satellite TV? It's impossible, it's a bit idiotic

People's TV broadcasts a random program, but the target is hundreds of millions of people, but what about the local channel? The counterparties are at most tens of millions

Nearly ten times worse

How does this compare?

That is, Zhang Ye has done this pervert, but it is also a radio system, there are not so many listeners, and the natural base is not so wide.

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