I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 141: [Introduction to Zhang Wei? 】


Get up in the morning.

Zhang Wei was awakened by awakening. Before he opened his eyes, he began to scream, and then he woke up and saw that Rao Aimin at the bedside was giving him medicine.

"Don't move" Rao loves to say.

Zhang Hao shouted: "You are so painful and painful"

Rao Aimin shouted: "Be honest, it will be fine soon."

Chen Chen also woke up, laughing in bed, and the children looked down on him.

Zhang Yi can't care, he is a life-threatening and fearful, and he only cares about his own wow. "I really want to hurt when I tap it."

At the end, Rao Aimin shot him. "Okay, I got it."

Zhang Hao fell on the bed and sweated. "I can't move, I am going to die."

Rao Aiming patted his thigh very rudely. "Don't wear garlic with the old lady, the wounds are beginning to heal. Just don't do anything to move things, just give me up."

Zhang Yiruo said: "I don't want to have breakfast for breakfast."

Rao Aimin, La Chenchen, "Go, I want to go early, he can't afford it."

"Ah? All done? I am going." Zhang Yan turned over and got out of bed. He brushed his teeth very quickly and took a new toothbrush there. The towel was covered with a pink face. I don't know who it is, but I smell the smell above. It seems to be the smell of the landlord's aunt. Last night, Zhang Wei was smacked next to her, and her hands were also on her body. Naturally familiar.


The two girls have already eaten.

"Hey, why don't you wait for me." Zhang Yi also sat down, holding a poached egg and stuffing it into his mouth. "Uh-huh, delicious."

Bell bell.

Zhang Hao forgot to ring the cell phone upstairs.

"Auntie of the landlord." Zhang Yi listened and said: "I have a leg pain, struggling to go up and down the building, can you help me take it?"

Chen Chen’s mouth commented: “Jiaoqi”

Zhang Xiao, a little guy, said, "Your uncle, I am seriously injured, can you understand?"

Rao Aimin took a chopstick to the table and took a look at Zhang Wei. "I just watched you protect your birthday. I don't care about your kid today. You call the old lady and addiction." But that's it. Said that Rao Aiming still got up on his body and threw his mobile phone in his arms.

The phone has been broken.

Zhang Yi looked at the number and hit it back. "Hey, Hu Ge."

"Xiao Zhang." Hu Fei asked: "Is it a traffic jam? Isn't it a matter of coming to the unit earlier today?"

Zhang Weidao: "Don't mention it, I may not be able to go to Hu Ge today."

Hu Fei knows that Zhang Wei is an extremely dedicated person. Even if he doesn't even say it, Zhang Wei sometimes comes for an hour or even two hours in advance, to work in the unit or to clean them. No one in the whole office is more dedicated than him. This is a master who is not alive and dead. Usually, the leader forces him to take a holiday. He rarely takes time off, so Hu Fei knows that Zhang Wei must have other things. "What happened? What happened? ?"

Zhang Xiao sighed: "Yesterday, the neighbors came to the thief. Both of them are holding knives. I have been brave enough to fight with them. I have a little injury and my hands are not working."

Hu Fei was shocked: "Ah? Is it hurt?"

Zhang Weidao: "It's not a big deal, it's good to raise."

Hu Fei said: "You can do it. You, a literary person, wrestle with the gangsters, let alone people and knives. You really don't want to die? Next time, don't be okay, What should I do if I have something to do? Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with it. I will allow you a few days of vacation. When will you get a good time? Come back to work at night. I will bring my colleagues to see you."

Zhang Wei busy said: "Don't be careful, the unit is busy, I am not hurt, you must not come, I will go to work on Monday."

Hu Feidao: "Oh, then take care of yourself."

Zhang Weidao: "Oh, thank you for your leadership."

He hung up the line, Rao Aimin said to Chen Chen: "When you grow up, remember not to learn from some people, you will die if you have a little injury."

Chen Chen drank the porridge, "Well."

Listening to the landlord aunt hurt him, Zhang Hao is not angry, after all, yesterday night did not take advantage of the cheaper, he secretly stunned Rao Aimin today's dress, pants are white bodybuilding pants, similar to the kind of tights, but with a pocket With the feet on, the upper body is a small black hurd vest, and there is no pattern. The landlord aunt is usually wearing this kind of old-fashioned clothes, but she is very beautiful. Especially the bodybuilding pants, the thighs and the beautiful buttocks are tightly stretched, the bumps are very good, and the figure is very good.

After breakfast.

Rao Aimin does not leave him, "Go, let's go."

Zhang Weidao: "Is there my meal at noon?"

"I will immediately take the Chenchen to the police station to record the confession. You have an injury. When I get the confession form, I have to sign it. You have no time to cook and think about it." Rao Aimin blew him away.


