I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1420: [Zhang Wei’s bad idea! 】

in the afternoon.

He went back to the studio.

Everyone is working, and it is quite unexpected.

"Zhang Gui?"

"How come you?"

"Don't you say rest for two days?"

"Yeah, this is only a long time."

"Ah, is there something wrong?"

"Who is calling again?"

I changed the studio of other stars, and there are so many things happening every day, and no one can stand it. It’s enough for them to drink a pot in half a year. However, Zhangye’s studio is different. Here, if there is not one or two major events in a week, they are not called Zhang Wei’s studio. This is the problem center of the entire Asian entertainment circle. There is a big movement!

Zhang Xiaoxiao, "Nothing happened."

The crowds were relieved and "scared us."

Zhang Wei immediately said: "Come, open a meeting."

meeting room.

Everyone is seated.

Zhang Wei asked: "Old left, how are we doing?"

Zhang Zuo smiled and said: "Although there are restrictions on Japan and South Korea, our situation is still very good. Asian popularity has risen a bit yesterday."

Haqiqi smiled and said: "The more we are, the more popular we are."

Xiao Wang is flattering: "Zhang Guiwei! Zhang guide is amazing!"

Zhang Yule said: "Get it, how to listen is not like good words."

Zhang Zuo said: "If you follow this trend, even if Japan and South Korea have not released the restrictions, we can stand very steady on the Asian star list, and we can continue to go up, but just want to If you want to reach the top of Asia, hey, it may still be difficult, and it will take a long time."

Zhang Yan said, "So it is not enough now, can't satisfy the status quo."

Haqiqi looked at him. "What do you mean?"

Zhang Wei said: "Now it has become such a thing, and there is no way to end it. Then we will do it with them, but they always call them, I fight back, they call again, I will fight back, old. No, it doesn’t mean much. It can’t solve the fundamental problem. It’s an improvement to our popularity. But if you want to climb to Asia, this is still too small. It’s not enough. We need more impact and soaring. Do something more impactful, so I think we need to change our strategy. We can't wait for them to come over. Let's take the initiative to fight out!"

Can't be beaten passively?

This idea really makes sense.

Wu Yi stunned, "Call out?"

Tong Fu also said: "How do you fight now?"

Zhang Zuodao: "Isn't the restriction order placed there?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Then circumvent the restriction order. They limit my name. I am a person, but if I change my name, who knows me?"

Everyone did not understand.

Change name?

How to change?

Is it a pen name?

Haqiqi: "Where is that going?"

Zhang Xiao smiled. "There are two choices, one for Japan and one for South Korea. Which country should you start with? Let's talk about it."

Wu Yidao: "If you really fight, then it is still Korean."

Tong Fu Yi, "This is a familiar one, and I have been playing with them for many years."

Zhang Zuo also said: "Yes, Korean is familiar with us."

Zhang Yan said: "Very good, I have already decided, first hit Japan!"

Everyone fainted!


Then what are you asking us?

You are not extra listening to our opinions!

Hazziqi asked, "So, how do you fight?"

Before Zhang Hao did not know how to start, but the afternoon draw gave him a brand new idea, opened his eyes and vision, since he has not taken the usual path, it is simply not the end, other people's star The road is not suitable for him, then he will find a new way!



The answer is already clear!

Zhang Wei smiled mysteriously. "We want to play and play a big ticket. We don't touch the small line of small business. It doesn't have any popularity. You think about it, the most popular in Japan, the most eye-catching, Which is the most concerned industry that is far ahead of other countries and sold throughout Asia?"

Zhang Zuoyi, "What are you saying?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao said: "Yes."

Hazzizi stunned. "You want it?"

Zhang Yan smiled and nodded. "Yes."

Xiao Wang was shocked: "You want to shoot -a-film?"


Zhang Hao almost fell from the chair and said: "I shoot your sister's a-chip!"

Xiao Wang said: "Are you not talking about Japan's most watched industry?"

Zhang Wei is faint, "Is this? I tell you! You will show me less of that film in the future!"

Xiao Wang was ashamed and his face was red. "I haven't seen it!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone in the conference room was laughing.

Xiao Wang hurriedly said, "What are you talking about?"

Haqiqi smiled and smiled. "What is Zhang Zhang talking about?"

Zhang Yi took a table and said: "Look at the old man! Look at the people! Comics! Comics, comrades! Take this as a breakthrough. I want all Japanese to know me. I want to stir them up! Comics, let's do this today!"

Zhang Zuanhan said: "You are not kidding?"

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "Do you see me like a joke?"

Xiao Wangdao: "You can't speak Japanese."

Zhang Wei opened his mouth: ") (...¥¥#."

Xiao Zhou said, "Is this Japanese?"

Tong Fu called me, "When did you learn?"

Zhang Xiao smiled. "I just learned, I have a strong learning ability. Japanese is relatively simple in many languages ​​and I am eager to learn."

Good to learn?

That is not so fast!

Everyone will be suspicious.

Xiao Wang wipes the sweat, "Can you never see your painting?"

Zhang Weidao: "You, haven't seen much, anyway, the tone is set. In this year, the rating of this Asian super-star, we are bound to win, I know that the comics have not touched this field, but It doesn't matter, everything has a skill to make it happen. Everyone uses their own channels to get through the relationship and prepare for the big things that follow. Right, pay attention to confidentiality. Don't let anyone know that when you connect with the Japanese comics agency. Also absolutely guarantee that the identity will not be revealed, otherwise you will not have to play."

He has been stunned for a long time.

All the talents secretly took a breath.

Come true?

Is this true?

Can you really draw comics? Almost all of this area is dominated by the Japanese.

However, looking at Zhang Wei’s confident appearance, everyone did not say anything. If you can really enter the Japanese market by comics and fill the popularity of the entire Japanese people, then it’s really another way. The ranking on the Asian popularity list is also Definitely will advance by leaps and bounds! Ok, then come on!

As a result, Zhang Hao’s next sentence made everyone collapse!

Zhang Wei, who was about to leave the conference room, suddenly turned back. "Oh, what tools are used to draw comics?"


"You don't know what to do?"

"I am dizzy!" (To be continued., your support is my biggest motivation.) 17-01-2211:05:46

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