I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 133: [Waiting for ratings! 】

The show ends.

The audience have left the scene, and many people still have some feelings that they are still unfinished. While walking, they talked with the people around them about the "Three Kingdoms".

"That is nice"

"Yes, I have been fascinated."

"Today, it was a fun, and it’s said that the TV station leader has a long-term experience. Whoever wants to meet such a good column, I have to look after each issue in the future."

"Like me, it must be seen."

"This wonderful column, the fool does not look"

"And long knowledge, today I know that the empty city meter does not exist at all."

"Oh, compared with this host, the so-called university professors are simply clowns. The amount of knowledge is not enough. It is also very boring. Who listens to them, or what the host said? Yes, call Zhang Wei, I remember him."

Exit is over.

Zhang Wei looks at other colleagues, "Is it okay?"

Xiao Lu first ran up. "It’s okay, it’s too good."

Hou Ge also rushed. "I rely on you, Teacher Zhang, can you really say the Three Kingdoms? I also said that the experts and professors are stupid? Applause the audience for half a day?"

Zhang Yiqian said: "It’s not that I said it is good. It’s the experts who don’t understand anything. The empty city plan and the Zhuge Liang Zhou Yu’s things are historical common sense. Basically, anyone who has studied some historical materials can know. Even if you haven't studied them, you can understand the "Three Kingdoms". Although the "Three Kingdoms" is also a literary work, it can be compared with the "Three Kingdoms", which can be more documentary, as long as it is something that cannot be determined, "Three Kingdoms" "It will not be written, and there will be a lot of information such as labels to help readers understand this history."

Dafei blushes: "I have never heard of the "Three Kingdoms"."

Xiao Lu coughed: "I have heard it, but I have never seen it. This book seems to be relatively unpopular. I have seen very few people. There are some historical records and allusions that Teacher Zhang said. We don't know. You think that everyone and your knowledge is so rich."


Has anyone else heard of the Three Kingdoms?

No, this is not known to anyone?

Zhang Wei realized at this time that although there are four famous books such as "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in this world, after all, the cultural background is different. Su Shi is gone, and some cultural works of this period are gone, even if the "Three Kingdoms" is still Being retained, the influence and recognition may not be the same as the world of Zhang Wei, and the game has undergone a certain degree of change, which has caused the current situation and caused almost Everyone has a wrong understanding and cognition of the history of the Three Kingdoms. If this is changed to the world of Zhang Wei, this kind of thing is almost impossible, because even if most people don’t understand it, there are also some people who know a lot about the history of the three countries.

No wonder that Professor Ma Hengyuan, a professor of literature, is not clear about things like empty city plans. It turns out that the world’s study of the Three Kingdoms literature is only the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and the most authentic Three Kingdoms and other similar works are not influential. Therefore, Zhang Wei’s throwing out the first phase of Professor Yi Zhongtian’s “Three Kingdoms” has caused such a big response.

This is helping illiterate people.

Zhang Wei thought of it with a smile.

Hu Fei finished talking to the camera and immediately rushed over. When he went up, he pinched Zhang Wei’s shoulder and excitedly said, “Oh, you Xiao Zhang said it’s great.”

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I will not give you a shame."

"You are still shameful? Haha" Hu Fei said excitedly: "I tell you, this is what I really want, and it is much better than I expected. I have never heard the last sentence from the beginning. I can say with certainty that this is the best history textbook I have ever heard."

Xiao Ludao: "Yes"

Big Fly: "You can't describe it with excitement."

Hou Di raised a thumb, "just one word - cow"

"The first word was written by yourself?" Hu Fei asked.

"Yes." Zhang Yidao.

"You, I am surprised by the time and again, the artistic concept of the word, in the poetry writings of the Three Kingdoms, no one can be right, written absolutely." Hu Fei is very happy to say: "I knew you said early. So powerful, I am still looking for Ma Hengyuan, I am looking for a guest, I am full of leisure? I have already let you go, um, but this show has some accidents, but also a temporary change. The name of the program, the layout of the site, and the lecturer have also changed, so it is definitely necessary to apply for approval with the art station, and the leader must do it."

A camera is on the other side: "Hu is in charge of the system, and you can get it in an hour. If you delete it, you can find someone to follow up and we will adjust it."

