I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1267: 【You have worked hard! 】

Tianhou home.

On the side of Zhang Yuanqi, he smiled and said: "You just said that Zhang Hao can't sing?"

Fang Weihong smiled bitterly and pretended to be stupid: "Have I said Zhang Jie?"

Zhang Yuanqi nodded. "It seems to have said."

"Oh, then you remembered it wrong." Fang Weihong said.


Chen Guang Fan Wenli's family.

Fan Wenli in front of the TV is amazing!

Just listen to her alone and talk to herself at home:

"I will say it!"

"I said how you might not suddenly sing!"

"If you sing like this in the beginning, there are a few of them in the whole music scene!"



Xiao Wang wipes tears!

Haqi Qi red eyes!

The emotions of Zhang Zuo and others are also difficult to control!

"Who is the mother who said that Zhang will not sing!"


An entertainment company.

Several new singers were shocked by nature.

"It's really amazing!"

"This singing, the industry's top!"

"This song is also!"


Zhang Wei’s family.

My mom’s eyes are also wet. “Is this a song that Xiaoyan wants to sing?”

Wu Zeqing said: "Yes."

Mom said: "It's so nice."

Wu Zeqing said: "Yes."

Mom smeared tears and said: "But I still like "Little Apple."

Wu Zeqing smiled. "Yes, he sings everything."


a song.

a piano.

Touched everyone!

Live broadcast.

"Song of the King!"

"Song of the King!"

"Song of the King!"

The audience shouted deafening!

Some fans of other singers who have been writing fluorescent plates with names such as Zhang Xia, Chen Guang, and Spring Garden all stood up and shouted for Zhang Hao. The scene seemed crazy!

Zhang Hao listened, but shook his head slightly.

Song King?

forget it.

I can't afford this.

He just wants to sing a song and finally sing a song. This is already a very extravagant and extravagant thing. He doesn't want other things. Now Zhang Wei is quite satisfied. There are so many people listening to him singing. There are so many people crying for him, there are so many people shouting his name, it is enough, can sing some of his own heart at the end of the curtain, he has nothing to regret.

Dong Shanshan came to power. "Zhang Dao, this is your last song on the stage of "I am a singer". What do you want to tell everyone?"

Zhang Wei thought about it and looked at the audience. "Thank you."

Dong Shanshan said: "Everyone has a one-minute canvassing time."

Zhang Hao hesitated for a moment and said again: "Thank you."

He said nothing, leaving only two thank you.

Zhang Hao stepped down and walked through the audience area.

A young man suddenly stood up, "Zhang Wei! Come on!"

A young girl cried and said: "Mr. Zhang cheers!"

"Zhang Wei!"

"Come on!"

"You're the best!"

"You're awesome!"

As soon as the scene appeared, Hu Fei Hou Ge and others had already been there.

Zhang Xiao smiled. "Hey, why are you?"

"Zhang Dao!" Xiao Lu cried and cried.

"Hey." Zhang Wei quickly hugged her symbolically and patted her back. "I have done it. What happened? What are you doing? Good guy, this is also a program, our program group." More than half of the high-rises are here, and they are not recorded. Please go to work."

Han Qi is also wiping his tears.

Hu Fei: "Zhang Er."

Dafei excitedly said: "You are wronged!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "What is this grievance? Can you make such a good program? You can stand on such a big stage and let so many people listen to me singing. I am also called aggrieved? Then others must not die. I am already lucky enough. On the contrary, I have to apologize to everyone. When I was on the live broadcast, I changed my songs so that everyone could change the lyrics and prepare the piano temporarily. I can’t help it, this time. ”

Hu Fei also smiled. "It’s like you haven’t changed your song before."

When the "masked king", this goods changed the song several times.

Zhang Hao sweated a bit, "Hu Ge, don't expose me to a short child."

Hu Fei was silent for a moment. "Zhang Dao, you... hard work."

Zhang Wei said: "Serve the people, it is not hard."

Hou Ge said: "The number of votes should not be caught, this song is originally."

Zhang Yiyi waved his hand, "Oh, what song king does not sing the king, let Lao Chen and Zhang grandma go to fight."

Xiao Lu suddenly stopped crying and turned back: "What is Shanshan saying?"

"Hey?" Dafei Houge, they also turned back.

The door that meets the scene is closed, but the sound can be heard faintly.

Zhang Hao heard the voice and also stunned.


on the stage.

Many viewers are still immersed in the shock of the "King of K-Song".

Dong Shanshan held the microphone and said softly: "Zhang Wei does not pull the ticket, then I want to say a few words for the rest of the time. I have known Zhang Wei for many years. I have been in the university for four years. After graduation, I also spent one year in an office. Colleagues, I have worked with a lot of programs and I have recorded mv together. I want to say that the person who knows him best in the entertainment circle, I should count one. What kind of personality is he, you should know, rectum, want to say What do you say, what you want to do, and really, I am the first time I see him like this."

The audience nodded.

Yes, they have never seen it!

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "He is very strong. He doesn't talk about the game every time. It is a little red flower. He has to fight for the first place." Suddenly, she said: "But this time he No, he started to accompany him to the present, director, singer, host, he can do anything, how long he can work overtime, in order to let the program do well, in order to **** other singers, endure? Compromise? Silence In the past, I couldn’t think of the words that I had associated with Zhang Wei. I saw them in him. I realized that the Zhang Huan I know, it was also a sacrifice, for the show, for the colleagues, for the sake of Many people, he can bear, he can also retreat."

The audience is silent.

The music critics and industry insiders were also silent.

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "I didn't want to give Zhang Hao a ticket when I said this. I just want to say: Zhang Dao, you have worked hard."



Then suddenly, applause broke out under the stage!

The music critic is applauding!

The audience is applauding!

Some people even stood up and raised their thumbs up!

A person!

Ten people!

One hundred people!

The lens is also given to the past!

Countless spectators raised their thumbs at the door that Zhang Wei had just left. The scene was very shocking. Every viewer who saw this scene in front of the TV was also moved!

Some people didn't understand before!

Can Zhang Yan not sing?

Why did he suddenly sing again?

After listening to Dong Shanshan’s words, they finally understood!

It turned out that he was running with him!

It turned out that he has been escorting!

It turned out that he could not win as a singer and host on the stage, he was destined to be a supporting role to hide behind everyone!

What is this feeling?

What kind of mood is this?

They can't understand it, but they all know that this is a very difficult choice for people like Zhang Wei. (To be continued.)

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