I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1254: [The eighth phase of the knockout (below)! 】

After the laughter, the audience calmed down.

Today's first singer debut!

"It's Xiaodong!"

"Winter sister is the first!"

"Looking for death!"

"Come on Xiaodong!"

When Xiaodong came out from the moon gate, the applause rose.

Xiaodong smiled at everyone, then slightly calmed down, pinched the microphone and found that the palms were sweaty, but she was calm and calm, and nodded to the music director Bai Yuanfei and the band teachers.

The music starts.

Xiaodong’s emotions also went in at once.

She sang:



"Ina -"


Actually an English song!

One is very popular for the audience, but in the music circle, it is very famous for its English songs. People in the music circle know almost all of this song - of course, except Zhang Wei, he is not a person of this world, naturally It is not clear that this song that had won a grand prize abroad in the past.


"I am so touched!"

"Singing really is going!"

"I rarely listen to the winter sister singing English songs."

The audience responded very well.

The second one to come to power is Chen Guang.

As soon as he spoke, the audience was paralyzed.





The audience was amazing!



"Old Chen is so powerful!"

"It's also an English song? Good!"

"Old Chen sings too much, not the first in music and the top three in music!"

"Today, Chen is also taking a lyrical route, and I was really touched!"

The third singer appeared.

- is Zhang Xia grandmother.

What she brought today is a very old Japanese song. This Japanese song is very famous in China. Many older people will sing, but Zhang Xia made some changes, and the arrangement is completely different.

"See the starry sky."

“Spring is wild and windy.”

The audience is very drunk.

Many people over the age of 60 sitting under the stage, even when listening to this melody, the eyes are moist.


"Sing well!"

"Good to die!"


The fourth appearance is AMY. She sings a Korean song. It is a famous song of a famous Korean girl group. Many people can sing this song. It is red in Asia.

Then there is Huangcheng, bringing an old Italian song!

Then there was Zhao Wuliu, who even sang an English rock!

Several singers are laughing and crying.

When Zhao Wuliu sang, the singer who finished the stage and sat down was already sitting together.

Zhang Xia bitterly said: "Is it a foreign song?"

Xiaodong also said nothing: "How come so smart?"

Chen Guang sighed: "Everyone is catching up."

The program has been recorded in the eighth period. They have also sung too many times. The audience is getting more and more familiar with them, and they are becoming more and more familiar. Slowly, the expectation will be worse. It is very likely that they actually sing still. Very good, but the audience did not surprise, it naturally feels that you sing in general, and now, this is the most deadly thing for them, so everyone wants to break through, they want to find some changes, change some ways, who used to I think everyone has thought of it together, and they have chosen foreign songs in this issue!

The audience is also a bit wrong.

Everyone from the beginning of the stunning into a surprise, from surprise to numbness, how good a good song can not stand so ah, a foreign song will be considered, two? Four? Six? The entire stage from the first singer to the sixth singer all used foreign songs? This is a bit tired. In the third episode, some people actually feel tired and feel a little boring.



"How come?"

“Is it a foreign song today?”

"No way."

"Yes, can't all be foreigners' songs? What is this?"


Zhang Wei also found Hou Ge, and said: "What happened?"

Hou Ge wiped the sweat. "It wasn't like this. Later, three singers changed songs temporarily. It was too late. You said that you want to give the singer the greatest freedom. The program group should not influence the singer's song selection, so we also I didn’t say anything, I thought it’s okay.”

Zhang Weidao: "This is no problem?"

Hou Gedao: "My fault, rely on me."

Dafei also said: "We did not consider it."

"There will be such a wide-ranging 'banging song' next time, tell me the first time." Zhang Wei is also negligent, he did not read this song list.

Are all foreign songs?

Where can I do this?

Still have to come to the rescue!

You said that I am easy this day, I am!

On the stage, Zhao Wuliu’s singing is over.

The audience also gave applause, but it can be seen that most of them are perfunctory, not very enthusiastic, and the applause is rarely low.

