I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 128: [Let them get out, let me speak! 】

The recording of the program begins.

Several cameras are turned on.

Hou Ge, who served as the live broadcaster, told Zhang Xiaodao in Mai Li: "Mr. Zhang, everything is ready, can, it can be re-recorded if you record the wrong one. It doesn't matter." He also knows that Zhang Wei is the first TV program, thinking about Zhang. The teacher may be nervous and stressful, so he also said a word of relief. Re-recording in TV programs is not a matter of things, some require high columns, one hour of programming time, recordings take four or five hours, which is repeated re-recording and repeated polishing.

However, Zhang Wei is obviously not so relaxed. He is very strict with himself. He will use this as a live broadcast and not allow himself to make mistakes. "The audience in front of the TV, everyone, this is the new column of the Beijing Cultural and Art Channel. ", I am the host Zhang Wei."

A program starts after the opening.

Zhang Wei began to introduce: "Today's lecturer is Professor Ma Hengyuan of Renmin University."

Ma Hengyuan stood behind the podium and gave him some heads. He said hello.

Zhang Wei introduced a few guests and then sat on a small sofa next to the guest sofa. This is the location reserved for the host.

Ma Hengyuan is not a fan. He is also a person who has passed CCTV on a big scene. "Audience friends, guests and friends, everyone, I am Ma Hengyuan. Today we are talking about the Three Kingdoms. This is a colorful picture showing the political situation. It is a war of fighting. The epic is focused on the intricacies and tensions between the political groups of the late Eastern Han Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty for nearly a century..."

Said about five minutes.

Ma Hengyuan said: "When you talk about the Three Kingdoms, who do you like?"

The guest Xu editor smiled and said: "Nature is Zhuge Liang."

Another guest, the teacher of the university, Mr. Xu said: "I also like Zhuge Liang, the grass boat borrows arrows, the empty city plan, all are military tactics, leaving the future generations to study."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I like Zhou Yu."

The two guests surnamed Xu gave him a look.

Ma Hengyuan did not take care of Zhang Wei, and ignored his words. He said with a smile: "I said it is good. I also like Zhuge Liang. When it comes to the Three Kingdoms, many people may have the first impression of Zhuge Liang. This is a strange person. The original text is written by him. What is a demon person? It is a enchanting person..."

Zhang Hao’s face did not show signs, but his heart was angry.

One line, two lines, are you still coming for the third time? Ignore me?

Not to mention Zhang Wei’s position in literature, this is not a big deal, and I don’t need to mention it. But today he is the host of this column. It is a very important role. Ma Hengyuan is a lecturer. Is it the same? Will Zhang Hao give this host a direct overhead? What does this mean? Xiao Lu Dafei, they can't stand it all, and the heart said that Zhang Hao teacher has provoked you to provoke you? Are you **** sick?

The show continues.

Later, Zhang Wei reconciled the atmosphere twice and drove the audience.

Every time he talks, Ma Hengyuan does not know it at all. He doesn’t follow Zhang’s words. He doesn’t put him in his eyes. He talks about himself and then talks with a few guests. Finally, Zhang Wei was turned into a meaningless person by Ma Hengyuan.

Hu Fei was also on fire. He went to the side of Houge, and used the on-site director of Mai to Ma Hengyuan: "Professor Ma, please cooperate with the moderator, please cooperate with the moderator"

Ma Hengyuan’s eyes are not blinking. Just like you didn’t hear, how is it going?

Hu Fei can't stand it anymore. We will give you the money to invite you. You can do it with money. What is it now? what? What is this for you?

"Stop" Hu Fei loudly.

Several cameras are off, "Supervisor?"

Hu Fei told Ma Hengyuan and several guests: "Let's go to the background." The big step is to go. He is not only dissatisfied with Ma Hengyuan's attitude, but also very dissatisfied with his teaching.


Everyone is sitting in the rest area.

"What is it? The audience is still waiting." Ma Hengyuan is quite unhappy.

Hu Fei asked: "Professor Ma, why don't you cooperate with the host? It will be counted twice, so many times? I told you about it?"

Zhang Wei also looked at Ma Hengyuan.

Ma Hengyuan laughed. "When I came, you didn't tell me, will the host cooperate with me? How can I get him to cooperate with him?"

Hu Fei is not too angry. "What is cooperation? This is mutual."

Ma Hengyuan looked at him. "I have always been teaching like this. I don't like people messing around or interrupting. If you feel that the program atmosphere is not good, you will remove the host."

Guest Xu edited: "This Xiao Zhang really does not need to be on the court."

"I think so too." Teacher Xu grinned. "He doesn't understand the Three Kingdoms. He doesn't understand history. He is a little redundant on the court. Teacher Ma is right, let him go. Professor Ma has the most professional three countries in Beijing. Critics, as well as a few of our guests, it makes no sense to have a host."

