I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1274: [Zhang Wei game live! 】

Meihe tv anchor group.

Many anchors have recognized it.

"Zhang Wei is amazing!"

"Sister, are we still broadcasting live?"

"What are you going to do, how is it compared?"

"Hey, everyone wash and sleep."

"Now all the live rooms in Meihe are closed, no one is there!"

"It’s more than Meihe tv. Let’s go see other tv live broadcast platforms. How many live broadcasts are there? No one is there, all of them are blown up by Zhang Wei!”

"Is this the popularity of first-line stars? Really no match."

"It's not a first-line star because he is Zhang Hao!"

"Well, there used to be a star in the past. The people who are so handsome are not able to hold it. They are purely selling faces, but Zhang Wei is obviously different. They can sing, can shout, can talk, can talk, and do things." Too much, one can bear, and one can come and shake people. Let's still carry it with others? To put it bluntly, our road is still too shallow, we are not a rival."


Stars are more than a group.

Fan Wenli: "Zhang Yu is too 6!"

Chen Guang: "Ha ha ha ha, already laughing crazy!"

Huo Dongfang: "You also saw it? This single mouth is really interesting."

Zhang Xia: "Xiao Zhang is still that Xiao Zhang."

Ning Lan: "Large grandma also went to see?"

Zhang Xia: "Yeah, I am also a fashion, look at the live broadcast."

Xiaodong: "It’s true that this is the real thing. We have played live broadcasts in this group of people, but none of them are so hot."

Li Xiaowei: "Mr. Zhang is a natural person who can be beaten up with fans. He knows what people like when he is, and he puts his body down. This is a simple statement. It’s really hard to do it. Just say this face, who? Can you let go and let go? So I have always respected Teacher Zhang."



The live broadcast continues.

The message area has been blown up early, and I have to have one or two hundred messages in one second!

"This is a single serving!"


"so funny!"

"I didn't know Zhang Hao had this ability before!"

"Speaking cross talk? I will serve Zhang Wei!"

"The video has been recorded, and my late friend is looking for me!"

Zhang Wei looked at the message and said: "It’s not good. Everyone has won it. It’s not that big, it’s just a matter of letting everyone laugh. I look at the time.” Look at the watch, said: “Hey, already live half. More than an hour? The organizers said that I would try to broadcast as much as possible for an hour, but I guess they are underestimating me. It’s hard to meet everyone. How long is an hour? Are you willing to watch?"

The message area is boiling!

"Rely, willing!"

"Of course I am willing!"

"Must see!"

"Don't stop, Teacher Zhang!"

"Continue to broadcast!"

"Take two hours!"

"Zhang Wei, do you dare to broadcast for three hours? If you dare, I will brush the gift!"

Zhang Wei said: "I don't dare to say anything? Don't say oh, if you want to see it, if you are not afraid of delaying dinner, I will tell you from the afternoon to the evening!"

"it is good!"


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I like your temper!"

"I love you, this mixed-race fan!"

"The conscience of the industry!"

"Hey, the organizer made a big profit this time. Zhang Wei is really conscience. As long as he took a copy of the money, he would definitely give people two or even three money. This is the dedication of the main entertainment, looking for the whole entertainment circle. Not the second one! In Beijing dialect, this is called anger (pay attention)!

Zhang Hao took another sip of water and moisturized the scorpion. He was very happy to play live for the first time. He felt very fresh. "This sings and sings, and says, what do you play next?"

"Play the game!"

"Yes, come live!"

"Haha, old Zhang, are you OK?"

"The hottest thing is that the game is live!"

Zhang Wei looked after the music: "The game is live? How do you net out your mind, huh, I don't usually play games, "Zombies vs. Plants?" I will play this game, it was the game I made, but that I can't live it, can you really want to see it?" After thinking about it, he smiled and said: "That wouldn't be the case. When it comes to the game, I will also play Go, or will I give you a Go game?"


Everyone was excited when they heard it!

"This is good!"

"This is great!"

"Mr. Zhang is the best in the world!"

"Just on Go! Just Go!"

"Let Zhang Wei take us out - force us to fly!"

"Ha ha ha, I want to see Zhang ravaged people!"

"It’s boring to abuse vegetables. If you want to see it, you can see Zhang Jian playing professional chess players!"

"Right right, just a professional chess player!"

"Hey, I am already excited!"

Zhang Wei said helplessly: "You are really the only child who is afraid of chaos in the world. Is it true? That, I will log in to the account, and then the screen will be cut on my computer."

Login account.

Click into the online Go platform.

With a simple operation, the live screen shows the desktop of the computer. You can clearly see the operation of Zhang Wei and even the mouse. Of course, Zhang Wei’s face is also displayed on the corner of the screen.

The number of people in the room has risen again!

More and more people are onlookers!

Zhang Wei operated the mouse one by one and said to himself: "I have to look at it, is it a professional chess player? Are the teachers of the Chinese chess school online at this time? I have seen if I know, oh, this. Someone in the room, Li Yijiu, ah, Cheng, he is."


Hahahaha, beautiful Li Yijiu is a big master. Can you understand Go? I can understand it. I don’t understand. Why do you want to understand it? Let’s come to see Zhang’s swearing, swearing, With Zhang Wei installed - forced

Millions of people squinted at the screen.

Zhang Wei clicked in, and he asked him to enter the password. "Hey? Set a password? Don't let it in? Oh, I guess their password is still the same. This password is a fixed password set by the Chinese chess house. Prevent outsiders from coming in, but professional chess players basically know that it is impossible to stop me. I try." Tap the keyboard and enter a string of passwords. "Hey, go in."