Zhang Wei came to power. "Thank you for the wonderful singing of Teacher Zhao. It is a veteran of the music. It is really a knife. I believe that the next singer will definitely be under pressure."

Next person?

The next one is not you!

I will leave you alone!

Wouldn't you also want to sing foreign songs?

Zhang Wei looked at the direction of the band and nodded, indicating that he was ready.

The lights are also dark.

Zhang Qian took a deep breath and looked at the audience. His face gradually became serious. To be honest, today's other singers sing him, he doesn't like it very much, English songs? Japanese song? Korean song? Italian song? Is there a Chinese song? What is this called? What is the rhythm? This is the stage of China, this is the Chinese show! Don't we have our own things? Do we have no content of our own?

Ok, then I am coming!

I put this banner to the end!

Let me tell you what is the Chinese style!

Let me tell you what is the Chinese song!

come on! Let you see and see my most popular Chinese song on earth!


The expression on the screen reveals a sly expression.

Xiaodong was shocked, "Zhang Wei is serious!"

Zhang Xia is also very dignified. "He wants to move the real thing."

AMY smiled. "I think we are in danger."

on site.

The audience is also a little glimpse!

"Look at Zhang Wei's expression!"

"He is angry!"

"Yeah, he is an angry youth!"

"What is this to sing?"

"Too much looking forward!"

"Mr. Zhang cheers and sings to them!"

"Yes, foreigners are slag!"

"Let's have our own music!"

"Look at your teacher Zhang!"

For a time, the audience's expectation was all overwhelming. With the sound of the national musical instrument accompaniment on the stage, everyone was even more excited. Some people even got excited in advance and stood up!

At this moment, the air seems to have solidified!

The next moment, Zhang Hao elegantly pinched the microphone to the mouth, a deep deep in his eyes, as if there was still a deep sigh, without any warning, he suddenly picked up the scorpion:

"the vast horizon is my love!"

"The flowers at the foot of the green hills are opening!"

"What kind of rhythm is the most swaying!"

"What kind of singing is the most! Open! Huai!"

Chen Guang is stupid!

Zhang Xia is stupid!

Xiaodong is stupid!

AMY is stupid!

Zhao Wuliu is stupid!

The audience is also stupid!

Zhang Wei is singing louder and louder, and his voice is getting louder and louder:

"The curved river comes from heaven!"

"Flowing to the sky and the sea!"

"The burning song is our expectation!"

"It’s the best to sing along the way! Since!!!"

"We have to sing the most! Pain! Fast!"

puff! ! ! !

Someone sprayed instantly!

The stage was fainted!

What song do I grass?

I am grass, are you coming again? ?

Can you be a little serious?


the next day.

The show aired.

"you are the most beautiful cloud in my sky!"

"Let me leave you with your heart!"


"Singing the most dazzling national style!"

"Let love take all the dust!"

"You are the most beautiful cloud in my heart!"

“The wine is full of wine for you to stay!”


“Singing the most dazzling national style forever!”

"It is the most beautiful gesture of the whole sky!"

Zhang Wei’s singing and dancing are placed on the TV.

Countless spectators were stunned at this moment, and then they laughed into a group, and some people almost couldn’t breathe!

The most swing?

I am swinging your sister!


you go!

You hurry!

"I am jealous!"

"Zhang Ye, I am really jealous of you!"

"Can you not be so funny?"

"My grass! My Chinese style? Is this together?"

"Laughter is killing me!"

"Look at the camera in the light of Chen Guang Zhang Xia Xiaodong, the expression of several of them, hahahahaha, oh, I can't! Let me laugh for a while!"

"They must have thought that Zhang Hao had to sing something that was so earth-shattering. You look at their look and vigilance, and the result is awkward!"

"This song is too embarrassing!"

"But it's nice!"

"It's not good to hear, it's really a **** catchy!"

"It's over! I was brainwashed by Zhang Wei!"

"Me too, all in my mind!"

"This teasing has not been saved!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Who has collected this fairy!"

Once this show was aired, all the audience, industry insiders, and singers were defeated by Zhang Wei!

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