I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1418: [Li Anxu was also photographed back! 】

the next day.

On Monday morning, Zhang Hao came to work.

"Zhang Dao, early!"

"You were fire again yesterday."

"Yeah, the country has swiped the screen!"

"The headline, the front page, all are ours!"

"Li Anxu is unlucky this time."

"That car brand is even more unlucky, this time into a brand crisis!"

"Yes, everyone is waiting for a result."

"Zhang Dao, how do you and Rao Sister open the glass?"

"Yeah, tell us, many people on the Internet are guessing."

The atmosphere in the studio is very happy. Every employee here likes this atmosphere. It also has a special sense of belonging. There are very few employees who resign or change jobs. The reason is here, in other star studios or entertainment companies, where? Have the opportunity to see this fun every day? There are still more bonuses and less work. Even if I say that I am an employee of Zhangye Studio, my peers and friends will look at them a lot.

Zhang Wei was idle with them for a long time.

At this time, Haqiqi came, "Zhang Dao."

Zhang Wei looked at her and smiled: "Old ha, what?"

Haqiqi wiped the sweat, "What, something."

Zhang Wei asked: "What, say?"

Haqiqi hesitated for a long time, crying and laughing: "I just came over and stopped the car, Xiao Yang came over, did not speak, just stared at my car, that is the bulletproof car you just gave me and the old left I can see that this hair is in my heart, I am scared."

Zhang Yihan said: "Is there something?"

Over there, Zhang Zuo also came to work, his face was a bit flustered.

Zhang Wei looked at him, "Hey, old left?"

"Hey Zhang, I am looking for you." Zhang Zuocheng was shocked and said: "I was scared of me just now. I just stopped the car downstairs. I happened to have a call. I picked it up and hit it. Five minutes, the result was a black shadow outside the window. I knocked at the window of my car and touched it. I thought it was a car. When I got off the bus, it was actually Xiao Yang. I asked her to dry up. She doesn't talk, it's like a magic barrier!"

Zhang Wei: "..."

This sister!

It doesn't really make people worry about her!

Zhang Yi suddenly said: "Oh, I know, I criticize her."

He immediately called Yang Lan on a phone call. "What are you doing with the downstairs?"

Yang Shuzui, "Nothing."

Zhang Yan said with a face: "You are not allowed to wander around the old rut of Lao Ha, you are frightened by others."

Yang Lan sighed.

Zhang Weidao: "Remember not?"

Yang Xin said: "I listen to my brother."

"Well, this is right." Zhang Wei smiled.

When Yang Lan left, Zhang Hao called Haqiqi and Zhang Zuo. "Okay, I have already said to Xiao Yang. Don't worry, my words still work."

Haqiqi smiled and said: "I am really afraid that she will marry my car."

Zhang Hao haha ​​smiled. "No, Xiao Yang people are a little bit stunned, but"

I was talking about it, and suddenly there was a bang from the downstairs. It seemed to be the movement of the fist on something, and the sound of the vehicle siren also came!

Everyone is familiar with this voice, it is the alarm of Zhang Hao's BMW 5!

Zhang Hao's face changed greatly and opened the window!

Everyone has also looked at the window blankly!

I saw Yang Lanzheng biting his fist with some pain, standing next to BMW.

Zhang Hao roared, "Yang Yang! You give me up!"

Two minutes later, Yang Lan went upstairs.

Zhang Hao’s head is just a sigh of relief. “You want to mad at me! You are not talking to you, you are far from the old left car!”

Yang Lan said faintly: "I didn't touch their car."

Zhang Wei vomits blood, "My car doesn't work either!"

Everyone laughed at the side!

Zhang’s BMW is also an armored car!

Yang Weidao: "I just try."

Zhang Weidao: "What are you trying to do! Eat my flowers, I live with me, and still lick my car? You are going to die! Why don't you go to other people's cars?"

Yang Lan said: "I don't have to lose money for someone else's car."

Zhang Hao almost fainted in the past, "Isn't it a money for me?"

This white sister, how born is less than a rib!

Zhang Hao is also idle, and he counts down Yang Lan for one morning. He also punishes Yang Lan for his step in his office. Finally, he does not know who told Rao Aimin that Lao Rao can’t stand it. He gave "rescue" away, or Zhang Hao also punishes her station.



Things finally came out!

And this result has once again triggered an uproar!

Radio and TV is involved!

The Quality Supervision Bureau is involved!

Consumer associations are involved!

Multi-institutions are fully involved in the investigation and investigate and deal with a series of problems such as quality problems, false advertisements and false marketing of Korean automobile brands!

In the afternoon.

TV advertisement.

Bus station advertising.

Subway station advertising.

All the advertisements that Li Anxu endorsed all called to stop!

At this point, Li Anxu returned to the Chinese market in the form of advertising for only two days, and was taken back by Zhang Yi, and because the problem of the car brand is also related to the image of Li Anxu, Zhang Wei’s shot, estimated Li Anxu I can't return to the Chinese stage in the year!


Car brand side.


"The Chinese market is too dark!"

"It's too unfriendly!"

"The shady, all **** is a shady!"


Li Anxu team.

"Really got off the shelf?"

"How could this be?"

"It’s too embarrassing! This Zhang Hao is too embarrassed!"

"In the Chinese market, can we really get in?"

"Cry, cry! How can there be such a bastard!"



Chinese netizens are fond of hearing.

"Great people!"

“This brand has been a Chinese consumer!”

"Yeah, I thought I wouldn't know you when I changed my vest?"

"Li Anxu is too back!"

"Since he dared to play Chinese fans, he had to be conscious of being bombarded!"

"This time it’s really a face!"

"Yeah, the advertisement only lasted for two days, so I was beaten back and pulled back!"


Soon, the news also passed back to Japan and South Korea.

The Korean media suddenly exploded, shouting!

"Korean brand China is blocked! 》

"Zhang Yu again messed up! 》

"Zhang Hao handcuffs bulletproof car? 》

"Zhang Wei: A stream that does not scatter! - Hey! 》

Originally, the day before yesterday, Li Anxu was arbitrarily advertised in China. Many Japanese and Korean stars rekindled the idea of ​​entering the Chinese market. As a result, when the news came out, they all took a breath of cold air, as if there was a pot of cold water poured over On their heads!

Zhang Wei!

This is Zhang Hao!

How can he fight so!

How can he be so messed up!

Park Jae-hyun was beaten back!

Jin Zhican was beaten back!

Kimura is also being beaten back!

Now, Li Anxu has also been beaten back!

How is this still playing?

And the most violent thing for the Japanese and Korean people is that the Asian popularity of Zhang Hao’s Asian popularity is still growing steadily that night!

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