I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1281: [Headlines again! 】

Bridal shop.

It's noon.

This is Fat Jie's private industry. Her company does games. The wedding photo studio is just a sideline. At the moment, there are only these people in the store. Fat Jie has already spent all irrelevant staff in advance, details and dresses related to Zhang Ye’s wedding. The style must not be revealed to outsiders.

Zhang Ye was "drinking water" over there.

The fat sister said to Julie: "My sister is married, don't hide your privacy."

Julie smiled and said: "My sister, how many years we have been in friendship, and I will not hide it for you. I have turned out the design styles of the bottom of the box. What am I playing with you? That’s imaginary? Teacher Zhang Ye is also an artist, so the requirements will be higher. Everyone’s aesthetic is different from everyone’s. Wedding dress design is difficult here. If you are really not satisfied, I will go back and discuss with the team. Now, I will come up with a few new designs as soon as possible, but in that case, time will not be enough, I am afraid it will not be able to make the wedding."

The fat sister asked: "Is there no other money?"

Julie said, "It's gone."

Fat sister: "You are the top wedding dress designer in the industry."

Julie said: "So I took all my own designs, and each one is unique in the world, and I didn't take mass-produced samples."

Suddenly, Zhang Ye came over.

The fat sister said: "Or this one? It's actually very good."

Zhang Ye said astonishingly: "I personally design a model for Lao Wu!"

Wu Mo was stunned, "Huh?"

Xin Ya stared: "Well, are you really here?"

Zhang Ye nodded and said, "Yes."

"Do you design it yourself?" The fat sister said in surprise: "This is very meaningful, but you big old man, you are a layman, did you design a wedding dress?"

Zhang Ye said, "I will try."

Julie also laughed and said nothing.

Zhang Ye said, "Do you have tools?"

Julie said: "I have all the tools."

Zhang Ye looked at her, "I don't know how to use professional stuff, I said, can you paint? What kind of flowers, where do I refer you to paint, the specific style and appearance, every stitch and every thread It's all in my mind, you just need to present what I want."

Are you really here?

Isn't this a mess!

Julie smiled bitterly and glanced at Fat Sister.

The fat sister spread out her hands.

Julie had to say: "Okay."

She brought various tools such as a map ruler and sat down.

Zhang Ye stood behind her and began to command.

"I want this veil."

"No, it should be longer."

"Yes, the mesh is a little bigger."

"The edges here are tucked away by a millimeter."

"Longer, longer."

"It must be double-layered, yes, stacked together."

Julie didn't care at first, and the others didn't care.

Julie occasionally retorted, "If you do this here, it will be too simple, and the sense of hierarchy will not work."

However, every time Zhang Ye said, "Listen to me."

And when the wedding dress has an outline.

Julie was suddenly shocked!

Wu Mo's eyes became wider and wider!

The store door was pushed open, and Wu Zeqing, who was busy with the work of the unit, had already driven by herself, but when she came in, she found no one was paying attention to her. Everyone looked at the drawing board with their heads down and dumbfounded.

Wu Zeqing smiled, "What's the matter?"

Xinya looked up, "Are you just here?"

"Something happened temporarily, it was delayed." Wu Zeqing came over, "What is this for?"

The fat sister also pulled her over excitedly, "Come over and see, your husband will design a wedding dress for you himself, this is coming out soon!"

Zhang Ye did not hear the words next to him, nor did he find that Wu Zeqing was coming. All his thoughts were focused on the wedding dress design drawings. Sometimes he pointed, and sometimes he couldn’t explain clearly. He even squeezed out Julie and started drawing by himself. After a few strokes, tell Julie about your design and ideas.

After half an hour.

The wedding dress design is complete!

When Zhang Ye picked up the design drawing, everyone looked at it!

Julie is shocked!

Wu Mo was shocked!

Xinya was shocked!

Fat sister is shocked!

Wu Mo exclaimed: "I rely on too beautiful!"

The fat sister said excitedly: "It's so beautiful! It's so suitable for Zeqing's temperament!"

Julie looked at Zhang Ye in amazement, "How did you do it?"

The other dragon and phoenix gown designer next to him was also a little taken aback!

Zhang Ye said with satisfaction, "Is it okay?"

Xin Ya was surprised: "You are too good!"

