I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1256: [Plaza dance boom! 】

The day.

in the afternoon.

Beijing Taiwan.

"Zhang Dao, advertisers want you to add words."

"Can't add, they are not brand names."

"Zhang Dao, this is the next song list."

"are you sure?"

"If the singers report it, they may change it."

"okay, I get it."



Taking the program of his world intact, the advantage is great, because it has already passed the test of another world market, but the disadvantage is not without it. For example, now, because all the program settings, planning and other content are all Zhang Yi’s hands. He needs 100% guarantee that the production of the program is the same as he expected, so it will cause every small thing to pass through Zhang Wei's hand, which will undoubtedly increase his workload.

Run before running.

Before busy, busy.

At the end, Zhang Hao couldn't stand it anymore. When I found a sofa, I relied on the Internet. It wasn't the kind of sitting. It was lying down like a bone. The expression was particularly tired. I blinked and seemed to fall asleep. It seems that I have not slept, and the whole person seems to be stunned.

Xiao Lu came over with a document, "Zhang..."

Just about to speak, the next door is stopped, "Hey."

"Hey." Xiao Lu looked at Hou Ge.

Hou Ge smiled bitterly. "Let Zhang take a break."

Xiao Lu nodded, looking at the sofa again, some distressed, and some wanted to laugh, thought about it, suddenly picked up the phone to open the camera function, aiming for a long time, slammed down.

Later, the photos were spread inside the program group.

"Ha ha ha!"

"Zhang Wei is sitting here!"

"Crazed me!"

"Let's send it online."

"Okay, I am asking for Hu Ge."

Hu Fei’s last look, but also made a decision, “Get it! Take the official Weibo! Let’s also let everyone see how hard it is for those who do the show!”

Soon, the official microblog of "I am a singer" sent this photo, with a sentence - a scene in the background, Zhang guide hard. Originally it was a very simple microblogging interaction, and it was also to promote their programs. But the people in Jingchengtai never imagined that this photo actually overturned the entire entertainment circle!

The photo quickly passed wildly!

Netizens laughed!


"Look at Zhang Wei's sex!"

"Ha ha ha ha! Smile!"

"There is no one who is lying here!"

"Too owe!"

"I can see that this cargo is really exhausted!"

"This is the body is hollowed out!"

Suddenly, countless netizens gave a name to the photo position - Zhang Wei lay!

Everyone spoofed and put photos and a lot of pictures together. It was almost a national action. Later, many stars of the entertainment industry joined in!

Zhang Xia made a self-portrait of "Zhang Wei lying"!


"Zhang Grandma is also here!"

"Ha ha ha ha, praise!"

Chen Guang also sent a message.

"Old Chen is too ugly!"


There is also Yao Jiancai.

"Old Yao, you are enough!"

"Where is this lying, you are a coffin lying! It is not far from the coffin at a glance!"

Ning Lan.

Huo Dongfang.

There are also many other stars who have imitated Zhang Wei lying and sent a self-portrait to join this national spoof game. For a time, Zhang Wei lay around the country!

The party is the last one to know.

When Zhang Wei saw that his photo of indecent posture was so crazy, he was also stunned. He was too tired in the afternoon, and there was no such consciousness at all. The posture movements of the Beijingers were rather embarrassing and more casual. So how come he feels comfortable, who wants to be like this? So many spoof photos? So many stars have come to join in the fun? Hey! Zhang Yuanqi also exploded?

The meager people are crazy!


"After the day?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"It’s still beautiful after the day’s Zhang Huan!"

"Zhang Hao is on fire!"

"How does he get anything!"

"This wonderful!"

Zhang Wei lying?

This is not what Ge You is lying on!

Zhang Hao doesn't know what to say, hey, you are happy.

A cumbersome photo turned out to be on Weibo headlines and major entertainment news sections. The fire spread all over the country, and the popularity of Zhangye also rose a lot. This is really no one!

at the same time.

The popularity of "The Most Happening National Wind" has finally come to the fore!

This storm came too suddenly and too strongly, so that it can be described as crazy!


A certain district in Shanghai.

"the vast horizon is my love!"

"The flowers at the foot of the green hills are opening!"


A certain square in Shenzhen.

"What kind of rhythm."

"It's the most swaying!"

"What kind of singing is the most! Open! Huai!"



"It’s the best to sing along the way! Since!!!"

"We have to sing the most! Pain! Fast!"




In just a few days!

The trend of square dance swept across the country!

Beijing fell!

Shanghai fell!

Shenzhen fell!

Nanjing fell!

Hangzhou fell!

What has already arrived?

It’s already time to hear the song “The Most Hyun National Wind” as soon as you get out of the community. It’s already time for you to see a group of aunts dancing in the square as soon as you go out!

The industry is shocked!

The people are dumbfounded!

This change makes everyone stunned!

too crazy!

This, this is really crazy!

Overnight, China seems to have been occupied by a square dance called "the most dazzling national style"!

It’s meager!

"Oh my God!"

"It’s crazy! It’s crazy!”

"Aunt is all out!"

"Seven o'clock in the morning, seven o'clock in the evening, too punctual!"

"My family has fallen!"

"My family community has also fallen!"

"Zhang Hao, your sister! What have you done?"

"Zhang Yi a pit goods!"

"This goods opened the door to a new world for the aunts!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Too disturbing people! I am already crying! Zhang Hao, you give me out!"

"Mr. Zhang, you are coming out!"

"I want to kill him!"

"Is there a magic in this song?"

"There must be magic! And the **** is against the magic of the aunts!"

"Oh, buy it! The aunts are crazy!"

The media is competing to report!

The people started a heated discussion!

Finally, even experts and government leaders have stepped in, and it has become a social event. No one can think of a song that can bring such a crazy situation. This is really something that is hard to imagine. It is just a song, just a song that Zhang Wei sang casually on the stage!


Why is this so?

The happiest thing is that the aunts who have nothing to do at home, everyone is very excited, and they all say that Zhang Hao is good. There are also some square dances in the past, and many places are also popular, but it is just this phenomenon, but it is not very common, and there is absolutely no such a large scale. This time, the "Most Hyun National Wind" debut, as if the bomb control switch In general, I opened a bomb and let the situation go out of control instantly!

The square dance finally unified the pace and became popular all over the country!

In the past, there were still aunts fighting because of the music, and the square dance line was arguing endlessly. After playing for many years, there were folk songs, new songs, and old songs. They never united!

Jump this one?

Still this one?

Sometimes a community team is still fighting!

What now?

No need to fight now!

- The most dazzling national winds are coming!

"Hey, hey!"


"Hey, hey, hey!

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