A big flight with technology and site layout: "I will follow up."

Hu Feidao: "Well, give it to you. Once you get it, give it to you."


The first column of the "Hundred Lectures" was made, and the editing was made into a prescribed time, with interpretive and introductory pictures interspersed in the middle.

Hu Fei passed it himself. After he was satisfied, he found the office of Wang Shuixin, director of the art director. He knocked on the door and the leader was eating.

"Director, what about eating?" Hu Fei laughed.

Wang Shui's new face is not pleasant. "Old Hu, I am looking for you. I heard that you had a big problem when recording the program. In the end, even the program has changed. Have you also blasted the lecturers and guests? That's how you are." Experts and professors who are easy to come to, what do you do in the column group?"

When Hu Fei mentioned them, they were angry. "You don't have to ask them. It won't be used anymore. I have a more suitable candidate here. The program has better planning and development. Oh, you still remember the one I came to die." Hey? The current lecturer is him. We don’t need the host and the guests anymore. The effect of the program can be very good. No, it doesn’t need these, it will have such a good effect.”

Wang Shui new Emei, "Zhang Wei? What can he say? Lao Hu, I know that you value this young man, but you can't be too biased? You are a historical column."

"You can see it with a look at the recording." Hu Fei knew that it was useless, and he brought the recording to him.

Wang Shuixin bowed his head and said, "Go." After he went out, he called several of the following smaller departments and staff, and everyone went to see the show.

"Zhang Wei?"

"He said the Three Kingdoms?"

"He is a young man, what do you know about the three countries?"

However, when the show started for a few minutes, everyone was not stunned.

Until the end of the one-hour show, everyone look at me, I look at you, all of them look awful and can't say a word.

Hu Fei asked: "How do you feel? Is this change possible?"

The small leader of another column group regretted and said: "I knew that this person has such a big skill. I was fighting with Laohu at that time. I must have got him to our column group."

"Director?" Hu Fei looked at Wang Shuixin.

Wang Shuixin was silent for a moment. "Let's broadcast it. On Saturday, let's take a look at the ratings. Let's see if the audience can't recognize it. If the response is OK, continue to record the Sunday show."

Hu Feidao: "Re-recording on Saturday, will it be too fast?"

Wang Shuixin said: "The market reaction is still invisible. We must be cautious. After all, this Xiao Zhang is young and has no qualifications. He talks about history. The audience does not necessarily buy it. Therefore, it should be changed according to the actual situation and adjusted. Try it, then decide to let him not continue to serve as a lecturer in this column." Wang Shuixin still doesn't trust Zhang Wei, such a big show, when Zhang Xiaodang was the host or guest, Wang Shuixin I don’t think it is appropriate. I think that Zhang’s height and image have problems. Now it’s good, so that Zhang Wei’s host from a string of tracks suddenly becomes the only lecturer in the show. Become the most important person in the show? This is a bit too fast

But Hu Fei is confident. "Well, look at the ratings."

Before that, the speech was less than the ministry: "At this level, the ratings are definitely not bad. It’s just that the "Nian Nujiao - Chibi nostalgia" is a must."

Another woman said: "That's not necessarily. Now the taste of the market is getting more and more complicated. No one can understand what kind of programs the audience likes. Even if we have worked for so many years of experience, we can only pass the experience. Guess guessing, who dare to pack the ticket? I think this program is very general, there is a new style, but the content is a bit too popular, right? The empty city meter really does not exist? Too arbitrarily"

There is a middle-aged person who is a little bit acquainted in the presence. "As far as I know, the empty city plan is indeed a coin, and I have heard an ear of a study history."

The woman shook her head and said: "The audience does not know, it is a bit challenging to the audience's cognition. Sometimes, it is too unrealistic to be unconventional, and it will be counterproductive."

"I am very optimistic."

"I don't think it's too good. The young people can't live in the town. If there are some mistakes in the logical historical problems, they must be provoked by the audience and then smashed. After all, the historical column is a true nature. Who knows what Zhang Wei said is right or wrong? In case some of them are arrogant, if they are found out by the audience, then the signature of our TV station will be paralyzed."

There are different opinions, and there are all.

Wang Shuixin knocked on the table and stopped everyone's argument. "You don't have to say it. Let's talk on the ratings on Saturday. This is the most objective."

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