Zhang Wei was too hungry with his family. When he went to the landlord's aunt's house and knocked on the door, no one was at home. Just when he picked up a call from his mother, Zhang Wei said that he would go home to see.

Vegetable market.

Within the home community.

Zhang Wei pulled the sleeves down, and the injury must not be seen by the parents, saving them from worrying, and then they went upstairs and knocked on the door.

When the door opened, it was all talking.

Zhang Wei was shocked. At first glance, there were three or four people, and there were more inside.

Mom and his sister pulled him in, and Yan Yue said: "Come into the house, don't eat? Mom will do it for you."

As soon as he entered, Zhang Wei found that there were eight or nine people in the house. They all knew that they were all old neighbors of this film. "Zhang Wei, Chen Hao, Sun Shu, Li Ge, Uncle Liu."

Now, at a moment, the TV is the HTV literary channel, playing Zhang Wei’s "Hundreds of Lectures", and Zhang Weizheng on TV talks about Cao Cao’s life.

"Hey, Xiao Yan can come back."

"You are a big star now."

"Yes, yes, your old Zhang family is really good."

"Zhang Ge, I really envy you, and gave birth to such a good son."

"When I was a child, I still held Zhang Wei. I didn't expect to be a big star on TV in a blink of an eye. I have been talking since I was a child. Zhang Yi, this child is a big event."

"Zhang Ge, you two are really true. How can you tell us today? I don't know that Zhang Wei was so famous with the capital, and the old neighbor is still screaming?"

Everyone, you speak my words.

Mom smiled intently: "Where is there, this kid has just made some achievements, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning, huh, huh, in fact, my son does not let us say, my children are not yet Do you know? He has been low-key since childhood, and I don’t really like to say this, how big is it, so I didn’t tell you in advance.” Actually, this is not the case, but Zhang Wei called to tell my father and mother yesterday. He went to work on the Beijing TV station, and the program was about to air. The old couple just knew it. The shit’s love is not good, the shit’s low-key, otherwise the mother’s mouth, how could she live? Zhang Hao’s performance, she can’t wait for everyone in the opposite community to know

Sun Shu has a big head. "Yeah, Xiao Xiao has always been too low-key."

Uncle Liu laughed and said: "This is really a good thing for people who are big things."

Chen Hao excitedly grabbed Zhang Hao’s mother’s hand and sat down. “Little aunt, I heard that Xiaoyan still has no girlfriend? I have a prostitute who is not bad, work, in the bank, you see When do you let their children meet each other? Do you have more communication?"

Mom took the shelf. "Oh, our family is not too old. I didn't intend to let him fall in love so early."

Chen Yudao said: "It's not too small, it's not too small. It's all twenty-three years old. It's twenty-four in the next year. It's a family."

Li Ge said: "That can't be said. In fact, if you look at those big stars, you will get married late. If you are not married in your 40s, you will catch a lot. Marrying may affect their career, so they are not. Anxious

The show is finished.

Neighbors have also dispersed, each time back to each family.

Zhang Wei took care of eating a dish made by her mother. She used to talk to the old neighbors. "Call, I can starve to death, Dad, Mom, how come so many neighbors are coming?"

Dad said with a face: "It’s not your mother, Zhang Luo, the street is full of shouting, and now the neighborhood across the road can’t wait to know that you are famous.”

Zhang Wei: "..."

Mom said: "My son is on TV, I am happy, can't I? No?"

Dad said: "Happy to be happy, there is no such thing as you blow. What kind of video channel is a little stunned. What CCTV is aiming to dig him, are you not a shadow?"

Zhang Yan eats and says: "Dad, my mom is happy, let her tell you. I haven’t confessed my face in the past few years. Now it’s hard to get a little grade. My mom should turn over, like me. Hey, when I was young, I said that after I grew up, I definitely couldn’t find a wife. Now I took the initiative to introduce me to her, or her relatives, you have to let my mother find the lost face."

When the mother heard the words, she immediately grabbed her son’s shoulder and said to her husband: "Look, you see, or my son knows how to understand my son?" My tongue, I have to spit it out when I have eaten this."

Dad is too lazy to care for him and read the newspaper himself.

My mom sat down. "But then, come back, Lao Chen, her niece, I have seen it once, and it looks good. It can be a word, one meter six six. If you really think, you can see it. If you can't, then tell the mother who you are looking at. Mom will tell you that you are a star now, and your identity is different. It may have been someone who picked you up. Now, my son has to pick someone else."

"Don't worry."

"I really didn't look at it?"

"No, you don't care."

Zhang Wei silently eats, and some words will definitely not tell his mother.

Of course, the person he saw was there. The aunt of the landlord saw it. He was also seen by the big sister of Tianhou. Can the two of them see him? Impossible and the two older sisters are old, the father and mother will not agree, so there are some things, Zhang Wei just think about it.

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