Xiao Lu is anxious. "What are you talking about?"

Hou Ge is also angry. "Are you anti-customer?"

"This is my Hu Fei's column is the column of our Beijing Culture and Art Channel." Hu Fei looked at the three of them coldly. "How do you plan the show?"

Ma Hengyuan stared at him. "Old Hu, are you big?"

Hu Feidao: "And I can tell you clearly now that such a program can't work, it's not the host's problem, it's your own problem." He pointed his finger at the outside station. "Professor Ma, you just introduced the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Once again? Some words are the annotations of the ancients. Some words are the original words of the original. They are not constructive and not interesting. This program does not say that the listening rate is one percent, that is, 0.5%. Difficult, everyone has seen the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, why should you listen to it again? Repeat it on TV again? Does it make sense?"

Ma Hengyuan sneered, "Do you want fun? Then you go to the variety column, what kind of history column? History itself has no fun is boring."

Guest Xu teacher frowned: "Yes, we must objectively respect historical facts. How can we say it? We are all engaged in learning and professional. You should not talk to us in this regard."

Hu Fei smirked, "History is not interesting? Who stipulated? If I want to tell you the story of the Three Kingdoms, I am looking for a storytelling book? What do I ask you for?"

A few people quarreled, no one can accept the idea of ​​who.

Zhang Wei also understands that such a program is definitely not going to work. There will be no ratings. So he stood up and said: "Several professors, teachers, if you don't like me, look down on me, I can reduce the number of speeches on the court. Even if you don't talk, you can enjoy the lectures and analysis. Before you say the Three Kingdoms, you can't do it. It's definitely a good show, a good history, and you want to let everyone absorb it. It's not just about history, but also interesting and topical. This is not because we do not respect history. It is precisely because we respect this history that we must try our best to promote this history to everyone and let everyone have a deeper understanding. What depends on it? It’s not a long story and a reference. Are some factors that attract the audience and allow them to get involved.

Xiao Lu called: "Say well"

Hou Gedao: "Mr. Xiao Zhang, how can you be a host who can't talk on the court? No need to do this.

In this way, Ma Hengyuan still did not take a look at Zhang Wei, squinting at him. "I am a professor of literature, I use you to teach me?"

This can't be talked about.

This group of people is simply not going into the oil

"I said this in CCTV." Ma Hengyuan began to take the shelf. He looked at Hu Fei and Zhang Wei and others, saying: "What? Your Beijing cultural and art channel is better than CCTV? You don't tell the old. I, I also tell you, as long as I am on the stage, there will be a large audience, I can say how to say it is my business, you can’t turn your laymen out, you know history, I understand. History?” He is not only a professor of literature, but also a well-known professor on the Internet. There are many fans, so when he came across his professional problems, Ma Hengyuan looked down and did not put the literary channel in his eyes.

Hu Fei and Xiao Lu are both angry.

In front of the ran into a staff member, "Hu is in charge of the system, the audience has been waiting for a long time, and some people have left the scene, this ... is not recorded?"

"I will come right away." Hu Fei said with a black face. He did not expect that he had invited such a bunch of old bastards. He knew that he would ask someone else, but what can he do now? The program must be recorded today. Now, please ask other lecturers too late. Even if the lecturer comes, the manuscript is not there. How do you say it? I didn’t give people a certain amount of preparation time at all, so I can only do this.

Ma Hengyuan did not rush to drink a slobber, and chatted with a few guests, and then he got up slightly: "Go, continue to record" He is a grandfather.

As soon as they went out, Hu Fei took Zhang Yi and left a few people to stay.

Xiao Lu said urgently: "How to do Huge, so where can there be ratings, you have not seen it? The audience is falling asleep, we have to find a way, or the program just got on, the next day was cut off? The column group has to be disbanded? These old **** are going to break their livelihoods. They don’t give us money to do things, but they also play big names. I’m bored. What big names do they have?”

Hu Fei has no way, "Mr. Zhang, do you have an idea?"

Zhang Wei looked at Ma Hengyuan’s back and took a deep breath. He said, “Hu Ge, I have a way, I don’t know if you dare to.”

Hu Fei drankly said: "The show is almost cut, what else do I dare not? You say"

Hou Ge Houdi, they also waited for Zhang Wei to make suggestions. Among them, Zhang Wei is obviously the most intelligent and literary person. This is what everyone agrees with.

Zhang Wei smiled softly. "Let's let Ma Hengyuan get rid of them."

Hu Fei stunned, "Let them get out of the way? Who said the three countries in this period?"

Zhang Yili took care of his shirt collar, "...I speak"

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