I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1287: [The original one pen can really kill! 】

The office environment of each company is different.

Some companies like to put a little classical music in the office area.

Some employees like to work while listening to popular songs.

What kind of feeling and spirit is listening to the square dance work? No one knows it before, but this day, the staff at Tianfang Entertainment Headquarters can tell everyone what kind of grass mud horse it is!


"I am going to collapse!"

"My head!"

"My ears!"

"I want to hit the wall!"

"It’s too troublesome! It’s too troublesome!”

"Who are you provoking!"

"This aunt is too wicked!"

Someone is crashing!

Someone took cotton to stuff the ears!

Someone screamed with their ears!

Some people have even been brainwashed to sing with a whisper, and they can’t stop!

The music is still ringing!

"Hey, hey!"


"Hey, hey, hey!"

There are also people who talk to colleagues in the group and listen to the square dance music in the ear. The word interval has changed.

"Today, heaven is ours."

"There are two pages left in the file."

"End, add everyone, work hard."

After the hair was finished, the man glanced and burst into tears!

The people in the opposite branch are confused, but if they have heard the "Best National Wind", they will find that the rhythm of this passage is exactly the same.

The entire head office is immersed in the ocean of square dance!


The police are coming again.

More than 100 aunts in the nearby Beili District and Nanli District were also asked to leave.

The aunts had just left, and one of the aunts who took the lead took out a mobile phone. It was not a very skilled place to open a group chat. It was a group called "Hyena" with more than 2,000 people.

"The dog has finished, the police are coming."

"it is good!"

"Roger that!"

"Sisters in the north of the country, you will withdraw first."

"It’s hard, let us give it below."

"The North First District Square Dance Team will enter the game immediately!"

"The South 3rd District Square Dance Team is ready to take over!"

“The four bridge community square team is ready to meet.”

Throughout the whole day, the square dance music of Tianfang Entertainment Headquarters has not been broken. The police have already come and don’t know how many times. The police force is not enough in the end, and borrowed from the branch office. If it’s really troublesome, they can Grab the catch, but the aunts did not make trouble, that is, dancing, and they were very persuaded. When the police came, they left, and they took the next step and took over immediately!

Tianfang’s employees didn’t work, and they didn’t have a job. They squatted on the window and looked at the black aunt’s team under the window.

Ten times!

Twenty times!

Thirty times!

The result of this day is that the police and the staff of Tianfang Entertainment have learned all the dance moves of "The Most Happening National Wind" and "Little Apple"!

Some people who passed by saw this scene, almost laughed, and watched and took out the mobile phone shooting, and sent the video to the Internet.

The title is: "Chinese aunt shot"!



The video was maddened!

Netizens smiled after watching!

"Hey, I am crazy!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"


"The aunts are too powerful!"

"I rely on, this must be praised!"

"I just saw it over there. It was really too strong. I took a ride and made a call. I took a thousand and aunts on duty. I heard that the people who are entertaining are already fast. Crazy! It is said that Zhao Chipeng almost gave up the office!"

"Hahaha, do it beautifully!"

"This is too 6!"

"Aunt took a shot, Zhao dog shakes!"

"Tianfang Entertainment was captured by Aunt! Good!"

"Aunts, I used to blame you!"

"Me too, I used to have opinions on the aunts who danced downstairs in my house downstairs. By the way, I will never say bad things about square dances from now on!"

"Always support the square dance business, this is the cause of the people, this is the art of the people!"

"Aunt is mighty!"

"Zhang Wei really has a face!"

"That is, this is the square dance ancestor!"

"Hello hahaha! Look over and laugh again!"

"Zhao's old dog has been called by everyone!"

"Their stocks have also fallen!"

On this day, the square dance aunt made a splash and finally got the news.

The news did not have positive reports and propaganda on such things, and there were even criticisms in the tone. However, the people were applauding the aunts for this matter!


the next day.

The Tianfang Entertainment Headquarters was captured by the aunts, and this is not finished. It may be that the news was reported yesterday. The other amateurs who danced square dances across the country saw the sisters in the Beijing area making such a big heart. The grand event? They are all fascinated and can't stand it!

For a time, Tianfang Entertainment’s branches or cooperative organizations across the country were baptized by the square dance!

Shenzhen branch fell!

Shanghai studio fell!

Nanjing office fell!

The overwhelming aunt flocked!

The overwhelming square dances sigh!

The share price of Tianfang Entertainment has once again collapsed!

In the early morning, Zhao Chipeng led a group of shareholders to save the market. The stock price was once stable in the flat position and did not rise or fall. However, when the afternoon session opened, Tianfang Entertainment stock immediately fell again, one minute, from the flat Hard hit the position of the daily limit board, never opened again!


The third day.

The square dance continues to linger in the sky above the entertainment!

Tianfang Entertainment stock opened at the end of the day!


The fourth day.

Tianfang Entertainment's share price once countered the attack!

Can be panicked again before closing!

Tianfang Entertainment continues to fall!


Within four days, the stock price has fallen to more than 30%, and the ten-dollar stock has become more than six yuan. What is this concept?

This is a crash!

The stock price has been cut in half!

The crisis of equity pledge is also on the verge!

The industry is shocked!

Even the people in the financial circle are stupid!

Retail investors are leaving!

Zhonghu is leaving!

The big family is leaving!

Everyone has abandoned them!

Zhao Chipeng looked at the stock price that fell and fell again, and almost killed him!

The top executives and employees of Tianfang Entertainment Company were also very upset. They realized at this time that they really realized what kind of crisis the company was experiencing, even if they lost their recognition, they took it, they It has also slowed down, but the company has to take off a layer of skin, fame, prestige, resources, and financial resources, all of which will be hit hard by never before!

Zhang Wei!

I am grassing your uncle!

Zhao Chipeng and many people are screaming!

When things have developed to the present, no one can calm down. No one can imagine that the cause of the current situation is actually a novel and a novel called "The Madman's Diary"!

A novel of four thousand words!

A total of four days!

Let Tianfang Entertainment's stock market value lose more than one billion!

All said that Zhang Hao has a thousand dollars? One word?

This **** is more than a word! !

This is a word of billions!

Zhang Hao’s pen can really kill people! (To be continued.)

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