I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1412: [Congratulations throughout the entertainment circle! 】


An advertisement suddenly played on major TV stations.

Korean famous brand.

car advertisement.

Spokesperson: Li Anxu.

Domestic netizens have spit out:

"Is Li Anxu actually coming back?"

"Is he not giving up China's development?"

"He was bombed. When he knocked down the fans that year, he couldn't get along."

"Now the wind has passed, is it back?"

"When he chose him, he was not afraid of Zhang Hao?"

"Ha ha ha, Teacher Zhang has something to do!"

"All the performances of the Japanese and Korean stars in China in the past six months have caused him to stir up the yellow. Just three Japanese and Korean stars, Li Anxu dare to go up? I don't know Zhang Ye is amazing!"

"Wait for watching the fun."

"Yeah, there is another good show."

Since the beginning of the game, since the launch of the "Limited Order" from Japan and South Korea, Zhang Hao has stunned a wave of Japanese and Korean artists. Since these days, the performances of Japanese and Korean stars in China have disappeared, and some have been cancelled. Some of them haven't started yet, so Lung Ding suddenly emerged as a Korean star appearing in advertisements, and Li Anxu, who had a conflict with Zhang Wei in the past, naturally attracted widespread attention from domestic netizens.

Everyone is waiting for something to happen.


Even the Korean car brand is a bit embarrassed.

Brand side.

At a meeting.

"Please Li Anxu to advertise, is that really okay?"

"What can be done?"

"Zhang Wei's influence in China is still very big."

"Yeah, he has a lot of opinions on Japan and South Korea. Why didn't we ask a Chinese celebrity to speak?"

"Afraid of him? Jokes, I still want him to go up and join together. We are now playing in China without playing the brand. If he is with us, the attention will come up, and you can't ask for it."

"It turned out to be."

"Yes, I am afraid he will not come!"

"And how can he do it? When people start a concert, he can go to the people and can go to the stage, let's make an advertisement, how can he mix?"


"Don't think of him too much!"




Wu Zeqing sat on the sofa watching TV.

Zhang Wei is waiting to run before running.

"Women, thirsty, not thirsty?"

"Not thirsty."

"Hot a cup of hot water."

"Don't drink."

"Let's drink more."

"Starting in the morning, I have already had six drinks."

"Ah, why are you hungry?"

"Okay, let's sit down and have a break."

"I am not tired, my buddy is now alive!"

The bell rang, the phone came, and the studio was called Haqiqi.

Zhang Wei picked up, "Hey."

Haqiqi immediately said: "Zhang Dao, Li Anxu advertised in China, is a Korean car brand. I have inquired about it. Li Anxu wants to return to China. Here, his fans are still not small, many Young fans are more fascinated by him, so this is to try the water, first received an advertising endorsement, his offer is very low, so the Korean car company used him almost without hesitation."

Zhang Weidao: "Oh."

Haqiqi asked: "What are we?"

Zhang Weidao: "Ah?"

Haqiqi stunned, "Are we?"

Zhang Weidao: "What are we doing?"

Haqi Qiqi said: "Oh, nothing, I will tell you."

Zhang Weidao: "Oh, I know."

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei continued to marry the woman, not at all.


Li Anxu’s ads are more and more.

From the beginning of a TV station, it became three.

Finally, bus stops and subway stations have also been bought a lot.

An hour has passed.

Five hours have passed.

The people are waiting, but waiting to wait for nothing to do, we can’t help but be a little surprised, oh, what’s going on? How did you react to your face?

It shouldn't be!

Not his style!

A lot of netizens are anxious.

"Bad, is it an accident?"

"Zhang Yu is definitely ill!"

"No, he must have been kidnapped!"

"Hurry up the alarm!"

"Right, alarm!"

For a time, the rumors fly all over the sky!



When Zhang Hao received a call from the police, he almost fainted.

Zhang Wei: "Hey? Kidnapping?"

Police: "You can do nothing."

Zhang Wei: "What is it with?"

Police: "Khan, there are many people who call the police and say that you have been kidnapped. We have a serious and responsible attitude and have a quick call to confirm."

Zhang Wei: "I am fine, I am in trouble for you."

Police: "That's good, then."


On Weibo.

The police also blamed.

When the netizens saw it, they all broke down.

"Is it really alarmed?"

"Hey! You are enough!"

"Laugh me, what is the image of Teacher Zhang in your heart? Hello! Li Anxu has just been on the advertisement for a few hours. If Teacher Zhang didn't move, you will call the police?"

"No, ah, with Zhang’s temper in the past, I’m screaming at him!”

"Yeah, the gossip is not to say that Zhang Wei has already released his words. Will the Japanese and Korean stars not want to come to China to develop from now on?"




At the end, the truth was finally revealed.

Several media suddenly disclosed a major news!

"Zhang Wei wife is pregnant! 》

"Zhang Wei is going to be a father!" 》

This news caused an uproar!

"I go!"


"Really, it has been confirmed!"

"Someone saw Zhang Wei and his wife in the hospital the day before yesterday!"

"Do you want to be a face?"

"Great joy!"

"I will say it! I will say what happened to Zhang Hao today!"

"Also, whoever cares about the Japanese and Korean artists at this time!"

"Don't be tempted to change your face in the future?"

"Don't say, it's really possible to be a daddy. If you want to be a daddy, you must be a little more stable in the future. How can you give your child a good example? It’s not like talking to people every day."

"That's not necessarily."

"Let's wait two days to see it."

"It seems that Li Anxu has escaped."

"That car brand is also, really will pick the day!"


The news was exposed.

Zhang Wei is also busy here.

The family and friends have come, and the relatives of the old Wu family have come.

Zhang Wei’s phone has not stopped, and a group of people have come over to congratulate.

Yao Jiancai:

"Well, you! Congratulations!"

"Haha, thank you."

"A few months?"

"Just pregnant."

" Take care of it, don't fight with people."

"Know you know, you have to wait!"

Ning Lan:

"Why don't you say it? I still know it in the news!"

"Oh, I’m happy, I’m not telling you.”

"First, let me know, the child is born, I have to be a dear."

"Well, you are my child's sister?"


"Ha ha ha ha."

On Weibo, there is a lot of compliments.

The joys of Zhang Wei and Wu Zeqing, the entire entertainment circle has been shaken!

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