Wu Mo said, "Brother Zhang, your professional?"

Zhang Ye was startled suddenly, "Oh, when did you come, Lao Wu?"

"Me?" Wu Zeqing smiled, "I'm here early."

Zhang Ye hurriedly said: "You see if it works, like it or not, if you don't think it works, then look at the others. Just now, Mr. Zhu Li took a few..."

Wu Zeqing looked at the design drawing of the wedding dress and smiled and said, "No need to read it, I will wear it."

Everyone looked at the design drawings and exclaimed from time to time. It was really beautiful. Even if the finished product did not come out, you could feel the thrilling beauty and luxury through the drawings!

Wu Zeqing asked: "Where is the dragon and phoenix gown?"

Zhang Ye came here too happily, "I'm here!"

The fat sister said: "Are you still here?"

Zhang Ye said: "It's a must!"

This stuff is still addictive!

Apart from anything else, he commanded Li Xianghe again.

"Hand embroidered here."

"Not this pattern."

"Oh, no, let me paint!"

Another hour passed.

The design drawing of the dragon and phoenix gown is also out!

After everyone saw it, they no longer knew what to say!

Julie was shocked again!

Xin Ya was stunned!

Wu Mo grabbed Zhang Ye by the arm, "Brother Zhang! Zhang Ye! What else can't you do! You are too awesome-it's forcing you!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Does it look good?"

Wu Mo said, "I'm so blinded!"

Fat sister was also overjoyed, "It's more than just good-looking! The key is that it suits Zeqing's temperament too well, it is simply tailor-made for him!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "It was originally made for Lao Wu."

Xin Ya looked at her girlfriend, "I am jealous of you now, Lao Wu, how romantic it is to be able to wear the wedding dress and dragon and phoenix gown designed by her husband for her own wedding!"

Zhang Ye said, "Do you like it?"

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "I like it very much."

Zhang Ye eagerly said: "Okay, if you like, I will have another one!"

another one?

Wu Mo tripped and almost fainted, "Do you think you said that the cross talk is coming back! It's good to have another paragraph?"

Everyone laughed.


That night.

The news was leaked.

Some media with magical powers found Julie, and they were not from one family or two, but from two dozen media and television stations.

A group of reporters interviewed her.

"Mr. Julie!"

"What style of wedding dress did you design for Zhang Ye's wife?"

"Have you seen a bride? Who is it?"

"Mr. Julie, how much is the wedding dress design fee?"

"When will the finished product come out? Can it catch up with the wedding?"

The problems are overwhelming.

It’s not the first time for Julie to design a wedding dress for a celebrity. I have seen many such scenes. She is very leisurely. She said: “I can only answer some questions. Teacher Zhang Ye’s wife’s wedding dress was not made by herself. Teacher Zhang Ye personally designed it for his wife."


Design by yourself?

This is big news!

"No way?"

"Ms. Zhang can design clothes?"

"It's a symbolic meaning, right?"

Julie smiled and said, "I don't know what you mean by the symbolic meaning. I only know that after contacting Teacher Zhang Ye today, I was a little grateful. I am so grateful that he became involved in the entertainment industry." After a pause, she With a wry smile, he said astonishingly: "If Teacher Zhang Ye is in the fashion industry, many of our designers will probably be out of food!"

The media reporters present were all silly!

What is this evaluation?

Zhang Ye really knows how to design wedding dresses?

The number one female wedding dress designer in China can't eat anymore?

This evaluation is too high!

What kind of wedding dress did Zhang Ye design?


"Zhang Ye personally designs wedding dresses for his wife! 》

This news was topped by Weibo headlines!

Netizens were shocked:


"This stuff still has this skill?"

"Laughing, Zhang Ye is really not idle!"

"Didn't he ask for leave? Why is he making headlines again?"

"He designs wedding dresses? A liar!"

"I don't really believe it, it's so ugly!"

"I believe!"

"I believe it too!"

"He can even fly a plane, what's wrong with designing a wedding dress?"

"Puff, too!"

"Teacher Zhu Li spoke highly of Zhang Ye, it doesn't seem to be fake."

"Does he want to break into the fashion circle again with this unsatisfactory goods?"

"How can this guy know everything!"

"But it's so romantic!"

"Yes, this guy actually understands romance. I can't believe it." (To be continued.)

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