I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1430: [Asakusa Hotel is surrounded again! 】

That night.


When the news came back to China, many people got the news from the Japanese media. Countless people were stunned, and their jaws were about to fall off!



Circle of friends.

All exploded at this moment!


"Zhang Ye scolded twenty Japanese stars?"

"Location address exposure?"

"Asakusa Hotel is surrounded by Japanese?"

"More than 30 police officers were dispatched?"

"Damn! My Zhang Er is awesome!"

"This this"

"Hahahahaha, good job!"

"Master Zhang is too awesome-awesome! My idol! Too ruthless!"

"I'm paralyzed! I knew it! I knew Zhang Ye's angry youth, how could that professional scam guy live in the Asakusa Hotel at the cusp of the storm for no reason! I should have thought of it long ago! ! This guy made it clear that he was going to make trouble! Hahahahaha!"

"It's great fun now!"

"Repost everyone! There is a lot of fun!"

"Master Zhang has done it!"

"There is no sign. I didn't say anything before I slapped my face. How come such a big reversal happened suddenly! I saw him staying at the Asakusa Hotel before, and I called him unpatriotic!"

"This is Zhang Ye. When he can do it, he never moves his mouth!"

"How is it going over there now?"

"I don't know, wait for the news!"



My mother fainted.

Dad is speechless.

Wu Zeqing laughed when he saw the news.


Old Yaojia.

Yao Jiancai was dumbfounded.

Yao Mi was dumbfounded.

Yao Jiancai's wife held her forehead and couldn't laugh or cry.


Zhang Ye's studio.

Zhang left his forehead with sweat.

Wu Yi quickly called Ha Qiqi to ask about the situation.

Other left-behind employees are also in a hurry.

Some people have gotten used to it, and some people can’t get used to it now. Zhang Ye has troubles as soon as he goes out, small things happen when he goes out, and big things happen when he goes out. The farther he goes, the bigger things become. One accident, not one time!



the next day.

Tokyo, Japan.

No words for a night, calm and calm.

When Zhang Ye woke up at 7 o'clock in the morning, he stretched his waist and looked at his watch, got out of bed, brushed his teeth and washed his face, and then went to the hotel restaurant for free breakfast.

In the restaurant, there are already a lot fewer people, and many people checked out yesterday.

Zhang Ye found an empty table and sat down, eating for himself.

At this time, the dining guests and hotel staff also saw him.

"Zhang Ye!"

"it's him!"

"He was the one who made trouble yesterday!"

"This guy is so hateful!"

"Yeah, I also read what he said in the social circle! I have seen someone who can offend people, but he has never seen someone who can offend people like this!"

"Twenty stars!"

"This man is too hateful!"

"Why is he still living? The hotel didn't blast him away?"

Over there, the president came again with someone. After seeing Zhang Ye, his expression changed and his eyes were dark, but he didn't say anything, but chatted with other guests.

"President, what's the matter?"

"Why hasn't he gone yet?"

"How many days does he want to stay? Check out for him!"

"Yes, he caused the trouble!"

Everyone said one after another.

The president said in his heart that I also want to blast him away, but the point is that I can’t go away because there is someone behind him. But the words are not like this, "Any guest staying in, we must do our best to provide the best service, this is the consistent purpose of our hotel."

Not long.

The president led people out.

But when he passed by Zhang Ye, Zhang Ye, who was eating with his head down, spoke again, "Have you considered the two things I said?"

The president and entourage shook their faces.

Zhang Ye said as he ate, "If you don't think about it, think about it."

The president sneered: "You thought we were afraid of you because of this mess? Then you too underestimated us! Don't talk about the number of people yesterday, even if the number of people who came five times ten times, we can bear it. , Isn’t it just a few guests? What's the loss? Ha! If we even put this little money in our eyes, that would be a joke!"

Everyone in the hotel secretly glanced at the president.


You weren't like that yesterday!

Yesterday’s loss, you can jump and scold your mother!

They understand that the president is supporting the momentum.

Zhang Ye nodded, said "OK", and continued to eat.

The president chuckled coldly, and walked away with a swagger.

After eating breakfast, Zhang Ye also strolled upstairs by the elevator, entered the house, put hot water in the bathtub, and went in for a hot bath.

five minutes.

ten minutes.

Zhang Ye wiped it out, made a cup of tea, and then sat in front of the computer.


President's Office.

"Is the tour group coming?"

"It's almost here."

"Okay, it must be received well."

"We understand."

"Don't worry about Zhang Ye. He hadn't made any noise after such a big disturbance yesterday. He should have been honest in the past few days."

Looking at the sky outside, the president squinted and smiled. The weather is rarely so good and the sun is shining brightly. Today's business should be good.

Suddenly, someone opened the door and came in!

"President! Here comes someone!"

"What are you shouting? Isn't that the person in the tour group? Has it arrived?"

"Not a tour group! Look at it!"

Everyone in the room was taken aback!

The president and a few high-level managers sighed in their hearts, hurriedly ran to the window and opened them to look down. At this sight, a few people almost sat on the ground!

One hundred people!

A thousand people!

Two thousand people!

An angry crowd came from all directions!

The president was stunned, "Didn't the police deal with it yesterday?"

The hotel executives were shocked, "I'm grass! Why are you here again?"

One person suddenly pointed to the computer and shouted: "Oh my God! Look! Look online!"

The president and others all came over and took a look, and a mouthful of old blood came out!


Yamada Akira's social circle.

Zhang Ye's message:

"What's wrong with you?"

Positioning: Tokyo, Asakusa Hotel.


Fujiwara social circle.

Zhang Ye's message:

"What's wrong with you?"

Positioning: Tokyo, Asakusa Hotel.


All Zhang Ye!

The Japanese social circle is full of Zhang Ye!

It's not a dozen or twenty stars this time!

This time, on this day, Zhang Ye was crazy about a hundred Japanese stars!

The president's office suddenly heard the sound of cursing!

"Your uncle!"

"The surname is Zhang! You are paralyzed!"

"Crazy! The surname Zhang is crazy!"

"Oh my God!"

"Close the door! Hurry!"

"Call the police! Call the police first!"

"Zhang Ye, your sister, me!"

"You **** kill yourself! Don't pull us down!"

There are more and more people outside!

Many people scolded while standing outside the hotel!

In the end, the crowd reached several thousand people, five times ten times the number of yesterday!

Several high-level executives looked at the president with bitterness, what are you doing with Zhang Ye? People who come five times are not afraid? People who come ten times are okay?


He really got it for you! , Your support is my greatest motivation. )17-01-3110:50:20

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