Well done!

Haha beautiful!

Everyone started.

Li Yijiu’s paragraph seems to have finished a set, and I don’t know what he is waiting for or what he is doing. His account is always bright.

Zhang Wei typed the past: "Come on!"

The live broadcast, the audience can also see Zhang Wei's screen.

As a result, Li Yijiu replied at the time, "You go!"

Zhang snorted, "Why?"

Li Yijiu: "You look for someone else, I don't want to talk to you."

Zhang Wei: "..."

System prompt: You have been kicked out of the room by Li Yi.

Zhang Hao can't smile.

The people in the live room are also crazy.

I am so happy that Zhang Hao was picked up beautifully and was kicked hahahahaha. Do you want to be so funny? Teacher Zhang, you are too bad. I love to see Zhang Wei’s eating, and people don’t take him to play. Li Yijiu hides from him. Go

Zhang Yan rolled his eyes. "I will find another one. I still don't believe it." He said that he saw an acquaintance. "Tian Weiwei is here, the star of hope in the Chinese Go world, go!"

Still a password room.

Zhang Wei enters the password and goes in.

Zhang Wei: "Oda, come on a plate!"

Tian Weiwei also stunned, "Zhang Ye?"

Zhang Hao can't wait: "gogogo!"

Tian Weiwei suddenly said: "Oh, I suddenly have a stomachache and I will go down first."

System prompt: Tian Weiwei exited the room, you have become the owner of the room.

Zhang blinked, "I am dizzy! How come back?"

The people in the live room are even more crazy!

Ah, hahahaha, my tears are coming out, do you want to be so funny, teacher Zhang is famous, no one dares to be invincible with him, how lonely, how lonely, teacher Zhang, you can’t do it, it’s too funny.

Zhang Wei more chicken thief!

He sneered twice. "I still don't believe it, guys, whoever has the account of the Go platform, give me one, I will change the vest!"

"I have got!"

"Use my!"

"Roll, use mine!"

More than 300 people have issued an account password!

If you have a private chat, and you send it directly in the message area, you are not afraid that the account password will be stolen, because they already want to see Zhang Yizhuang - I can't wait for it!

Zhang Wei casually took a number to land, is a small level of trumpet, he brushed the screen and found a big circle, and finally found an acquaintance!

Chen Hao eight paragraphs!

Goddess in the world of chess!

The famous Go professional player!

The animals in the live room are all excited:

Chen Hao, my goddess, my idol, I like the beautiful teacher Zhang who is doing her. I took a surprise to Chen Hao, eight paragraphs. Hahahaha

Zhang Wei enters the password into the room.

Chen Hao apparently just came, but the **** is still not hot.

There is a message from Chen Hao’s account: "Which?"

Zhang Yisao-Bao Di typed: "I want to ask Chen to teach a plate."

Chen Wei: "Professional chess players know the password, haven't seen your name, newcomer?"

Zhang Wei replied: "Yes, yeah."

Chen Tong: "Well, okay, let's get a plate."

Zhang Wei: "Please advise."

Chen Wei: "Let you two sons?"

Zhang Wei: "No, try it first."

Chen Tong: "Well, I will also look at your chess skills first."

The barrage bombed:

This Sao-Bao Zhang teacher is too funny than hahahaha, he is a pit goods, let the child? Chen Hao eight paragraphs to be tragedy, hurry up! Can't wait for this - forced-loaded I give a hundred percent

The game begins!

Zhang Wei later held his hand.

Chen Yu first fell a child.

Zhang Hao raised his hand to keep up, while he said to the live camera, "Mr. Chen Yu is the female chess player with the highest domestic chess ability. Perhaps the best female chess player in the world, this is the best chess player. Some people may not understand it in a few moves? Then I will simply say that Chen’s chess path is very stable, but it is not a routine. You see that this step is 'flying', it’s really beautiful, and most people may choose to deal with it here. However, there is a trap in the situation, and the situation will be dragged by the other party, so I am here to see, Chen Yu entered the thinking time, she is very difficult to do."

Live broadcast.


Plus the science of Go.

Zhang Wei has a professional game anchor from inside to outside!

In addition to professional is professional!

Said the profession, the next more professional!

Everyone has a chance to see the world's No. 1 Go player playing chess. Many Go fans are as good as they are, and they feel that they have learned a lot!

More than a dozen hands have passed!

Chen Yu is getting slower and slower!

Zhang Wei is getting faster and faster. "You see, this step I played Chen Yu eight pieces of a dead hole, it is not a chess without a solution, but she will be very uncomfortable, if she comes up, I will step by step if she stands Then, I have made changes in Xiaojiao. It has been five minutes, and Chen Hao’s eight paragraphs are still thinking."

Suddenly, I spoke opposite.

Chen Hao eight paragraphs sent three words, "What are you Zhang?"

Zhang Yiyi sweated, said to the live camera: "Yes, I was recognized, but can I admit it? I can't!"

He immediately typed in the past: "I am not!"

The live room is crazy!

Chen Hao made a vomiting expression: "Not your sister! I haven’t gotten in the first 20 games. I have no chance to fight back from start to finish. I am black, but I am the first player. Who else can you do this besides?"

Zhang Wei also pretends, "What did you say about Teacher Chen?"

Chen Hao issued three exclamation points: "You go! It's you!"

System prompt: Chen Yu abandoned the son to admit defeat, you won the victory.

Chen Wei: "You are too high. I have no chance to learn from you. I am gone. You will hang on others, don't look for me!"

Chen Hao ran!

I ran another!

The live room has been laughing! (To be continued., your support is my biggest motivation.) 16-11-0406:34:02

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