I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1299: [Big marriage (puppy is a puppy)]


Dong Shanshan shouted: "Do you say good?"



"No problem!"

"Through the pass!"

Yu Yingyi smiled and said: "Congratulations to Zhang Hao for the second pass."

Zhang Wei was very good, and he said, "Don't swear, ugly."

The reporter is happy!

The guest is enjoyable!

The old Wu family and friends group once again smashed!

Three consecutive questions about the martyrdom, Zhang Yi's dripping water did not leak, even the cover of such a nonsense song he wrote, and every song is just right, every song is good to die, this is obviously not the average person can do Yes, no one in the entertainment circle can do this. This is Zhang Wei’s ability, and the second one can’t be found in the entertainment circle!

The people of the family and friends group can see it. It is impossible to use this kind of problem to stagger Zhang Hao. Fortunately, they still have a backhand.

Xinya is no more.

The fat sister looked at her.

Lao Wu’s two nieces, a prostitute, are also anxious.

"It's a big move!"


"Let's make a move!"

"The last level!"

Xinya nodded, "OK, give it to me!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "What other tricks? Even though."

Xinya sneered three times and slammed into the rostrum. She took the microphone from Yu Yingyi and turned around. Instead, she laughed. "Ladies and gentlemen, before you say the third level, I have to Speaking two sentences, I have known Wu for many years. We are both a child and a girlfriend. Today is her big marriage. I am very happy. I asked her before this wedding. In fact, I am a suit. Her words, I asked her what is more difficult for Zhang Wei? Lao Wu told me that there are very few things that can make Zhang Wei embarrassed. He has a relatively straight temper and is more decisive, and generally difficult. I can't help him at all. I said that you have to say one. Lao Wu thought about telling me that it would be the hardest for Zhang Wei to say "I love you" to her."

Your sister!

Zhang Wei: "Hey!"

Everyone is upset.

"I haven't even said that I love you?"

"Ha ha ha, Teacher Zhang, you are not kind!"

"This can't be done without it!"

Xinya smiled and pressed her hand, and also helped Zhang Yan say, "In fact, I have known Zhang Hao for many years. I know the temper of him and Lao Wu. They are not the kind of expressions." People with feelings, you let them say "I love you" to each other, that is really harder than going to heaven."

Dad nodded.

Mom also laughed.

Their own son, they know best.

Xin Ya suddenly said: "But I don't believe in evil today. Lao Wu threatened me. Don't take this for me. Well, I will change the method. Then the third level is the problem." To Zhang Wei, "We are all engaged in mathematics work, then use the language of mathematics to express love to Lao Wu."

Zhang Wei laughed helplessly.

The guests are also bursting!

"come on!"

"Mr. Zhang is coming!"

"Yes, express expression!"

"The mathematics language is very good!"

This level is not difficult at all!

Math language?

In the eyes of everyone, what language can mathematics have!

Nothing is 520! Otherwise it is 521!

Only the number of this homonym can express love!

However, this is no different from Zhang Wei’s saying that "I love you". It is equivalent to letting Zhang Hao turn to "I love you"!

Zhang Wei laughed and said nothing.

Fat sister said: "Zhang, you don't say the bride can't come out."

The prostitute of Lao Wu urged: "Hey, hurry up, uncle, mathematics language math language!"

This is really too difficult for Zhang Wei, he really can't say this, he can't read it at 520521.

At this time, Zhang Huan remembered a story, a classic story of his world:

The mathematician Descartes married the 18-year-old Swedish Princess Christine. Every day, the inseparable relationship made them love each other. After the princess’s father knew it, he was furious and ordered to execute Descartes. After the little Princess Christine pleaded, the king exiled him to France, Princess Christine. Also was put under house arrest by his father. After Descartes returned to France, he was seriously ill. He wrote a letter to the princess. Christine had never received a letter from Descartes because he was intercepted by the king. Descartes died after sending the thirteenth letter to Christine. The thirteenth letter contains only a short formula. The king couldn't understand. I felt that the two of them did not always talk about love. They summoned the mathematicians of the whole city to the palace, but no one could solve them. He couldn't bear to watch his beloved daughter sulking all day. This letter is given to Christine, who has been unhappy. After the princess saw it, she immediately understood the intention of the lover and knew that the lover still loved her.

Of course, this is just a story.

But the famous equation in the story really exists.

Xinya stared at him. "Don't you say that?"

Fat sister said: "Zhang, don't be embarrassed."

Math language?

Express love?

Zhang Xiao smiled and walked up, picked up a pen, picked up a piece of paper, and wrote an equation on it:

r=a(1-private nθ)

No one understands!

Many people have stumbled!

What is this stuff?

What is this?

Not 520 or 521? How did the equation come out?

Xinya is also confused. "Zhang Wei, what are you?"

Zhang Wei said: "This is what I said to Lao Wu."

Xinya fainted, "What can be said here!"

"That's because you can't read it." Zhang Wei said lightly.

People from friends and relatives are not doing anything.

"You can't do this."

"This is what you are coming."

“What is a formula?”

"There is nothing here!"

"Homophony? Not at all!"

The reporters are puzzled.

The guests are puzzled.

Professors from several mathematics departments at Peking University also came up.

Dean Pan Yangdao: "I will see."

Xinya also studied there, "What the **** is this? Password?"

Pan Yang is also confused. "Is this equation meaningless?" I took the pen to understand it later, and put down the pen again. I shook my head: "It doesn't make sense."

A Peking University math teacher looked at him, "Professor Zhang, what is this formula?"

Suddenly, Xinya’s expression was awkward. “Wait! Where is this computer?”

Pan Yang pointed out, "On the other side of the rostrum."

Xinya immediately took the equation and went up for a while!

On the screen, everyone saw it clearly and didn't understand what Xinya was doing.

The math teacher at Peking University can understand it.

"What are you doing?"

"Polar coordinates?"

"She wants to draw it?"

“What is the use of this equation to draw?”

But after a few minutes!

When the equation of r=a(1-private nθ) is presented in the form of an image on the big screen, all the people present are experiencing a huge exclamation!


"What did I see?"

"So beautiful!"

"I am too grassy!"

"This this"

Xinya was shocked!

Pan Yang’s face is shocking!

The fat sister covers her mouth!

The reporters are screaming!

The audience was shocked!

This simple equation that can't be simple is actually a heart!

An amazing heart! ! !

"Can you still do this?"

"Can mathematics still do this?"

"This is what Zhang Wei said to his wife?"

"This is too romantic!"

"There are more than 520 mathematics languages!"

"Too cow - forced this!"

For a time, everyone’s eyes looked at Zhang Wei!

I won't say that I love you.

It won't be sweet.

Some of Zhang’s personality is really more like a rigid mathematician.

r=a(1-private nθ)

This is the whisper of Zhang Wei to his wife!

This is the greatest romance of a mathematician! (To be continued.)

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